42) Kid-napped?

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Rakshit's POV:

"Oh my gosh, I am so bored. Can we go for a movie after office? Please Rakshit" Drishti was continously pulling my jacket while I was trying to concentrate on my work.

Pitfalls of having your cute yet childish wife with you during your work.

"I am trying to work here choco" I glared at her making her frown. Nowadays, my glares fail to have any effect on her. All she does is murmur low curses and look away.

"And I am trying to forget my daily problems, ignore the many questions flooding in my mind and try to have a normal life with you! I am trying to put aside my existential crisis for you!"

"What existential crisis?" Why was she talking tosh.

"Never mind, why do you care?"

"Come on! Just because I didn't agree for a movie doesn't mean that I don't care. Can you explain that crisis now? What happened to you?" Trying to act normal, I continued striking the laptop keys, typing for a presentation but that seemed to trigger her more.

"You actually don't care! And don't ask me this questiom again. Or I will make sure God Blasts you!" Ok what? "He will blast you because you offended his favorite child aka me!"

I couldn't help but digress the 'existential crisis' for time being as her face looked scarier than creepy nun.

"This is not fair" she sighed, throwing the McQueen's files on my table. "Have this filthy file. Why did you marry me? Why didn't you marry this laptop? Or this building?" She exclaimed before smashing the door to my office and leaving me alone after saying "I am in the office garden till the break is over, I love the birds company more than yours"

'What happened to her today?'

I wondered if she was on periods, but couldn't come to a point. For she behaves like this the whole month.

Was she on drugs or something?

If yes, then were they of good quality?

Quality matters. If she is on drugs, she should be taking expensive and quality ones, and not the cheap ones.

Idiot! What are you even saying?

You are willing to turn your wife into a drug addict?

Druggy choco! Aww!

Man, shut up.

Just at this moment when I was cursing myself, my phone rang. When I saw the caller ID my face immediately dropped, my heart thumping in anxiety and I found myself hyperventilating.


"Hello, Mr Shergill. I have some news about Mrs. Crimson Deric" He was the detective I hired to find the whereabouts of Drishti's guardian mother. Ever since the call incident, I couldn't sleep at nights, my mind is always preoccupied with the thought of why was she so concerned about Drishti coming to New York.

If she was the same lady who had wronged me as the Visa agent and requested me to cancel her daughter's, saying that she was in danger, then how could I neglect this fact.

Maybe choco is in danger.

"Yeah. Tell me what's it?"

"We are unable to trace her location. We think she changed her cell phone number, and left Mumbai after that day. We haven't spotted her in the city's vicinity. It's getting complicated-"

"Did you just call me to tell me that you are unable to do the work I gave you?"

"No sir. We have something to tell you" he stopped for a moment before coming back to the track. "We contacted  some locals of Maldives and found that the day you both left for Maldives, she was spotted there"

"What?!" I gasped in amusement taking tedious breaths, wondering why would her mother be following us to our trip?

"Yes sir, after digging further into the matter we could find nothing so we decided to talk to our detectives in NY, and to our surprise Mrs. Deric was spotted in New York lately"

Choco's mother is in New York?


"And the most amusing fact of all," he was telling me something really important when his voice lagged on the call and all I could hear was "she- was- seen- talking"

"Hello? You there? I can't hear your voice?"

*call disconnected*

What's the meaning of all this?

I rested my back on the chair, running my hand through my hairs, trying to figure out what was happening with her. Her mother was seen with whom? And why was he so tensed and confused?

Two hours passed and I was still thinking about this topic.

My concentration over this matter was broken by a phone call from an unknown number. As my hand moved to pick the moblie and swipe to answer the call, the anonymous caller disconnected the call.

It's when a message popped on my phone's screen, with an image attached to it. The image seemed blurry while it loading but the second it gained clarity was the second when I feared the most in my life.

It was an image of Drishti tied to a chair, a duck tape pasted on her mouth, tear marks clearly visible on her face. She happened to be sleeping in the picture with messy hairs, wrists bruised from the rope marks and it seems that she had cried a lot over the time.

How could this be?

Abrupt surges of intense fear and discomfort peaked inside of me within minutes. I could feel sudden, overwhelming terror thinking what might the person do to her.

This sudden episode of intense fear triggered my anxiety. I could feel the sudden rise in the adrenaline levels in my body every passing minute.

With shaking hands I tried contacting the number but every time I dialed it, the number was out of reach.

I texted the person.

'Where is she?
What did you do to her?
Who are you?
I want my wife back. Don't hurt her'

I bowed my head in frustration, throwing the laptop off the table, just then a text pops up below saying-

'Don't worry. Come to the following address and take your wife safely'

Good afternoon,

Hope you liked the update.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Who do you think is that person?

You can't expect love when you offer none. And it's the truth in actual reality. But if you have got that someone who loves you no matter what, then. Hey, you've got a gem and don't leave him/her. And friendship and love are all about understanding each other and accepting each other with flaws, trying to correct them.

Stay healthy, stay happy and stay cheerful.

Goodbye 2020!

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