53) Ok, Just Tell Me Why?

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Rakshit's POV:

Drishti, Jason and I were sitting at the dining table having our dinner quietly. Or I must say Jason and I were having our dinner quietly while Drishti was busy creating a tower of pasta sticks at one them which was impossible so shifted on to making a pasta smiley face in her plate.

"Drishti, eat. Stop playing with your food. You're a grown up woman not a child" Jason scolded his sister who scoffed at him and added ketchup near the eyes as its eyebrows making the emoji '-_-' "Drishti-"

"Do you think blush will look good at it?" She looked at her brother and held the bottle of ketchup near his face in order to irk him.

"Drishti, stop being childish and eat your food properly" Jason's voice was filled with love, care and concern for his sister whom he lost a long time ago. I was still unfamiliar with their family tree which was the reason a fight broke up between Jason and I.

We did not want Drishti to be a part of it or have to stand on a path to choose between her brother and husband. The fight was about to turn into a major one when Jason decided to put an end to this for it was not the best time to leave Drishti alone.

Jason promised me to explain the family tree part of the story when we would reach to the safe place known only to him and nobody else. After that was decided we moved towards the car to check on Drishti who was sleeping peacefully on the back seat. Jason looked at a distance and asked me to get in the car before anyone saw us.

Then what? We got there peacefully?

Yeah we were about to kill each other when it came to who was sitting with Drishti at the back seat and who would be driving.

If I had won I would have said 'Rakshit Shergill never loses' but-

'He freakin attacked me with a pepper spray'

No doubt they were Siblings for none of them had maturity in them when it came to serious conditions, or maybe when it came to me.

"Jason, you promised something" clearing my throat I looked at Jason who admiring his sister.

"What?" He looked at me in shock and continued eating like he was unbothered.

"How are you both related?"

"She is my sister. I'm her brother. And I don't like you, anything else?" Finishing his dinner he picked up his plate along with Drishti's with a smile passed on to her and kissed her forehead while leaving. I was about to pass him my plate when he glared at me "And take your plates. Self service is advised here"

"But you just took hers!"

"If you were my sister I would've taken yours. Hurry up if you want the answer to your question" This guy really hated me. Hope it was not because I was too arrogant and rude when I first met him and told him that his presentation deserved a dustbin shot. That day on we met each other several times, not remembering the incident but it was still fresh in our memories.


Drishti's POV:

Jason sat down at the couch beside me and put an arm around my shoulder when I kept my head in his lap and he started caressing my hairs. We were facing Rakshit who looked the exact same way when Mama Deric beat me up when I wasn't willing to go to school.

I must say, that slipper, it hurt.

Jason sighed and looked at me. I passed him an assuring look to which he smiled and started explaining Rakshit how we were related.

"My father was American but my mother was Indian, an exact same copy of Drishti. When I was born mom and dad were overwhelmed, but they always felt that they should try for a baby girl too. Dad had another son from his previous marriage who was elder to me. We had little in common between us when it came to getting along. His mother left my father for another man but she left our brother with us. He wasn't named at that time but a few months later dad met our mom and they married. She gave him an Indian name which I don't remember now for something happened that tore our family apart. But for now, I'll tell you only a few things.

3 years after I was born mom and dad had a huge fight and decided on getting divorced. It was all planned by my dad's first wife who put a tablet in mom's drink and got her impregnated by another man who was mom's known from her college days.

They were about to get divorced in a few days when dad came to know of the conspiracy and filed a complaint against them which lead to their downfall. Amidst all this dad noticed that brother's features were quiet not matching to any of his and he decides to get the truth out of his first wife. That's when he got to know that our eldest son wasn't his son, he was mom and that other man's son. This made him devastated but he never talked about this in front of any of us. I got to know this just a few years ago when I was still busy in sorting out the situation.

A few months later my baby sister was born and the person who was the happiest that day was my father who had always wanted a baby girl. They named her Drishti for her eyes were so beautiful and captivating that dad would keep on praising them every time he saw her.

Our lives were going on the right track until one day the two got of jail. Things went wrong in a certain way when they got to know that my dad's will said that his half of his entire property would be divided equally in his sons and a whole half of it would go alone to Drishti.

Due to certain reasons they left her with our aunt, Mrs. Crimson Deric whose husband died due to the two.

For now that's all I can tell you"

Jason looked at me and slapped my forehead gently "and you, Now get some sleep. Your eyes are still puffy"

I looked over to Rakshit who was about to say something when we heard the sound of a glass breaking behind us. We turned our faces and saw two masked men holding iron rods staring at us.

Jason hid me behind him and looked at the men who took off their masks and yelled out of frustration. "What the hell!"

"Your own husband kidnapped you?"

Yeah, they were none other than Aryan and Ray who I thought had ditched me but aw!

"Ok, just tell me why?" Yelled Rakshit and looked at Jason who held equal confusion on his face.

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