I Am Iron Man

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Notifications be like- I'll be coming after half an hour. Published it million times, bruh!

(I just remember that somewhere I wrote Jason Cameron by mistake. It was Grey) (Someone told me 'Now don't write he opened her zip and they spent the night but did not invite us. Like, I tried to write but not so sure about it)

Life was back to normal for both of them, or better say their life took a much lovelier turn now. Drishti had explained Rakshit how she was in danger. Vicky was after the share of her property and those men at Maldives were sent by Mr. Malhotra himself when he had seen The reception pictures of Drishti and Rakshit after tracking Mrs. Deric in Mumbai.

The day that she remembered as a stary night was when her parents were attacked by Mr. Malhotra's men and they were forced to send their daughter away with their most trusted caretaker who was Mrs. Deric. Her husband was their bodyguard and to the Greys, they were a part of their family. That night her husband died protecting her when she was trying to run away with a baby Drishti and her husband.

Rakshit decided to settle in New York so that Drishti could feel the love of this family too. His parents, brother and to be sister in law stood up with him in his decision and came to stay with them. After a year Romi and Divya got married and soon left for their vacation. Papa Shergill and Mama Shergill left for India for some family function and wouldn't be showing up for the next few weeks.

Drishti's relationship with Jason grew stronger with time. Mrs. Deric stayed with Jason just like a guardian and the three of them spent as much time as they could. As for Aryan and Ray, well, not much to say about them.

Aryan fell in love with Lavanya and fot engaged while Ray was still looking for a girl. Lavanya had stopped trying to seduce people and be a better person which made Drishti like her. Lavanya never hated Drishti, nor did Drishti but some of Lavanya's actions were not welcomed by Drishti.

At the


"Catch me if you can! But you're pretty the slpth version of yourself now Rakhsit" Drishti chuckled, running through the hall wearing Rakshit's black shirt. Since the time Mama and Papa Shergill along with Romi had arrived, they were not getting enough time for each other. And it was now their moment.

"Oh please! You're not Speedy that you'll run away so easily" soon afterwards a scream was heard. Drishti looked at the back and gound her Mr. Shergill holding his foot near the table.

Rakshit who expected her to show some sympathy forgot that she was Drishti, was reminded of this statement when she started laughing from a distance claiming that his were twitch buttons.

"Now there's no way of escaping!" He screamed and ran after her once again. Drishti who wasn't prepared for this failed to escape him amidst her laughter. "Got you!"

"Cheater!" She laughed before making another attempt at running away but failed once again.

"And now, I am The Winner, you lost!" He smiled.

"I say I Am Iron Man! Finally!" She screamed at the top of her voice and looked back at Rakshit who was confused. "He sacrificed his life for others na, so I am sacrificing my victory for yours. So it's a win-win! And I am Iron Man not to forget!" Her sentence was completed by a wide smile stretching across her face.

"Yeah, whatever!" Sighed Rakshit.

He picked her up and carried her towards the artificial garden in the middle of their home where he had arranged a small set up. It consisted of fairy lights hung around a piece of white net hanging from the ceiling, rise petals spread on the floor and on the mattress below the net, a bottle of champagne and the most necessary things,


"Woah Rakshit, this is beautiful" Drishti gasped when Rakshit placed her on the mattress and laid down beside her holding her in his arms.

"You're welcome" he shrugged his shoulders in pride and switched on the television that he had set up in there for a movie. "And now we are seeing-"

"Annabelle comes home!" Snatching the remote from his hand, she started surfing through Netflix to find Annabelle comes home.

"Are you serious? This time is 'we' time and instead of watching a romantic movie you want to watch what? Annabelle?"


"Oh that's okay then"

"I said We're watching Annabelle comes home. There's a difference Rakshit. You need to understand" she looked at him and sighed, Her husband couldn't differentiate between the two movies.

Poor soul!

"No we're not!"

"Yes we are"

"No we are not!"

"Yes we are!" She yelled in front of his face and played the movie in front of his eyes.

Rakshit sat quietly for a few minutes looking all pissed before he made his final move and snatched the remote from her. "Ah ha!"

"You!" Her mouth dropped when he did that but she didn't retaliate, instead she laid back in her pillows when Rakshit was trying to find a movie that he liked. She called his name softly "Rakshit!!"

"What?" He replied, looking at screen and searching for the movie.

"Rakshit!!" She called him once again.

"Stop! I'm trying to concentrate"

"Rakshittttttt" she spoke as sweetly as she could.

Rakshit could not concentrate on the movie after her continuous tries to call him. "What?!" He yelled looking at her and found her calling him. She was lying back with the upper two buttons of her shirt open and her finger constantly asking him to come. "I'm coming" giving her his best toothed smile he switched off the tv and crawled upto her.

Lying beside her, he rested head his head on the cushion near her head and slowly put his arm on her waist. "What now?" He smiled. She turned towards him and moved a little closer to him turning him on. He closed his eyes expecting to hear her say something he would love to listen when she said.

"Good night Rakshit"

Rakshit opened his eyes in a jerk and found Drishti laughing at him,

once again

"Stop laughing" he said

"Ok" she closed her lips tightly in order to control her smile but couldn't hold it much.

The next thing she remembered was that they were kissing each other, rolling around and doing everything

That I am Not Going To Write.

*Smiles cheekily* What? I couldn't write. I can read, but not write XD

This is the end of the story. Thank you every single person who stayed and completed reading the whole story. Thank you everyone for all the lovely comments about this story and even re-reading.

There will be no Extra Chapter coming because I'll be getting busy with my studies.

Thank You So Much Once Again.

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