36) I am Doctor Strange

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*how's the cover? I made it :)*

*duh, I am seeing huge auto click mistakes so I need to start editing work today*

Rakshit's POV:

"Stop it choco. I said stop it now" I tried convincing her that I was just having a normal fever that would go after a sound sleep but she kept doing her work.

"Stop it choco!" And this too didn't stop her from crushing me under approximately six woollen blankets. And to add to this, two more were being brought. I was unable to move, firstly due to weakness and then due to the weight of the woollen blankets.

"You are sick, like a pup. A cute sick pup who keeps complaining by making those low yet dulcet sounds" She smiled and covered me with the remaining blankets. Come on!

"Did you just call me a dog?" I raised my brows at her in anger. She just called me a dog.

"A pup"

"What's the difference? A pup would grow into a dog"

"Well, I didn't think that" And there I went under the 8th blanket with my 25 years old immature wife bringing a bowl of soup.

"What's all this choco? I will be crushed like a sugarcane"

"No arguments. You are not allowed to speak in front of a doctor" She looked like a typical student who had been rejected selecting medical by her parents. So she was trying to fulfil her passionate wish on me.

"What's that choco?" I feared to death the very moment I saw an injection in her hands.

"Relax, it's not an injection" she exclaimed while filling the injection wuth something that I guessed did not have any sort of relation medical career.

"Oh yeah, it's a damn fighter plane!" I mocked and quickly threw the blankets off me before running away from the room saving my very precious life. Living with this girl had got me crazy.

"You can't escape me! I will heal you trust me! I am Doctor Strange!" Like seriously! I was a prey to her obsession for superheroes. Now she wanted to be Doctor Strange. Strange!

"Keep that injection down choco. We can sit and talk" I looked at her from behind the sofa grabbing pillows for self defense.

"Be a good patient and come"

"Are you fuckin kidding me!" She did not even know the M of medical or D of doctor. And that injection had gone literally above everything.

"No cursing Mr Shergill. Come like a good man" She gave me a creepy devilish smile and threw the injection at me. Fortunately I dodged it quiet well. She glared at me while I smirked.

"Haha! See" I shrugged imaginary dustoff my shoulder unless she took out a machine gun holding injections with the most creepiest smile I've ever seen.

"Rakshit!!!" I woke up with a jerk only to find myself sleeping in the bed and covered with perspiration. Duh, it was a nightmare. I saw her amd began panting till I noticed that I was wrapped in 4 blankets. This made me panic. "What happened Rakshit? You were having a nightmare?"

"Not at all choco. I was in a fairyland and a beautiful witch was after me thinking she was an angel" I smiled a  wide sarcastic smile at her before throwing the blankets off me.

"Do you feel better?"

"Yup" Not at all. But I would rather die with fever than turning you into doctor strange.

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