27) Snakes get punsihed

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Drishti's POV:

We returned back in a few hours which were countless for me. For all I kept thinking about was What was Jason doing there? After that or better say before that too he would text me sometimes asking if I was fine. Somewhere it was complicated. The most wierd text was

-Hey Drishti. Whatever happens, I am always with you. Just stay happy. Everything will be perfect pumkin.

The text definitely sounded wierd. I deleted it in an instant for I knew someone will not like it for sure. But him calling me pumkin wasn't weird. It sounded actually good. It's not like I was falling for him or something. It was like he was literally so good and caring.

Basically the days went quite well after that incident. Day after tomorrow we will be leaving for New York, my dream city. So exciting. But you know snakes spoil our mood. When we reached the office my snake sister was again in her seducing attire. This girl!

More to that fact this time her prey was none other than Rajesh. Poor Asmita! She's gonna kill that Lava. Rajesh was actually handsome. Not like the guards who have got 6 feet stomach going to fell on the ground or some ok ok looks. He had a perfectly chiseled face with a bold countenance and stupidity visible.

She was clinging to him like anything while he was still smiling. All of this was going on in the reception area and almost everyone was looking at her, guys drooling while girls passed wierd looks. I looked at my very own personal husband so that he was in his control.

Personal husband? Are their public or community husbands too?

Idiot choco pie!

Shut up you both. Let me take care of this stupid.

I looked at him and got closer to him so that snakes must be keep away. He wrapped his hands around my shoulder and smiled at me. "Possessive much huh?"

"It wasn't like that sir."


"Guys jealous. Ok ok. Girls jealous. Then be prepared for a world war." He looked confused at my statement.

"What do you mean choco?"

"Look there." I pointed towards an outraged Asmita who was heading in this direction. She was the receptionist but had gone for having a cup of coffee. This coffee would cost someone very much.



You gluttons! Why the hell you both keep eating?

Look at the show and enjoy idiot.

Oh yeah.

I looked at the scenario, my heart was pumping like I've run 10000 km marathon. Asmita came and caught Lavanya from her shoulder and turned her. "Cheap bitch."

Before Lavnaya could answer a tight slap landed on her cheek which made her stumble and fall on the ground. "Stay away from him and everyone else. Look at your clothes. If you wear such long clothes in office, I don't wanna imagine what you wear in home." Ooo!!!! Damn.

Sankes get punished.

Everyone was just looking at the scenario wuth seriousness on their faces which was worsening the situation. My situation! I couldn't supress my laughter. I burst out laughing like a maniac while everyone stopped looking at her and looked at me. I was laughing like a monkey indeed.

"Stop choco. Everyone is looking at you." Rakshit sir kept whispering while scratching his head and looking here and there at his staff, now our staff. What could that do? Other than increasing my laughter. My parrot laughs were on peak now.

Lava was glaring at me as if gonna kill me while Asmita was glaring at Rajesh who had just begun sipping his coffee looking at the ceiling. Rakshit sir caught my arm and pulled me towards his cabin. He made me sit on his table while I was still laughing.

"What can I do of you choco!" He sighed while his hands rested on his waist below his coat.

"What?! That was funny." Indeed it was. He didn't enjoy wasn't my problem. I wanted something.

"What do you want?" He knew something was brewing in my mind. Not so good. But something ill was brewing.

"Can we see a retake? Plz I went this footage from the CCTV. Plz plz plz. Pretty plz." He looked at me. Now his arms were folded across his chest.

"This time nothing will work. You ain't getting any recording. This is not a good thing enjoying simeone insult."

"Boring." I murmured.

"Did you say something?"

"I said nothing! Nothing. Shall we work? We have to complete on time. You know my packing is also left."

"Okay." The rest of our day went at work while I was intentionally crossing paths with Lavanya and laughing at her. Also enjoying Rajesh's treatment. Asmita was scolding him badly. Poor fella! I was making faces at him from behind the wall when a light slap landed behind my head.

I looked back and saw Rakshit sir sighing at me. Such a boring person. He did not even care when the staff was congratulating us. He caught my ear and pulled me towards the car while everyone was laughing at me now.

We reached home. He with a smilingly teasy face and me with an angry annoying one. After the dinner I was trying to pack my luggage. Pack? Nah! I was simply throwing my clothes in the bag and trying to zip it but couldn't. Already three bags were filled.

"This won't work choco. You have to arrange them. They will be wrinkled."

"I know what I am doing. Don't talk to me. I am angry."

"Aw. So choco is gonna melt?"

"Burn you!" He was chuckling as I was jumping on the bag trying to zip it up. He was simply lying on the bed and looking at me. The moment he got out of the room I opened his bag and stuffed my extra clothes inside it.

"What are you trying to do?" I looked back and he was watching me with a confused look. "That's not gonna happen choco." After several hours of convincing and two cheek kisses he finally gave in. Smart girl! Yes, I am. "You are so mean choco. Next time nothing's gonna work."

"Good night!" I cuddled into him while he mumbled something inaudible and switched off the lights holding me close.

Good evening!

Hope you liked this update. Specially AsmitaSardar you've got your chance.

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You know. The first step to success is always difficult. But don't back off. Push yourself beyond limits, no one will do it for ya. When hard work and positive thinking become a habit, success becomes a lifestyle.

One scene request lying which will be done soon. Any other request then plz tell.😊

Till then. Stay happy, keep smiling ,spread positivity and dance as a cool dog!😎

Enjoy reading.

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