39) I am Spiderman

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*oh yeah! I got the exact video to suit this one!*

*Dancing around*

Rakshit's POV:

"I am sorry that I make you embarrassed everywhere we go. But you don't understand me!" She screamed with teary eyes and pushed me away before leaving me all alone in that corner.

She had got me wrong. I didn't want this to happen. She thinks that she makes me embarrassed but it's not the truth.

I had a little surprise for her but it seemed that the surprise would rather be an apology.

Drishti's POV:

I am sorry that I made him embarrassed in that shop. It was never my intention that he had to be ashamed because of me. I ruined everything.

Wiping away the few tears with the rin of my top sleeves, I made clenched the ropes of my side bag and,

Wait a minute.

I am lost!

Duh, I didn't realize that I got out his site which meant he had to find me. And till then, I had to sit somewhere like a moron and wait for him.

But I will not. Why?

Cuz I have self-respect. I had left him with so much attitude and style that it would ruin that attitude of mine if he saw me finding him. Drishti, work smart, think smart.

I am smart!

"This is an announcement for Drishti Shergill to stand below the center of the hall area of the mall" An announcer spoke in his mike making me flush in embarrassment as people near me were gossiping 'Who's kid is lost?'

Do I look like a five-year-old? I ain't going anywhere huh!

"Mrs. Drishti Shergill please come. We have choco lavas for you" What the 'f' word! He wasn't leaving this if I didn't go. The announcer was being paid.

"Choco is ordered to come at this moment" Agh! Self-respect Drishti! Self-respect.

"Choco I am sorry" The announcer sounded like my husband. Hm. "Choco listen. Please come" Ok it was him "You don't make me embarrassed. You make me feel like I've never been better. Your foolish, stupidity, and childish acts don't irritate me at all. I like the way you are choco. Now please come to the center" Here I come!

Once I find him, I will make sure that a big king-sized grave was dug for him. I am a good wife so I can do at least this much for him that his grave is king-sized. How thoughtful of me!

Everyone around me was gossiping 'So irresponsible of that girl' 'The guy loves her so much' and honestly the one that triggered me for murdering was one girl 'I wish I could marry him. His voice seems so hot'

Myself imagining her swimming inside a volcano to give her the definition of hotness. Real hotness.

Mad girl= drooling over my husband
Drooling over him= Another competitor
Another competitor= He may look at her
His look at her= my blood boiling
My blood boiling= it evaporates
Evaporation= Me no blood
No blood= Me dead

Where dead me will do a comeback.

Ghost me= after that girl
Then girl= dead
Dead girl=ghost
Ghost girl= may scare my husband
Scare him= I kill the ghost too

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