5) You are fired

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"Will you prepare it now?" Sir said looking at me with she-is-insane look. I know what I had done was totally dumb but thank God he didn't know that I crashed into the CEO's car.

"Yes sir. Just five minutes."

Are you some sort of superman? You are gonna prepare the schedule in 5 minutes.  Don't joke.

I will make. It ain't difficult. I know I am gonna do it. You just wait and watch fiend.

Can you name me? Call me Drishti2.0

I will call you headache.

What about me?

For you I will like the name LL.

What's that?

Lalu lal. Now out both of you. Headache and Miss. Saint.

"Miss Sood I think you need to rest for a few days. If you are not fine it's ok." I mentally slapped myself for embarrassing myself again.

"No sir. I am absent fine. I will just come after a few minutes." I ran into my cabin. I prepared the schedule in seven minutes and went to his cabin. "Here is your schedule sir."

"Meeting with Mr. Ahuja within 10 minutes. Let's hurry." He signalled me to come. He told me that it was his duty to handle the Meetings till the CEO came.

Who was the CEO? Gosh! I am the dumbest employee who don't know who her boss is!

We reached the meeting room.
It was huge.
It very huge.
It was very very huge.
It was very very very huge.
And now just shut up.

It didn't look like I am working in an Indian company. It was like I was the employee of some international company where I can't believe my luck. I was the PA of the most eligible bachelor, one of the most successful businessman and also I worked in one of the leading companies of the world.

I think I was just born for this.


It was the time for presentation so I ignored him mocking me. Raskhit sir got up and handled the presentation very well to which I wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying as I kept staring at him due to which I didn't notice Mr. Ahuja staring at me. When I looked at me he just smiled sweetly, I smiled profusely at him. Awkward! So, the Meeting went successful. Both of them congratulated each other. Now SGC and AGC will be working together for next three as per the terms of the agreement.

"I feel highly privileged Mr. Sh.." Mr Aryan Ahuja was about to speak something but Rakshit sir interrupted him. His name was Indian but he looked not like an Indian. You know I think his parents were...um. one of then Indian amd other maybe American or something else.

"It's our pleasure Mr. Ahuja. I think we can talk about the future projects while having a small walk around the office." He offered him a walk. Wow.

Both of them were talking about future projects while roaming in the office. I was following them with the files in my hand. He is giving a tour or what. Is he a tour guide? Will he ask for money later?

Why can't you stop thinking stupid? Anything! Totally anything!! Idiot!

For the first time I wanted to agree with him.

I can read you thoughts halfwit.

What should I do?


Cuz Mr. Ahuja already left and I can see the guard coming.

Good bye honey.

Wait! Don't go plz. Plz.

I think it went. What to do now? He is coming here. He smirked evily at me. Why did he always smirk? Couldn't he give a nicer expression? I signalled him no from behind sir's back but he only grinned at me and raised his eyebrows quickly at me three tines in a row. God save me. I will definitely eat green vegetables from today and also visit the temple three times in a row. Please God Please.

He came and saluted Rakshit sir. "What ails you now?" Oh wow. Full flash insult. But I am in danger zone now. The guard was about to reply but sir had an important call so I gave him his phone. He went to attend it. I looked at the guard.

"What hostility do you have with me?" I asked him. "Nothing. Actually many things." He replied. "I am gonna punch you. You idiot. You dog." I replied. Shit! What the heck did I say.

He caught me by my collar and shook me saying "what did you say?" I caught his collar and the collar fight began. We were fighting like maniacs. To my luck I saw sir coming and immediately acted like an innocent little lamb.

"What do you think you are doing?" He said angrily looking at the guard.

"Sir this girl is a witch. She is just a bi..." he was speaking glaring and smirking at me at the same time but sir interrupted him.

"What did you call her?" He raised his eyebrow angrily at the guard and caught his collar. "Say that again." He made the guard rack with fear.

"Sorry...sorry sir. I wanted to say..."

"You are fired Rajesh. It's over. I warned you earlier and you crossed your limits today. Get out of my sight before I throw you out. How can you insult a woman" a girl by the way. His eyes were red with anger. He was angry cuz someone said something to me! Omg! How cuteeee! My crush reached level two. I felt my heartbeat stop in nervousness for a second when he left his collar and turned towards me signaling me to follow him.

I looked back at the guard and felt pity on him. It was my mistake too. He lost his job because of me.

Lost job= no money
No money= no food
No food = no life
No life= OMG!!!!!!

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😎smart na. Ain't I?😂

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