24) Bioluminescence In sea made me remember something

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Bhai believe or no yesterday prank was funny. Cuz of that pic. Though I felt two people would have almost killed me.

Rakshit's POV:

After having the lunch we returned to our room. She is a bit crazy and a lot kiddish for sure. Before that Pennywise moment could get off my head, that fishy drama came.

"Hawww!!!" She was yawning when we returned. It was axiomatic that she was tired after the travel though the distance and time wasn't so long.

"I think you must sleep for a while choco. You look tired" I looked towards her only to find her lying unconscious on the bed. For a moment I was scared to death thinking of the probability what might have happened to her.

"Choco choco!!!" I shook her trying to figure out what actually happened to her. "Ham....yam...yam...." she spoke feebly in sleep. I chuckled at her expressions and made her lay properly on bed. Adjusting the rim of her frock properly I covered her in a duvet.

Zzz...zzzz... her phone kept vibrating with a continuous inflow of messages or maybe a flood of messages. I didn't want to check it as I respect her privacy. But the continuous vibrations increased my curiosity. She ain't curious but I was

I picked her phone and checked her texts even if I knew I shouldn't. The sender id or say ids made me clutch the blanket tightly. They were Ray and Aryan. The third one, Jason was offline now but I could see their WhatsApp group. What the freaking shit!!!!! They were in a WhatsApp group. For what reason?

And why wasn't I in that group?

- (Ray)Good day morons!

- (Aryan) after reading your text I had a bad day.

- (Ray) oh shut up. Drishti says she always have a good day after reason my texts.

- (Aryan) Buttering! She don't want to insult ya!

- (Ray) I am excited meeting you all in NY.

- (Aryan) No Yawning???

- (Ray) New York!!!!

- (Aryan) oh ho! It was a joke.

- (Ray) It was a PJ.

- (Aryan) Pyjama?

- (Ray) That's why Everyone say you don't have a sense of humor. Bbye. Let me rest and I'll forgive your alopathies.

- (Aryan) Alopathy?

- (Ray) It sounded good. Don't care.

What a freakin insible talk!!!!! Curiosity kept building inside me when a second private message popped on her screen by Jason

What was this guy doing now?

- Hi. Drishti. Just stay happy and stay safe. No Matter what keep smiling. Your life will soon be full of happiness I knkw.

At that very moment an unknown number called on my phone. It looked familiar though. I didn't want to pick it up but still. I left her phone and took my phone leaving the room to attend the call.


"Mr. Rakshit Shergill?"


"I am Vincent." Oh Vincent. He ws the guy whom I hired for a special purpose. Just a matter of business.

"Yeah Vincent. What news do you have?"

"Our attempts were futile. But worry not everything will be under control soon."

I hung up the call and entered the room again frustrated thinking about that tiny business deal.

Drishti's POV:

I knew not when I was engulfed by the wave of slumber. All I remember is waking up to see Rakshit sir pacing back and forth in the room. His facial expressions clearly revealed that he was under stress. Workload? Or me?

The moment he realized I was not asleep anymore he smiled at me. "Come choco. Freshen up and we will be going to Mudhdhoo beach."

"Okay." I quietly went inside the washroom and changed according to the night time. I wore a light blue below knee length floral one piece.

When I came outside we left for the beach. It was dusk and the sun was left not more than a few inches above the horizon. It was going to be night soon. We spent some time roaming here and there till it was completely dark.

"Let's go." He took my hand and asked me to close my eyes. I closed my eyes while he lead. I was barefoot that time as we were walking on the cool sand.

Suddenly I felt something warm and wet. It felt like...umm....water.

"Now open your eyes choco." I opened my eyes and was mesmerized by the view that nature beheld before me. It felt no less than a dreamland. A fantasy land where fairies would roam sprinkling pixie dust.

Yes. It was bioluminescence in the sea. The entire view held beauty which could not be described in words. The phytoplanktons in the sea caused this phenomenon. I know you don't wanna know about it!

Firstly the blue shining sea then the person who held my hands and smiled at my awed Expressions made me forget the surroundings. It was so beautiful. But

This bioluminescence in the sea made me remember something

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This bioluminescence in the sea made me remember something.

Something like a starry night. I looked up at the firmament when light flashes of such a night came before my eyes.

"Choco" A tap on my shoulder brought me back to the reality. "Did you like it?"

Daydreaming again I guess.

"No." His smile fainted. I chuckled. "I loved it!!!" I hugged him tightly for bringing me here. The mystery of the starry night was still a secret though.

Our days in Maldives went diving and discovering coral reefs and sea animals. Ray fishes!!! Haha.

Ray. Aryan fish? Jason fish? Nah.

Stop thinking about it. Just send a picture of Ray Fish on the group chat.

About Rakshit, at nights we would cuddle. Or better say I would cuddle into him. He was typically non chalant so it was basically me doing all the fun and he just smiling watching me.

We soon left for Switzerland and reached after a long tiring journey. The day would soon end. The lights went off. The curtains closed and so did my eyes in sleep.

Good night!!! Lol.

Hope you liked this chapter.

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"Behind every successful man is a woman." True. The thing is it ain't a wife always. Cuz the first woman is his mother who gave him birth.

Stay healthy, stay happy, keep smiling.

Enjoy reading.

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