Chapter 34: Boiled: Part 2: Growing Wings

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Maybe it was the wind. Maybe it was the sun. Maybe it was because he wasn't used to being on an old school ancient ship from the days of the Mayflower? Whatever it was, he was feeling sick to his stomach while his older sister looked like sweet sunshine that just rose from the horizon because she wasn't seasick compared to him. Even Red Hare, Feh and surprisingly Blanca looked like they did this million times. He's angry at himself. This world, he lived his entire life as noble, so going to ships and traveling and such was a rare thing. He had a happy life till 1174. He and Edelgard were forced to leave with their uncle and mother while the rest of their siblings were forced to stay behind. Hit by reality like a damn truck. Then the sudden change in the environment, living in the Kingdom, his mother remarrying, the addition of 3 new step siblings? It was too much at once. He had closed himself off and only opened to his little sister and surprisingly Hubert.

Then he met Dimitri and Lestia.

He still remembers the day the young boy found him training by himself in the training fields of the palace. It was a harsh winter and he wasn't used to it. It had been 3 months since he was living at the palace. He was going to meet his new siblings that day which he honestly was not looking forward too. As he trained in the snow, thrusting the wooden lance with such force that even made some snow melt. He accidentally used Tempest Lance, but he didn't give a damn at that point. He was a child, he young (he still is) made a bunch of irrational choices but thankfully it wasn't the rebellious phase that he went through in his old world. He threw the lance onto the floor and began throwing punches. Back then, the word "boxing" was foreign to him even if he knew all the movements and punches and such when he did them training. He felt eyes watching him, but he did not care as he kept throwing punches, grunts made even yells. Then he began to throw inhuman high kicks and all that was racing through his mind was how did he know all these foreign combat techniques, but he did not care. A feeling of relief filled him when he was doing them. He stopped and panted hard, trying to catch his breath till he heard time footsteps approaching him. The older boy had turned to see a young girl with a maiden haircut, azure eyes, and wearing blue winter clothing. Timid they were and he can tell they wanted to say something.

"Little lass, are you lost?" Those had to be the words that left his mouth.

Dimitri because a stuttering mess and it took him 13 seconds to realize his mistake because not too far, booming laughter of a real little girl was heard and turned to see a girl who was the splitting image of the now boy, except her hair was curled and tied with blue and pink ribbons, also wearing the same clothing.

"Hey, hey!!" Her cheerful voice threw a bit off guard that it put him on edge, "So you're Lady Patricia's son huh? You're the same age as big brother Zander! Uffufu!!! My twin brother and I noticed someone training in this ice-cold weather which is extremely rare. I never seen those combat techniques!!! Oohh!!! Are you a professional War Monk!!!? Ooohh!!! Grappler?" The girl said excitedly as she bounced around him like a rabbit.

"Lestia, stop. You're being improper." The boy said as the one now called Lestia stopped bouncing and stuck her tongue out at him.

"You're no fun Dimitri!!!" Lestia said to the boy Dimitri, who sent her a glare.

"Heh." The two siblings turned when they heard the small laugh come from the older boy, who was trying to stifle his laughter but unfortunately was failing miserably.

"No manches.....esta si es bien traviesa...." he said in the foreign language he somehow already knew since he was born.

Lestia and Dimitri blinked as they heard him speak, the young girl was curious about such strange language, it piqued her interest.

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