44) I Trust You

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Drishti's POV:

There are times when you feel low, feel that the world beneath you is slipping away at a pace that you can't control. It would have been a normal life if I hadn't shown up here. Realizing the fact why I was forbidden to come here, why each and every effort of mine to reach New York city was a futile attempt was probably one of the most difficult part of my life till now.

I let out a deep sigh and looked at the already immaculated room. If it was some normal day then probably I would be the one who would be cleaning up all this but today it was done by The Rakshit Shergill.

Call it care but I will call it dumbness.


Because I want to.

If you think that was funny that it didn't even possess the F of Funny.

Haha. At least I'm trying to get back to my usual self.

"Choco?" A high pitched voice came from the kitchen forcing me to check on if Rakshit sir just set the it on fire.

If it comes to cooking, then he's probably not the first person whom you would like to see in your kitchen.

"What happened now?" I entered the kitchen in a frustrated mood and saw him covered in flour from his head to his toes. "Would you like to explain all of this? What did you want to do? Have a flour bath?"

"What! I was trying to cook something good for you and that stupid container fell on my head!" He complained, dusting off the flour from his shirt.

"Oh! If the container had known that The Rakshit Shergill was standing beneath it, then god forbid if it would have shown the disgrace of falling on you! What did you do this time?"

"Why are you shouting at me? Wasn't my fault!" He glared at me continuing to wipe off the flour. "All you do is scold me for nothing"

"Stop acting like a pathetic husband!" My eyes widened at the way he was trying to act innocent and prove me to be the dangerous one in front of you all.

"You know what"

"No I don't know"

"Haha, very smart"

"I know that. You know the day I was born the doctors didn't say that 'congratulations a girl is born' instead they said 'congratulations, smartness is born'"

His mouth was agape at the nonsensical remark. I was merely trying to brag, and it was the worst attempt because, even I am wondering why did I say that.

Because you are an idiot.

And they don't need proof to prove their idiotism.

"I think you have lost your mind"

"I think the same too" I sighed, taking a seat at the chair nearby "You know what, sometimes I used to wonder what would I be if my parents were alive and the moment I got the answers, I guess it's hard to digest"

"What?" I really need to sew my mouth up. "Drishti, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing" It was the time I needed to leave the kitchen and I tried to implete my thought too but he wasn't the one letting me go so easily.

He came closer to me and held my wrist before I could leave the kitchen. He took my face in his hands which was constantly refraining from a look. "Look choco, I know it might not be the perfect time to have this conversation but what you said now, it's not a small thing. You came to know something about your birth parents, don't you?"

Even if my eyes tried to not get his face away from my view, his head would always find a way to show up in front of my face.

"Don't run from me when you can't and don't want to" His voice, calm and cold, determined to take all the answers he needed. "Tell me, is it about that?"

I nodded my head in positive while a tear drop found it's way down my face but before it could fall off his extra huge Big Foot hands wiped it off.

Haha! Husband-1 Tear Drop-0

Sometimes I want to kill myself.

Trust me, the feelings are mutual.

"Do you want to talk about it?" It was surprising how he wanted to give me the time I needed to get out of this oh-so-sad world of mine right now.

"Not now. But soon" I sighed and hugged him "I promise"

"You don't need to" His statement left me confused. I looked at his face still in his embarce,

"Don't need to what?"

"Don't need to promise"


"Because I trust you. I know you will tell me when you feel like" He spoke, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before CHAO.

What is CHAO?

Chuckling His Ass Off!


What? It's original! And I am proud to discover it.

"What?" I asked him.

"You didn't notice something" He parted from the hug and held my hand, took me in front of a mirror in the washroom and showed me myself.

But I didn't see me.

It was some white ghost who seemed extremely horrible in those scary messed up hairs and, wait a minute.

That is me!

As my expressions kept on changing from confused to angry, the intensity of his laughter kept on increasing at a massive rate.


My mind exploded.


Good evening or night

Long time no see.

All the best as it is exam season.

"You are loved" and nothing would ever change that.

Stay healthy, stay happy and keep smiling.

God bless ya.

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