49) I Missed You Too, Jason

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Drishti's POV:

Many people = grand insult
Grand insult = husband feeding me to polar bears
Polar bears = Party
Party but he = Windower

That's called a widower

That's what I said?!

You said windower! Window er not wido er

I too said windower.

Then a Range Rower from me.

And a Vicky Grower from my side.

If you guys think that it's the time when you screw my self respect then let me remind you that it's just in progress of building up in front everyone. If I get embarrassed, Rakshit would be facing that too. Then,

I know I know. Actually we both know.

He will feed you to the polar bears, anything new?

"For the last time, if you don't come out of your daydream soon I am seriously going to throw you into a pool of squids" The three people thay were constantly dancing on my head were named,

1. Fiend
2. Angel turned into Fiend
3. Rakshit Question Mark answered to be originally called Rakshit Shergill

"Why does everyone keep telling me the same thing? I am not a child Rakshit, I am an adult and know how to interact with people" he huffed in silence and lead me to meet Mr. Papa Cameron And his wife Mrs. Mama Camerson, I mean Ray's parents who were being accompanied by Ray himself, which was not at all welcoming for Rakshit.

"You've got such a beauty over here Rakshit. It's so good to finally meet you" Mama Cameron held my hands in hers and gave me a friendly smile. "We'll be honored if you will finally accept the invitation at our home that you two have been dodging for the past weeks now" She frowed looking at Rakshit while he bowed his head as a sign of respect.

"The pleasure is all ours Mrs. Cameron" Rakshit had been constantly dodging her invitations to visit them once telling her that firstly he would introduce me to everyone and later on we'll be joining the dinner someday.

Ps: we were invited not because Papa and Mama Cameron knew him or Ray knew him, it was because Ray, Aryan and I were good friends.

Jason too, a sort of.

Taking a sigh of discomfort and misery, my eyes were moving here and there to locate Jason but he was never there after that day. Despite the fact how much he wanted to be there, he simply couldn't and we both knew it just, couldn't go well like this.

Aryan and Ray had to maintain distance from me in front if Rakshit after the last incident at the rooftop. Both of them were as obscure of this event as Rakshit was. It would hurt them, but it had to be that way.

"Come on Drishti, let me introduce you to Mr-"

"Who? Barack Obama? Chris Brown? Chainsmokers?" The Frustration that kept pilling up inside me found an outlet when he wanted to introduce me to the 86th of his colleagues.

This man had given a small speech about his marriage and a few good non cheesy word for me, so what was the need though?

"What's wrong with you? You're behaving extremely weird"

"What's wrong with me? You know how much I dislike dealing with people and here it's like the shooting set of Avengers. I think BTS army would be less if compared to the number of people meeting me today!"

Rakshit's POV:

"Are you sad?" I inquired of her. Her behavior was ab-normal-ish.

As far as I know her she could be really devastated, irritable at times but this came as something not so familiar. She never does this when we are surrounded by a crowd.

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