10) Something's burning?

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Rakshit's POV: (surprise!)

Yesterday at the shopping mall I ran past a girl. She seemed to almost dig my grave. Being The Rakshit Shergill I didn't care a damn to apologize for it. I went in shops some casuals for myself.
When I returned to my car I was welcomed with the biggest shock of my life.

I sat inside the car busy on a call when I heard wierd scratching noises from somewhere. I hung up and looked around from inside. My car windows were blackened in such a way that none from outside can look inside but from inside I could spot everything.

There I saw choco pie scratching my car with her scotty key. She was even dancing and cursing me, kicking the car
, making cute pouts and blinking her eyes rapidly. She later stood like a superhero and picked a lipstick from her purse. She sat on the hood and leaned in closer to the windshield and wrote on it.

"Learn to drive you rascal!

While she was doing the nuisance I kept watching her with my eyes almost popped out. What sort of girl is she? She's too innocent, a kid, an insane girl, she shouts suddenly, she talks to herself , she loves chocolates more than a kid, she doesn't know what is good and what is bad for her. It's really difficult to find such a person. It was like she is one in a million. She risked her job for Rajesh that impressed me too much. But I was just thinking of one thing.

Did she just call me a rascal?

Next day I intentionally haunted her faking talking to the inspector. Her horrified pale face made a smile appear on my lips. She made me forget that I was pissed off since morning. That usual mom's drama. Marry someone my son. Why should I? I literally don't want to marry someone. There's no place for love and marriage in Rakshit Shergill's life. I am happy in my own self. I wanted to mess up more with her but she reminded me of the meeting so we had to leave.

Conference room

We were waiting for Mr. Cameron, Mr Ahuja and Mr. Grey for about five minutes when I had a glimpse of my choco pie. Not mine but my choco pie. I mean a choco pie. I don't know from where these cheesy names find their way out of my mouth. I can't help speaking them when she's around. Thank God Romi ain't here. Fact one- he would have spilled that I am the CEO. Fact two- He would tease me to death. I didn't tell her that I was the CEO. Well! I also don't know why. Don't comment that it's love. I don't believe in love.

Finally they all arrived. I sneak peaked my...the...I sneak peaked choco pie and saw felt something strange in the way her eyes popped out when she saw the three men. She was already accosted with Aryan but these two were way different.

"Wow." A soft voice left her lips which made me think why did I call them for the meeting? She kept staring at them as if she hadn't seen any men before.

"Morning Mr. She...."

"Morning gentlemen." I cut him in between and shook hands with them one by one.

Drishti's POV:

The meeting proceeded firmly as Rakshit sir gave the presentation well followed by others. While I kept staring at the trio. That day Mr. Aryan Ahuja didn't look this much handsome. I must accept that I am surrounded by drop dead gorgeous men here. I kept blushing at my thoughts and putting the file in my mouth like a kid.

Don't tell me. You gonna marry four men!!!!!

No. Not at all!

You must select one of them.

You're a pervert. Firstly you like Rakshit then another. That also three men together! What's this? Is there buy 1 get 3 free offer going on here.

Leave please. You both promised! It's a sin for me to look at anyone except my dream husband Rakshit.

And you busy cheating the man whom you accepted your husband in your mind.

I ain't cheating!

We are leaving. You suck!

Insulting me to supreme level they left. After the meeting was over I could see them congratulating each other. Ryn Cameron advanced towards me. His alluring blue eyes making me nervous.

"So. Miss Drishti! It would be my pleasure working with you." He held out a hand for handshake and I offered him mine. We shook hands and he kissed my back palm lightly. I widened my eyes and could feel my heart beat increase as he smiled at me after that. Stop growing a pervert!

More to that Jason also did the same and Aryan too. I could feel something burning! I saw Rakshit sir massaging the sides of his temple as he was trying to control his anger. He looked up as I called for him. His eyes held unknown anger. Is he jealous? Only one way to know! Let's play along.

The four biggest business tycoons kept chit chatting about their plans. They had a bond of four years. They will work for four years together in every deal that too in New York. Did that mean I will accompany them to New York? How can I? I am just a PA. I was the CEO's Pa. I don't know why Rakshit sir was going instead of the CEO. I just knew one thing. I won't be going. I pouted an annoyed pout and followed sir to his cabin. He was looking angry though.

"What happened sir?"

"None of your business. Fetch me some coffee." He spoke so badly that I frowned at his voice. He used to talk so sweetly to me. What happened now?

"Yes sir."

"And start packing your stuff. After a month we will be off to New York." My face shone brightly at the thought of me accompanying him to New York. Yipee I am so excited!

Hey dhinchak people,

Hope you enjoyed it.

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Stay healthy, happy, keep smiling.

Shine like a star and love everyone even if the person hates you!💖💖 Love and be loved. A good seed would produce a good fruit.

Happy reading.

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