43) Hold Me

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Rakshit's POV:

There are 365 days in a year, 12 months in a year, 4 weeks in a month, 7 days in a week, 24 hours in one day, 60 minutes in one hour and god damn 60 seconds in one minute,

And most poeple of New York had chosen this very time of the year to step out of their houses and create a massive jam.


Did someone kidnap their wives too?

Or is it the nature mocking on me that I'm pretty useless when it comes to saving my wife?

It took me 2.5 hours to reach the location the kidnapper told me. I wonder why would he let her go that easily. It meant that he was not after money, and if not money then what?

I got out from the car and started looking for her everywhere, asked people if they had spotted her nearby by showing her picture but the kidnapper didn't gave the exact location which impeded the process of finding her out.

The little feeling of angst kept piling up inside me until it completely jamed my mind when realization struck me hard.
I had been looking for her for two hours and thirty six minutes now and all thanks to the kidnapper who chose such a phenomenally small place to leave her. Note the sarcasm please.

She was all alone, which meant anything could happen to her owing to her smartmess, if I didn't get to her in time. My mind was floundering with every failing attempt to find her until one last ray of hope appeared helping me keep some equanimity.

A feeble 'Rakshit' was heard from somewhere, and it didn't take me any time to figure out who the owner of that voice was. I turned around my position to see a distressed and emotionless Drishti standing in front of me.

Her eyes held a certain weariness in them, her figure looked as if her body could leave her side anytime, the smile or the annoyance she held in her face was just gone as if it never existed.

"Drishti", I sighed in happiness and engulfed her in my arms once she was in front of me. Each and every moment that passed held it's own perfection, it's own solace and that made it so relieving. At this second, anger surged inside me, making me lose my calm and scream at her, "Where were you? I was so tensed. Why are this much stupid to go everywhere alone? Where have you been? Sometimes you climb the building top being Batman, sometimes you are about to kill me being doctor strange and what of today? Don't tell me you were trying to some superhero today too!"

I shook her harshly making her stumble off her position, but it failed to bring her out of her state of mind in which she was in."Say something Damn it!" I yelled again, shaking her by her shoulders.

Moisture appeared in her eyes while her lips quivered to form a word but stopped. She looked at me for a few seconds before taking a step towards me and putting her arms around my neck.

"Hey, what happened choco?" It was not everyday she did it.

But basically it was not that she got kidnapped everyday too.

I rubbed her back gently, running my other hand through her hairs at the same time.

"Just, take, me, home" she muttered each word syllable by syllabe and parted from the hug. "Please" her voice was low and it held something, something which I couldn't figure out.



We reached our floor without having any conversation on 'The' topic and got outside the lift. She wasn't ready to talk to me about anything. During our ride back home she didn't speak a word, she just slumped on the seat and closed her eyes for the whole journey.

After we got inside she made her way directly into the washroom. For the time being I needed to keep my query aside and make her feel safe, all that she would need now.

I arranged the blanket suitably on the bed, put a big bowl of chocolate icecream with chocolate chips and some Kisses beside her table and changed into a white buttoned up shirt and black trousers.

While she was busy in freshening up, I was standing outside with her towel and everything she would need after her bath. A few moments later there was a click sound and door opened. Her head got out of the open space and searched for me.

"Here" I handed the clothes and the towel over to her and waited outside till she stepped out.

Once again the door opened with that click sound and she came out wearing that white spaghetti shirt with black saggy bottoms I gave her, and hairs tied messily in a bun, with her flicks hung down her temples.

Passing me a low intensity smile she made her way into the room and fell on the bed with her face burried in the pillows and legs half down the bed. I chuckled seeing that something could change some part of her. Whatever might happen, she would always stick to herself and that's what I love about her.

I went and held her legs, arranging them suitably inside the blanket and sitting beside her. "Choco?"

"Hm" At least she replied.

"Are you okay?"


"What happened?"

Her back that had been arching with her heavy breaths, stopped instantly like something was wrong. Like a horror movie ghost she stood up straight and faced me, "Actually a group of Aliens just came to me and told me that I was going to be crowned their queen, and surprisingly they were aliens from another galaxy"


"Seriously?! Are you stupid or what? Don't you know what happened? What was the meaning of asking such a question? What came inside that empty cranium of yours? Who made you the CEO of your company! Just why! I will definitely ask dad to change his will and find someone intelligent to run the company!"

Before she would actually dig my grave for asking that question, I unwrapped a few Kisses and stuffed them inside her mouth.

Well, they were her favorites.

"Ok fine! I'm sorry for asking that"

"Hm" she hummed with her concentration fully fixed on her chocolates.

"Come here" I pulled her into my lap and rested her head on my chest, caressing her head and holding her close without trying to initiate any conversation for now. And all that time she was busy eating the chocolates and the ice cream with a somewhat less expression less face.

"Rakshit?" A pair of keen eyes fixed themselves on me and the owner of those those shrank more into me.

"What happened choco?"

"Can you do something for me?"

"Sure, what's it?"

"Just, hold me" Keeping aside the bowl she snuggled closer to me in a comfortable posture.

The way I saw the entire situation draw out the only conclusion, it had something major to do with her.

The chief question for now was,

Why is her only legal guardian an American and not an Indian?

Good evening and happy lohri

Hope you liked the update.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

The whole day there were no songs in our colony and now when I thought to study there are songs that won't let me @_@ Yesterday at tuition too I was listening to the songs more than what sir was teaching.

Stay healthy, stay happy and keep smiling.

God bless ya

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