1) The Interview

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This is not your regular senseful romance story. It misses logic at places and includes non-seriousness

This story is not for you

The female lead is a total crackhead. She speaks a lot, when I say a lot, it means a lot lot. The story was never aimed to be a meaningful romantic one. She crushes him from the day she first met him and that's a hardcore crush. You could find the fiend and angel annoying.

I'm seriously saying, you don't like this story, there is a back button in your phone, use it and leave the story.

Language used in this story is simple english with words and abbreviations created my own mind, but their meanings are clear.

Thanks a lot for checking this story out :)

The first chapter is close to trash :)

Drishti's POV:

I was in my deep slumber dreaming about my imaginary job which was the only thing occupying my mind these days. I had applied in approximately 12 companies and none of them was willing to let me in. When a company finally replied, it said "Sorry Miss but the position had been occupied by someone else. However we appreciate your resume"

I was like- bro! Keep that darn appreciation to yourself and make a soup out of it.

The alarm rang breaking my little trip to the flashback. As I checked my phone there was this one email that gained my attention, after reading it my happiness had no bounds, the short and long of it:-

"Appointed as Mr Shergill's PA. Report at the Shergill Group Of Companies at 10am sharp"

I guess it was true this time.

I looked up at the clock and noticed that it was 8am already. Getting out of my bed, I ran into the washroom and completed the work there. First impression is said to be the last impression and now I was gonna be late on my very first day which would leave like the best impression that I could make on my boss.

'Hey boss, I am your PA who will never be on time but still I will be sticking to this job like a lizard on the wall'

As soon as I was done brushing and bathing, I wore a simple black top with a pair of blue jeans and tied my hairs in a ponytail, applied mascara and light pink lipstick. Not like lots of makeup as I hated the false plastic beauty which would make girls a replica of barbie sometimes. But somewhere I liked being Annabelle. If makeup makes you feel beautiful, girl just apply it, but more makeup had always made me feel like I was nothing without it, so I was not a big fan of make up products. Skipping my breakfast, I ran straight out of my house and took my scooty.

But I did't even know the way to the Company and it was stupid of me to not check the location priorly.

I immediately checked my phone and got the address, remembered it and left for my office.

When I reached the company gate, I asked the watchman who wasn't so welcoming, to let me in. "Shoo...go away and do your work"

Did he just try to sho me away?

"I am Appointed as the CEO's PA. Can you please let me in?" I tried to say as calmly as possible but he wasn't that great again to reply in a civilised way.

"Many girls come and say the same thing. Try another trick" He said in an attitude like he was the boss here

"But it's true. Believe me I am his PA" I insisted on showing him my acceptance but he denied.

"And I am his guard dog" he said while smirking, The guts of this guy!! Even if how strong was the feeling of wanting to kill him, I stayed calm. What did he think of himself?

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