Chapter 10: Duscur Dawn: Part 2: Cries of Shadows

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Arisa hated hunting. Arisa hated killing. Put her in charge of a hunting group, they more than likely to have a hunt. What none of those people knew what that the girl with the mentality of an adult, absolutely hated the sight of blood. One, because the majority of her previous life was spent in a hospital room. Two, she would often be coughing or vomiting blood similar to Okita Souji from the Fate Series. Three, she lived in peaceful times during the modern era. There was no need to hunt to survive. Much less, you didn't have to worry constantly that you could be killed. So, the actual task of killing always made her want to vomit. Weather it may be a human or animal. Or any kind of life. So, how does the girl cope each time she has to kill? She shuts down her mind and enters a void-less phase of no emotions. Her eyes and face become cold as stone, no emotions. She lets her survival instincts take over as she temporary locks away her humanity. Even so, it always leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. Since her first kill 2 years ago, Arisa mutters a prayer to each soul before she takes their life.

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Jeralt sighed in defeat as pointed to inside the wagon. His daughter was just like her mother. Wild and free. Rosa was the same despite never being allowed to leave the monastery grounds. She would manage ways to sneak out though.

"As long as you complete your studies for these past months, you're allowed to continue with us. Got it?" He said to her sternly to her.

Arisa nodded.

"Good. For now, you'll help me hunt something for us to eat. This is a good opportunity to teach you to catch bigger prey." Jeralt said.

Arisa was always hesitant when it came to hunting. She wasn't a big fan of killing animals, but she understood that it was need for survival. Especially in this world since it was almost that of medieval times. She came from a world of peaceful times after all. She fixed her rapier that was gifted to her on her 7th birthday on her waist. Her father approving, she would master the sword as she gets older. She also grabbed her silver bow that was given to her by Sandy and the dagger from Florencio. She learned that the dagger came from the Kingdom. Funny. The tradition of those from Faerghus was to gift a dagger as symbol to cut one's own path. She was having some Edelgard and Dimitri flashbacks from the game. She sighed while the rest of the team stayed behind to help set up the camp. Jeralt, Arisa, Yofos and Temes left towards the forest. She noticed Sothis fly a head to have a look out. She did overhear that they needed to be careful because there may be wolves.

"The suns still out. We need to hurry or else it will become difficult to hunt at night." Temes said from above them.

He was jumping from tree to tree. Temes was from Hyrm territory in the Empire. He grew tired of the injustice going on and left/forced himself out. He was an orphan as a child and eventually became a mercenary. He later joined Jeralt's company at age 13, Imperial year 1160. It's been 6 years and he is the 3rd youngest in the company. He is currently 19 years old. As for Ares, he came from the Kingdom. He is the son of a former knight. He wanted to live a free life and not be held down by the codes of chivalry. Unfortunately, Arisa must describe the man a bit similar to Merlin from the Fate Series. Minus him being a half incubus of course. He's a normal human with a damn skirt chaser attitude. But most of the time he is respectful like a knight. Yofos came from Brigid. He's Zach's older cousin from his mother's side. He's older than him by 2 years. Meaning he's almost 30. Oh, a lot of people like to tease him because of who's he married to. The thing is, the man is married but to another man but also has a woman. Yeah, it's complicated. He has a wife and husband, basically an open relationship. His husband and wife are honestly amazing people and at times, Arisa likes to call them aunty and uncle. Unfortunately, his wife had the same love of frilly dresses like Sandy, which terrified Arisa. Luckily his husband always saves her and bakes her sweets. As for Jorah, he came from overseas, from a country called Hyras. It's between Sreng and Albinea. It was also known as the Country of Flowers. Many of the foreign flowers come imported from there and Jorah as a merchant from there. He chose to become a mercenary because he needed another source of financial support. He's still learning to talk the language of Fodlan and he has improved a lot over the years.

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