40) You can't imagine what I can do, even in your wildest dreamd

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Who gave an early update?

Me! I was in a good mood while writing. Duh, even if I ain't in mood to write, I am always in great mood when I start writing this one.

Drishti's POV:

Long topic in short. My not-so-lovely at this moment husband is trying to make me apologize for a thing I don't regret doing.

"Choco, apologize!"

"Why should I? I warned you about being excessively kind and offer your shoulder for a girl shedding F A K E crocodile tears" Was that my fault? No!

"Even if you didn't like it, you would have told me. What was the meaning of throwing her into the pool?"

"I did not do that!" Do whatever you want you. Ise as much force as you can. Use 40000N force but I have self respect which is not allowing me to admit my mistake.

"So? What were you trying to do?"

"I was checking her swimming abilities or maybe test the fact if she was a mermaid whose tail will appear on coming contact with pool water" Shielding my self respect I gave the most illogical answer.

But it was logical.

At that moment.

At least for me.

"Give me one good reason why should I not be mad at you?"

"I can give you three"


"Number one. I am cute
Number two. I am super duper cute.
Number three. I am cuter than a baby seal who is clapping her hands together" I showed my beautifull6 brushed pure white teeth, tilting my head to a side trying to look innocent.

"Give me a solid reason"

"You mean to say that earlier reasons were in gaseous form? I admit what I did was a bit related to liquids but..."



"Stop being childish!"

"Not at all! If anyone tries to dance on the chance of getting closer to you, I can even rip her throat!" My voice kept increasing every moment and so did his.

"Why are you shouting!?" His eyes widened in surprise as I was the one at fault and still shouting.

"Why are 'you' shouting?" Stressing the word 'you' I aksed him.

"Because I am mad at you. And why are you shouting?"

"Because you are shouting" Such an idiot you are! At this moment fiend and angel were lying on the top of each other and looking at us.

"This is madness" He did a what-is-this action with his hands.

"No" I resisted, making him look at me. "In my language this is self confidence"

I was right. Normal people call it self confidence.

Normal people don't apply lip cream on toes.

Nor do they use cooking oil as grease oil in their scooties whom they don't name Bantam or Wolverine.

"Choco you need to apologize"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Not at all! You will say something stupid"

"I am not apologizing because I care for you. I don't want your respect, dignity and esteem to be lowered"

"Interesting. And how is that?" He leaned against his table and crossed his arms across his chest, ready to listen to what will actually explode his mind.

"My respect= Your respect
If I apologize
My self respect= 10000000(before) × 0 (after) 
So it will be 0
Which would mean that your self esteem and everything will be zero. And being a good, kind, lovely, caring, sweet, innocent, cute, smart, innovative, intelligent wife" Sigh "I don't want that"

After I ended my small calculation which is smallest till date, he was looking at me with his mouth opened in an 'O' shape and his eyes half opened in awe.

If it was a cartoon world, I bet my kidney to buy one of you a brand new iPhone 12 pro max that, a white colored scary ghost would have escaped his mouth.

"Is there any quality in the world that you left?" That was nothing. Honesty, compassion, generosity etc were still left but that would be a bit over.

"I am not apologizing. And that is final" I turned to the other side, ready to go picking up my self respect but caught from the waist and pulled towards him. My back was resting against his chest while his grip was a bit harsh this time, because of the fact that he knew I would try to run away.

"Choco you are going to apologize and that's final. No arguments" Before I could reply, I was dragged outside by a grumpy sad Rakshit Shergill.

He took me to the side of the pool where the drooling girl was drying her hair after she had 'just' changed her soaking wet clothes.

"Amara, Drishti wants to say something to you" He looked at me and then Amara.

She smirked.
My mind blasted.
Devil and angel cheering me.

My self respect could be seen packing It's luggage and going but stopped by me.

"Hi bitch" I smiled evily, which turned Rakshit's head to an exact 70° with his face dropped in terror.

"Excuse me?"

"Forget everything. I was here to say something. So without wasting time, let's start" She smirked on hearing me.

Don't run wild imagining baby, cuz you can't imagine what I can do, even in your wildest dreams.

"Speak sweetheart" I am sour heart baby!

"I want to thank you" She looked confusingly at me and so did he. "You made me realize that I love Lavanya more than you"

"You are here to apologize Drishti" A pinch on my arm from Rakshit came with a free glare.

"Oh yeah, so as I was saying. When I pushed you into that pool, you were looking exactly like Ursula of The Little Mermaid-"

"Drishti" He gripped my arm and shook it harshly.

"I am sorry" I sighed and she smirked for the millionth time "Not for what I did but sorry for what I am going to do" Saying this I pushed her back into that pool which resulted into her clothes being wet again.

I clasped my hands together and shook off the imaginary dirt which might have come when I touched Ursula, I tossed my hair and turned with a bucket full of attitude. And the next view was not-so-pleasant.

There stood a bewildered Rakshit who was pissed to the peek. At this moment, the bucket of my self respect and attitude emptied. I would like to tell you all my last wishes.

1. Dance with an orangutan
2. Pet a donkey
3. Own a Ferrari and crash it in a police car
4. Call Lava bitch on her face
5. Know about freakin Jason the mystery person
6. Jump into a pool of Chocolates
7. Kiss this man in front of me
8. Do a few more things with him

Forgive me for the last point.

The one to write my epitaph, please write good about me.

Good morning!

Hope you loved the chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment.

If we ever noticed, we are always busy in being what others want us to be and not what we actually are. We try to stand upto their expectations and boom! The original us dies. We like to show ourselves smart and good in front of others but in reality when it comes to do something for someone, sorry to say but the same smartness and goodness dies.

Stay healthy, stay happy and keep smiling.

Have a positive mind and a cheerful day ahead.

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