7) Choco Choco

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"I am your boss. Don't question me. If I told the CEO then...." he glared at me while all I was left with was the option to apologize.

"Sorry sir" If he continued to blackmail me like that I swear to my angel that I will bury him in a pit with only his legs and one hand out out, make it a wicket and play cricket with them.

What was that comparison though.

I looked back to see the fiend sitting in the back seat eating an apple and here! Angel also eating popcorn, like from where did he even get that.


Not at all!

Get lost!

No from me too!

Angel you are also becoming a devil!

I know. I am sick! Sick of trying to put some brain in you. But you don't listen to me. You are a fool!

"Shut upppp!!" I guess screamed too loud that Rakshit sir stopped his car and looked at me.

You're too quick.

Pass me some chips.

I was continuously looking at sir while the two gluttons were eating as if it was their last day on earth.

Go away! Please.

Ok. Fine!

Even if both of them vanished, Rakshit was left behind looking at me as if I was some drug addict or a drunkard.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I know why he asked me this question.

"I am sorry sir. Sorry sorry so sorry I didn't intend to say this. Sorry sir" Here came the Pacific Ocean from my eyes. This trick always worked. Remember one thing Drishti, you are just an amazing actor! And you also know sometimes you are limitlessly too cute to handle as your mom told you 'in childhood' and never after that. My oscar winning acting came with silent sobbing while I rubbed my eyes like a two year old who was sleepy kid, trying to show him I had tears in my eyes when they weren't any.

"Hey! Don't cry. Don't cry. It's okay" holding a confused face he caught my hands to prevent me from rubbing my eyes. I looked at him, in his eyes. What I saw was a reflection of me in his brown eyes! I was lost in them, lost in my own reflection, my heart beating at such fast speed when I noticed,

'I did not comb my hair!!'

He took out a handkerchief and cleaned my tears when

Gurrr....gurr. I looked at him embarrassed cuz of this stupid sound that came from my stomach. Yeah, I was hungry and after that sound I pulled my hands from his grip and looked out of the window cursing myself.

Was enjoying this moment.

You eat our brains still hungry?

How you manage to insult yourself infinite times a day? It's an art! A talent!

These two! You both go away! Or I swear I will kill you!

Great! You can't touch us you jerk!

Let's go away! She's crazy. Let her enjoy her humiliation. Have fun.

This angel! Agrh!

Rakshit started the car again and I was continuously looking out of the window holding my stomach which was still making awful sounds. After a while he pulled near a coffe shop.

"I guess you probably need a snack" This man was gonna be the reason of my death, but, food! That too free food! He came out of the car and opened the door for me, what a gentleman.

Forwarding his hand out for me, he helped me to get out of the car. There was a small puddle of water waiting for me outside the door. I looked at him still holding his hand which was enough to make him understand.

He signaled me to stand with my feet on the exit of the car. I kept my hands on his shoulders and stood at the door still my feet in the car, heheld my waist and the next moment I was leaning on him. He picked me and twirled me out of the car placing my feet on the road carefully in a way taking care of my dress too. Finally he kept me down still holding me close, I removed his hands from my waist and guided me to the caffee.

"What will you have mam?" The guy over the reception asked me. I looked here and there and spotted my love my life!

"Choco lava!!!!" I shrieked as a kid and jumped like a baby kangaroo seeing my love. My mouth was watering to the extent that it could form a brand new Atlantic Ocean here only. I stood quiet feeling everyone's gaze on me. They were definitely muttering something. Perhaps I was behaving too immaturely

I bowed my head. "A choco lava. No two. No actually three. No. four. please"  I looked at him and then Rakshit sir who stood by me. Both of them were looking at me as if I was some alien from the 'Sun'

"No problem one can do well" I put my hands on the counter and said with a sad pout playing with my feet stomping it up and down as a kid.

"Four choco lavas please" I looked at him with devilish eyes. Rakshit sir ordered four choco lavas!!! Smiling as brightly as I could such that my mouth ached, I felt his continus gaze me when I was smiling.

We sat down at a table when my order came. He was busy with his phone while I was eye raping the cakes hungrily. I picked one, then other, another and the last one. Some of it fell on my arm, near my elbow. Being a foodie, I licked it off my arm. Chocolates are my life! Now most of you are planning to comment chocolates are my life too, mine too, me too. Visionary, ain't I?

While I was eating and licking myself I felt his continus gazes at me but I simply ignored as I was preoccupied with my choco choco chocolatey lava! I cleaned my mouth with a tissue and he looked at me with questioning eyes if I was done. I nodded my head with a bright hysterical smile. We sat in the car and drove off to office, I don't think sure but I could feel him glaring angrily at some people in the cafe sometimes peeping me and sometimes glaring here and there.

(Where she didn't know the guys at the cafe dug their dirty glances at her. Sad! But bitter truth about Indian narrow mindedness. Not applicable to everyone but you know, it exists)

Hey friends!

Happy friendship day everyone. Love you all.

Hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. And smile.

Keep smiling, radiate positivity and love.

What was the angel going to say?

Why the fiend stopped him?

An important thing! Those who feel uncomfortable while reading any, anyone's ff please skip it! It's  not about me. Nothing happened to me. No one said anything about me. But No one has the right to comment on anyone's writing skills or anything. Sometimes we can't imagine what they are worth. Just remember! What you sow, so shall you reap. Sow the seeds of bitterness and hatred and you will reap the same. Sow seeds of love and happiness for others and you will reap magic! Keep spreading smiles and giggles. Try it! The day when someone smiles cuz of you in real life, that's the best day ever. Not by jokes but by your love and actions and you know...compassion...make them smile like this.

Keep smiling, sow love, love by all your heart and get same in return. Maybe not today! But it's not forever. Love and be loved. Be your true self! Don't  be the one you ain't. Be who you are and see who loves the true you!

Happy reading!💖💖💖

Falling For The CEO [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now