25) I don't want my choco pie to melt

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Drishti's POV:

There are a few all year snow and ice experience places in Switzerland and  Klein Matterhorn was one of them. We couldn't go there by his jet so we landed at a place which I literally don't know and didn't even care to ask. I mean who would like to sound as a five year old who keeps asking 'Have we reached? Have we reached?' Out of curiosity. Already I had such a good image in front of him.

This time thoughts literally gushed through me. Why am I being so stupid? Is there anything serious goin on in my life? Is life simply so beautiful. Or all of this was just the calmness before an unforeseen storm. We reached our hotel and I was waiting for us to get out and play with the snow! The snow was as clear as crystal, serene and picturesque. The mountains capped with snow, house tops seemed to heave and sway with the wind and a thick layer of snow covering them too. Everything was perfect.

"Can we go out?"

"But I thought you need some rest." I was sleeping for damn 6 hours and he thought I need to sleep. Great!

"No. I wanna go out. Now!"

"But Choco....."


"Ok ok. Go and get changed. Wear something warm choco. Or you will freeze!" He left a small chuckle and rubbed my hair. I flipped his hand away while he looked confused.

"I am mature Rakshit sir. I am mature." He pressed his lips tightly suppressing his laughter so instead he just smirked at me to hide it.

"Choco. You are so cute." He pinched my nose and went away. Why does this happen everytime? Everytime I try being mature everyone thinks I am joking. Sorry everyone! I am mature. I will prove it today! I changed to some warm clothes and when I came out Rakshit sir chocked at the coffee he was drinking.

"What happened?"

"Are you sure you are wearing this?"


"I think you can wear that blanket too. Maybe some more sweaters will keep you warm." Note that sarcasm Drishti ops choco pie. Note that! I was wearing a bundle of clothes! A bundle of clothes that could kill a man if he came under it! "Remove those things. Lemme help you."

Wait what?

Rakshit's POV:

It was hard to control my laughter when I saw her fully packed up. These much clothes. "Come lemme help ya." I approached her and removed her oversized jacket. I raised her hands up and began removing her sweaters. One. Two. Three. Four. What the fraekin hell! This girl wore four sweaters and an oversized jacket. She was now left in a plain black spaghetti by now. I checked her bags and got an oversized grey top for her which would do good. I made her wear the top and lowered it placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Soon she tued her hair in a cute high bun which made her look eternal

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Soon she tued her hair in a cute high bun which made her look eternal. I leaned in closer to her ears and whispered.

"Don't wear this much clothes choco. I don't want my choco to melt. "

I again pinched her nose at which she made an angry glare. You know she looks cute even when she is angry. But I ain't in love you readers! Some will definitely comment now. And yeah I guess the award for most comments everywhere goes to sweety__19 and rest of you don't comment I am in love. Got that? Plz don't write no. I know you surely will.

We soon got out enjoying in the snow. I mean she was the one enjoying the nature and I was the one enjoying my choco. I mean her smile. I mean you know. It's difficult to explain. Agh! I hate myself. When we reached a cafe to have something my choco pie was busy eating her choco pie with utmost pleasure. Why does choco pie love choco pie? I hate choco pie but I love choco pie. I mean I hate eatable choc pies but I love my own choco pie. I mean not love. I mean that like sensed love. I mean....I am a moron for sure. This girl had driven me crazy.

"Hey choco. Why do you like choco?" A not-so-sensible question.

"Cuz it's yummy. It's sweet and umm...."

"It's cute." Damn correct your posture idiot. I was leaning on.the table resting my chin on my hand and adoring the angelic beauty in front of me.

"You should eat it." No way in hell am I eating that shit!

"No choco. I don't like choco pies." Oh god! Why did I say that? Her face paled at my comment and she silently ate her choco pie while resting the spoon in her mouth like a kid. "But I like my very own choco pie." Did she blush? Aw. She looked too cute. Did you aw? What the heck is happening to you man! Behave.

"So eat this. Please." She made a puppy face. Blackmail wow.

"No puppy faces choco." She pouted more and held a spoon of choco pie in her hand and delivered it right in front of my mouth. She was trying to look cute. She already was cute and her continuous tries were making things hell more difficult.

"No cute tactics choco. No blackmail! No nothing! Stop it choco! Choco!!!" She didn't stop with her cuteness there instead she put her index finger in her mouth while pulling her chair closer to mine. "I said stop those faces right now choco!"

"Then eat!" She smirked? Trying to be mature huh.


"Eatie eatie eatie. Pleaseie pleaseie pleaseie. For your choco pir have this choco pie. Pretty please!!!" I couldn't take her overloaded cuteness anymore.

"Ok fine. But just one bite." She smiled at me and lifted the spoon to my face. I had a bite of choco pie from my choco pie. It wasn't too bad. It was sweet as my choco pie. Soft as my choco pie. I think I have recently tasted that but where? Oh shit! That kiss.

Today's day was very choco choco chocolatey.

Good night😂 to those who are sleeping. Good evening!

Hope you liked the update. 3 updates in a day. Omg!

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Whenever you think you can't you kill yourself within. You kill your every desire, every dream when you say a single "I CAN'T." How about being positive and say I can instead of I can't. When no one believes in you, you do. Believe in yourself and your worth. It's not the Society that tows you down but you are responsible for allowing them to tow you down.

Stay healthy, stay happy, spread love and positivity.

Enjoy your life!

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