Chapter 6: Mourning Souls: Memories Blur

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Deep, deep, in her mind, the small little voice giggled.

"Shshshshshshshsh....How sweet...."

It always whispered. It so faint. Far too faint. She could not understand it at all. Yet, it was there. Always there.... her mind gripped at everything to keep that string of sanity intact. Still....

"Don't you want this to be over...

[ ----- ]


As if time stopped with the sound of a single heart pulse, Arisa saw the world become slow through her eyes. The cackling slowed down; her father's running steps began to become still as stone. The snow that he stepped on became still in the air. The looks of horror became frozen on the faces of the adults. The children looking their direction in shock. The small yet barely noticeable smirk Cornelia had turned to one of shock. Dimitri's face of terror was still as stone. Everything around her became still as stone. The entire place turned purple, seeming as time swirled back.

"What?" Arisa looked around the area she was in, she quickly stood up, recognizing the stone room.

"What were you thinking you fool?!" Sothis roared down from her throne as she abruptly stood up and pointed a finger down at her like some executioner.

"I'm sorry!! It was the first reaction I had!!!" Arisa countered back.

She really did not wish to face or ever see the wrath of Sothis in her life.

"Honestly, what are you accomplishing with that little stunt?! It's like you're trying to get me killed, you fool!!" Sothis yelled furiously.

She really was furious. This idiot thinks she could save the child by giving her life?! Has she forgotten that the two of them are one?! That technically they are the same person!!?

"I'm sorry." Arisa muttered as she looked down to the ground in shame.

It was just that natural instinct to protect someone. It was something that was always with her. It's always her first reaction when she sees someone she cares about in danger. That instinct to protect.

"Sigh...well it's fine. After all, if you don't know the value of your own life, you're not going to protect it very well, are you? " Sothis sighed as she sat back down and rubbed her eyes.

"Sigh...course not. Ha!! Such arrogance!! You may be an adult spiritually but are you truly one?!" The goddess scolds the girl.

Arisa gritted her teeth. Did she value her life? No... she does...does she?

"You pushed the young boy and let the tree branch fall on you!!!" She said.

"Yet, all is well, as I have stalled the flow of time for now. You would have died had I not intervened." Sothis sighed with arms crossed.

"Think hard what your next move will be. The position of the assassin. The position of the boy. The distance. The speed. The earth. The wind. The scent. The touch. Think of every single detail before you take the next steps. This is only temporary." Sothis said as she saw the gears in the girl turn.

Arisa nodded and then it hit her. That's it...that's it!!!

"Sothis, I know what to do but you're still going to be mad at me most likely." She said.

"It better not cost us our life." The goddess argued angrily.

"No, it won't. At most a few bruises." Arisa said with a nervous chuckle.

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