Chapter 7: Tropical Winds: Part 1: Stop at Dadga

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After returning to Remire Village, Arisa was welcomed by good yelling from the village elder, Bara. The old woman was a bit taller than her and had tan wrinkly skin, wore a red cloak, and had a cane with an eagle head carved on it. The old woman was beyond furious once her eyes landed on the young girl that mounted off the young red pegasus. Her grandson, Zach, began praying to the sky gods to protect Lady Byleth from his grandmother's wrath. A few of the villagers by were watching and they too, began to pray but to the Goddess of Fodlan. The minute the Elder and Arisa made eye contact, the girl bolted and hid behind her father.

"Young youngsters these think you can sneak away?! Why I ought to throw you into the boat and send you Fodlan's Fangs at this rate!!" The old small woman barked as she pointed her wooden cane at Arisa, who desperately hid behind her father.

"Grandma.....I am really..really sorry..." Arisa said as she peaked from behind her father.

A few of the villagers laughed while a few were a bit nervous because of the harsh way the old woman was scolding the child. No one blamed her though. Elder Bara has been the village elder for over 50 years and unlike other elders who were very well open that they hated outsiders that were not from Fodlan, she was a kind but strict woman that had Fodlan and Birgid blood running through her veins. She looked more like her father minus her reddish purplish pale hair. She was caring woman who took care of the children in the village. She also greatly respected Jeralt and his company for the things they have done for the village.

"Don't let it happen again!" Elder Bara said.

Jeralt sighed at this and spoke.

"Elder Bara, I can assure you that this won't happen again. If my daughter sneaks away again, I can guarantee she will be punished properly." Jeralt said.

"I hope so!!! Honestly, she reminds of you in your younger days! Seriously, I hope she doesn't get your drinking habits!" The elder said and sighed.

"Papa, what does she mean by your drinking habits?" Arisa asked and saw Sandy and Florencio cover their mouths.

Truthfully, the two were trying not to laugh because they knew very well how Jeralt gets when he drinks. The man coughed and just ruffled his daughter's hair.

"Nothing you need to know kid." He said.

"Grandma, can I make it up you?" Arisa said.

Elder Bara smiled a bit too cheerfully and all the villagers along with Jeralt and his team knew that smile far too well.

"Actually, you can." She smiled.

Arisa swore Florencio was going to make a run for it but was grabbed by the collar of his neck by his sister. The man wept and his doom was set.

"I am traveling to Birgid in two months. I think it's a good opportunity to teach you a lesson." She said.

Sothis was watching through the girl's human eyes and truly it was a sight to behold. The village elder was an interesting one. Strict yet kind. Harsh yet gentle. Cold yet warm. Someone the goddess could relate to.

"Oh. Umm....did you want me to watch the house and do chores while you are away? I can do that!! I promise to also feed the cats and I won't let Red Hare near the garden!" Arisa said and the said pegasus just neighed.

"Nothing like that child. You're coming with me." The elder said.

"It was nice knowing you Byleth!!" One of the village kids said and the other children told him to shut up.

"Pardon?" Arisa said shocked.

"You heard me child!! If you're going to be a mercenary like your father, you need experience!! Faerghus was one thing but the world outside Fodlan is a different story." The elder said and turned away to head back to her home.

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