Chapter 40: Memory's Whisper: Part 2: Zanado

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- 1,000 years ago -

With mischief in her eyes, the young girl grinned as she managed to sneak a book away from her uncle Cichol as she ran to the forest near the waterfall. The forest of lush green, colorful fishes swimming in the waters, a few fae nearby as well as the merfolk who loved to swim. She sat on a fallen tree log as she took out the book from her purse. The girl giggled as she looked at the cover, the book just waiting to be opened and her to explore new things. She opened the first page and blinked.

"This isn't the language of Nabateans....grrr...." the girl pouted as her feathers fluttered a bit frustrated.

"Chirp chirp chirp!!" She looked over to her right to see a little blue tarantula with blue patterns and its little 8 eyes.

The girl smiled as she extended her hand to it, it crawled up her arms and made itself comfortable on her shoulder, it began squeaking or chirping yet to her it sounded like human language. She smiled as she looked up her head with joy in her eyes.

"Speedy!!! You're back!! Did you find the herb I was looking for?" She said.

"(Of course, I did Cirina!!! You can count on me!!)" The tarantula called Speedy said as it proudly lifted one leg.

"Yay!! I want to try out a new potion!! Hmmm.....think Aunty Noa could help out?" Cirina said as Speedy thought for a moment.

"(Well, you could always ask Cethleann.....?)" He said a bit unsure and Cirina shook her head.

"Bad idea!! I don't need Uncle Cichol scolding me. But....." she looked back to the book, and could understand a bit of the language, "We could try this." She pointed to sentence that spoke about voices, "Let's try making our voice, big!!!" She extended her hands in a circular motion, "Let's make our voice lllooouuuuddd!!! Very loouuuuddd!! S-Sonikkk??? Scream I think the book says??" Cirina muttered as she looked over to the waterfall.

"(Sonic scream. That's how you properly say it.)" Speedy sighs as he patted her head with leg or arm.

"Say Speedy, you'll always be with me, right?" Cirina said suddenly.

"(Of course, I will!!! I'm not about to leave you behind squirt!!)" Speedy said as Cirina cupped her hands together and he jumped onto then, turning to face her, "(After all, you're the Queen of Spiders!!!! And I am your loyal friend and servant!!)" He said to her.

"Whoa whoa. Since when am I the queen of spiders?" Cirina blinked multiple times at him.

"(Well, since the day you saved me from nearly getting turned to a pancake by Serios and Cethleann.)" Speedy chirped happily and Cirina rolled her eyes at him.

"Okay, okay. But I don't like the title "Queen of Spiders". How about......The Spider Whisperer?" She said with sparkles in her eyes.

"(Really? How about Lady Arachne?)" He said bluntly to her.

"You know what? I like that better." The girl giggled happily as she picked up a small meal worm from the dirt and gave it to him.

Speedy chirped happily and began to eat it in bliss.

- Present time: Harpstring Moon: May 29th -

"Perfect timing Professor!!! We just received words from the knights. They have located the bandits." Edelgard said as Arisa and the others arrived at the auditorium early in the morning.

A few students were still partly dozy since it was 6 in the morning, the sun just barely at its peaks, yet many were confused at why Arisa wore her full covered cloak as well as her hair was tied in her usual high ponytail.

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