33) I am HULK!

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*Drishti glaring* stay away! From my aww husband.

*Rakshit assuring* Don't worry choco. I am all yours.

*warning: This chapter may make you go aww!*

*enjoy! Cuz it's length is more than prev chapters!*

Rakshit's PoV:

I forgave her as I wanted the night to be perfect which was going on smoothly. While looking at the city I found her rubbing her eyes with her hand while her arm was stretched reaching my chin. She was yawning and stumbling while standing. She looked too cute!

"What happened choco?"

"IIIII....ammm..." she yawned and leaned onto me which gave me the answer.

My choco was sleepy. Somehow we managed to get into the car and drive back in between her continous yawning and rubbing her eyes followed by her irritated little pout which showed that if she didn't get to sleep she will murder a hundred.

"Stop rubbing your eyes choco" I tried sounding serious but when did my saying anyways had an effect on her? She didn't stop at her but now used both her hands.

As soon as we entered the lift she could not handle the heaviness in her eyes anymore and asked me to carry her till the room.

"Pick me! Now! " She stretched both her arms to me but before I could pick her up she turned me away.


She pointed to my back with a wide devilish smile. "On your Back" She was definitely behaving like a kid and I used to hate such childish people. But after she came into my life, things have changed. Tables have turned.

"Choco listen. I can carry you in my arms"

"No! I want you to carry me on your back! Plz! We are gonna reach soon" She insisted so adamantly clinging onto my arm that I couldn't deny her.

I kneeled down in front of her making it possible for her to get on my back. After the lift was open I carried her on my back till the room and dropped her on bed.

I bore a burden, a precious burden which I never wanted to let go of. She was a burden as she wasn't too light in weight. She had some strength in her tiny body.

"Go and change choco. Or should I bring your clothes here?"

"I will change here after getting clothes from the closet. You too change" Saying this she left for the closet to grab her clothes.

I didn't see what she had brought and made my way into the washroom for changing into my black tee and trousers. Black tee? Like Black drinkable tea? Ain't it funny?

Wait, I am talking like choco? The way she kept joking about PJ and all around me which I would've found stupid if it was someone else had said that. Thinking of her I started smiling and left for OUR room. No sooner did I enter our room than I saw the most beautiful sight in front of me.

She was sitting at the beg with her thigs connected closely and her lower legs protruding to opposite direction. She was wearing my white shirt. The shirt covered half her hands too which made her look immensely cute. Her arms stretched forward to me and her hands were opening and closing continuously calling me.

"Come, come, come" She was continuously calling me with the motion of her half covered hands and her chocolatey voice. Things were going hard for me. How could I restrain now?

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