Chapter 30: Eternal Flames: Part 1:The Second Crack

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The single quality that is common across every living fear. It is funny, as common as fear is...we so easily underestimate its power. Fear of growing close to someone. The subsequent fear of loss. Fear of failures and as more people depend on you, those fears can take on greater powers. But fear itself isn't worthy of concern. It is who we become while in its clutches. Will you be proud of that person? Will you forgive them? Will you understand why they felt the need to do the things they did? Will you even recognize them? Or will the person staring back at you should have been the very thing you feared from the start? I suppose we all find out, sooner or later. - Professor Ozpin: Rwby


I always wonder....what it was like to be alive.... Of course, I have always been alive. Perhaps it was my sickly body that made me grow secretly bitter towards those who were normal. Ufu....Honestly....up till now I'm beginning to reminiscence again of my past life. Truthfully, I was bitter. I was jealous of everyone. I was jealous of my family who were all born with healthy bodies. I was jealous of my friends who were able to go out and play in the sun. Bitter....I was bitter....ahhhhhhhhhh........lonely....I feel so lonely....I hate the cold...I hate the cold......I hate the cold.....

Warm....warm.....ahhhhhhhh!!! I remember how warm the sun was!! How it touched my skin when I was finally able to take my first steps outside the hospital room!! Aahhhhhhhhhh!!! was so happy!!! I wasn't bitter!! I wasn't bitter anymore!! I'm cured! I'm cured!! I'm cured!! I dance!! I can sing!!! I can run!!! I can taste it!!! Aaaahhhhhhh!!!! I'm free I'm free!!! I can be normal!!! I can go to school!! I can make friends!!!I'm alive!

Ahahahahaha!!! Too bad!!


Normal? Please!!!!! As if we were normal in the first place!!! You think you can escape this cursed fate of ours?!!? I think not!!! Never forget our loneliness!! Never forget our bitterness!! Never forget our jealousy!! Never forget the sick white walls where we lived for the first 13 years of our lives!!! Because this is where we will die!!! Alone!! In the cold!! Just like we were meant to!!

Stop! Stop!! Stop!!!

I don't want to return there!! I don't want to return to those rooms!!! I don't want to be alone again!!! I hate it!!! I don't want to be alone!!! I don't want to be in the cold anymore!!! I don't want to leave my friends!! I don't want to leave my family!! I don't want to return to the cold!!! Stop stop stop!!!

Too bad. The cold and being alone is where we belong.


"Please......strike me down....before I HURT YOUR ALL!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!"

- Ethereal Moon: December 30th -

"Alright, let's go!! I don't have all day dammit!!" With documents, maps, letters, even books, Emily's office was a complete mess, which was extremely rare.

Things have just been a complete rush and a celebratory day for her.

"So, Cornelia has been fired?" Arisa could barely contain the excitement in her voice as Emily was writing a letter.

The older woman smirked proudly as the memory of what happened earlier this morning came back to her. The lords of the Kingdom gathered, and King Lambert spoke of his decision. It has been on the minds of many and today, it was time for the choice to be made. Though Lady Patricia protested it, but the king has made his final decision.

"Cornelia, I truly thank you for everything you have done for our people and family. However, over the past 7 years, your reputation has plummeted, the rumors that have been said and, the suspension of the death of Lord Alexander and your daughter is hanging over your head. You have lost the trust of most of the people and also me and Lords. For this, we have come to the discussion you are hereby dismissed from the court of the royal family. You will no longer be the head of the Magic Academy, as well as the lands of Aubin will be taken." He said to the complete look of horror Cornelia had.

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