50) For God's sake, It's Widow

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(After this story is over, it will undergo minor editing)

I seriously sat down to write something serious-_-

Drishti's PoV:

I knew that he had several questions brewing in his mind which I wanted to answer but I couldn't, right now , for Jason didn't want me to. Jason wanted me to leave Rakshit tomorrow in the morning and return only when Jason would be sure that I was safe.

But how would I leave that man whom I loved from the time before I came to know that Jason was my brother or I knew that I even had a brother.

"But how?" Confusion was written all over his face-

With a pen or a marker?

Black paint.

I tell you this-


For example an ICU bed.

And while You Jason Derulo Uncle is not ready to trust your humor lacking husband.

Hey, you have no right to call him humor lacking even if that's the truth.

"Choco?" Oh yeah right, I had a situation to handle.

"I'll answer this soon Rakshit, I promise I will" his arms Lavanyaed around my waist, pulling me into a hug.

Omg! What a comparison! Lavanya is indeed a snake.

"So you love me" I upered my face-

You know, buy a dictionary please, how long will Oxford Dictionary continue to commit suicide reading this.

I looked up at him only to find him smirking at me, smirking mixed with a tint of happiness. Out of the whole universe he only remembered the oart when I told him 'I love you' Fantastic!

"You said that first" he chuckled pulling me back into the hug while resting his chin on my head. We maintain that same posture for a few minutes until the enemy of came.

"Drishti" Jason's voice made Rakshit and I part from each other. Seeing Jason walking towards me, he held my hand and stood in front of me, shielding me from him as if Jason was going to snatch me away. "Leave my way Rakshit, I'm taking her home"

If I had spoken of an orangutan sitting in a Lamborghini with a black suit eating mustard sauce, who knows I would have got it too.

Rakshit's grip on my hand tightened with each step that Jason took "I know she promised me to explain all of this later but I'm not letting her go anywhere Jason. She is your sister but now, she is my wife" And your life. Just in case you won't forget the part where you confessed your undying love.

Un what? He just said I love you, grizzly

But them fighting over me, that's cute!!

"I admire your infatuations but this is not a game" No, he, didn't! He just called our love an infatuation. I could feel Rakshit's grip on my hand increasing once again as his nostrils continued flaring in anger.

"You came into her life, like yesterday or a few days ago while we are married for three months. If someone's love should be questioned that should be you, loveless orphan"

How cute


Ok, that's not cute

At all

I take my words back.

Even chameleon can't change it's color so frequently as my life changes. Everything was almost normal a few minutes back but right now it was as if they both would be murdering each other any second.

As for insult part, it was


He called your brother a loveless orphan and you're finding it funny?

I think that was, the look on his face. Yeah that was funny, like actually funny.

Thank God, I'm not the only one.

Rakshit went a little overboard that made Jason so angry that he punched him right in his face causing Rakshit to stumble and fall on the ground due to the immediate reaction.

Not cute again

Not funny too

I find this funny now

"Jason don't! Please!" My requests had no imapct on him as he reached Rakshit out to punch him once again but failed as Rakshit dodged it, hitting Jason in his stomach. When I tried to jerk them off each other both of them glared at me, making me sit on the bench nearby within a second. "Go Rakshit and Jason kil each other! Make me a window and a second hand orphan!" Both of them stopped for that second, still holding each other's collars and started looking at me. Where did I go wrong?

How many times? How many time will we repeat that it's widow! Not freaking window!

And they also would never understand what's a secind hand orphan.

Oh yeah, right.

"I mean widow and orphan. Second hand cuz I have mama Deric with me. Now continue, I'll see on whose victory I want to bid" The situation was terrible to test my joking skills but this would at least make them calm down. You see, sometimes situations can be handled in a way that you never thought could be.

Except when Aryan and Ray would be following me with machine guns and Harpons. Thank you

"For God's sake please stop fighting. This thing looks good only in stories and not in real life. I seriously don't want my brother and husband to fight each other. In both cases I would lose you two. One will kill the other and the other will have a picnic to jail and I definitely won't be coming to meet the Jailed person!"

"Ok fine! I'm sorry!" Sighed Rakshit leaving Jason's collar.

"Me too!" Said Jason not Willing to leave Rakshit.

I knew that if it were to happen they would never be doing that in front me. Rakshit, he loved me and would never want to see me sad. Jason, I'm his longggggggggggggggggggggggggggg lost sister.

That's too long.

Getting up from my seat I stretched out my hands for both of them to hold. The two glared at each other but still held my hands. "Now, a group hug for brother in laws!" As I was about to hold them in a hug Jason spoke up.

"No! Ewww! Brother In Law! That too he, gross!" Jason faked a puke while Rakshit scoffed in anger and replied "Yeah, I would hug a garbage bag happily but not him!"

"And I'm still taking my sister with me" Jason's face lit up with a glow, passing a smile to Rakshit at the same time.

"Yeah you can, and who will be my wife. Oh yes you ofcourse" Please! I don't want to imagine you two sleeping like Rakshit and I.

And I have already planned my children's name so I won't let you spoil my plan.

Girl names- Black Window, Gamora
Boy names- Captain America, Loki

Black widow!! Once again you said window and I swear to God I'll kill you with my own freakin hands!

You can't touch me haha! Pathetic

I like Chunnu, Munnu for guys

And chunni ,munni for girls

And I like Pukie Pie and Mr. Yeast for you two.

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