19) A call?

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Rakshit's POV:

Mom requested me to get married. It was true that I didn't plan getting married ever in my life but she swore that she will die if I didn't marry the girl. I was frustrated from the very moment. The momentum I came to know that my choco pie was my very bride unknowingly a smile crept on my face. I felt happy for sure. It was something unfamiliar that made me agree to this marriage.

I was late on our very first wedding night. I know she must have been waiting for me. A newly wedded woman's heart is full of desires and longings for her married life. (Desires always don't mean bad.) I was guilty. Yes I was so guilty.

After marriage as we returned home I got a phone call. It probably sounded as a warning or something. The lady claimed to me her adoptive mom. The only words I could hear amidst her sobs was "please take care of her and protect her from him. Please. Protect her from them." She hung the call.

I tried calling her again but the number was switched off. I traced the location and went out with my driver to the place. It was a short distance from the city. Two cities apart. Choco pie used to live there earlier. As I knocked at the door and waited in vain for half an hour, an elderly man from across the street spoke up "hey young man! The lady hath left just two hours ago."

All of this something unusual and very confusing. Amidst the obscure situation I was remembering a similar phone call almost two years ago.

"Don't let her go there. Please. They will take her. Please."

It was a wrong number at that time though as she apologized later. She seemed to cancel her daughter's visa to America. The voice of the lady and this one pretty matched. So did the number I felt. Suddenly I remembered that I was married today only and my choco pie yes...I mean I can claim her mine now. My choco pie was waiting for me.

I got back home and entered the room. As I entered one of the most sadistic moments and vision of my life laid in front of me. She was lying on floor shivering and hugging her teddy bear. From bleared visage it was evident how much sad she was. I immersed rushed and picked her up. I placed her on the bed,brought a blanket and covered her. I switched off the air conditioner and sat by her side. She was still shivering but soon it was ok. I changed into black tee and trousers and sat by her.

Should I sleep here? I mean um...it's wierd. But she's my wife now. I laid beside her got in the blanket. She was facing me which made it easier for me to adore her countenance. Her face was so natural. So pure. So cute. I was admiring her for a long time when I saw her tear marks. I got a wet hankey and cleaned her marks. Then I kissed below her eyes. I know she rubs her eyes as a kid which make them pain so much. I caressed her hairs and again began my admiring session. What was her mom saying?

I looked up at ceiling deep in my thoughts when something cuddled close to me. I looked and found choco pie hugging me like she hugged the teddy bear. She put her arms around my neck and her one leg around my waist pulling me close. I chuckled at her childishness. Oh choco, why are so irresistibly cute?

I hugged her back and caressed her hairs. It felt so complete. My arms embraced a cute little kid that is my wife now. Something which is holding me like she don't wanna let me do. I managed to look at her face when I felt wetness on my cheek and saw that she was drooling like a baby. Aww!

Wait! Did I just aw? But...she's so cute and childish. Unwantingly I smiled at her. I used my hand and the blanket to clean her drool but she didn't let me do it. She buried her face in my neck making voices as if trying to sip it. I thing is clear. I just married a kid.

"Water." She mumbled in speak. I tried to pull her apart amd get the water jug but she didn't leave me for a second. Her cheek was continuously sticky to mine making me nervous for the first time.

After 20 minutes of trying I managed to push her away with waking her up. But she's asleep how will she drink it?

I got a clean unused cloth and got it wet with cold pure water. I reached upto her and wet her mouth and dry lips with it. She immediately sucked the cloth hungrily. Oh God what have I done? I couldn't even stay by my wife when she needed me. I got a glass of water and made her drink it carefully. So she can drink in sleep too. Cute!

Once she was done I laid beside her putting the glass away. I pulled her into the previous position and she again cuddled into me. In sleep she was chewing my tee while I kept smiling the whole night. Her soft white legs holding me, her tiny arms circling my neck and her sweet childish acts made me smile the whole night.

Next morning I felt some sort of distrusting moment in my arms. My waist felt comparatively free and there was nothing around my neck. I frustrate opened my eyes and looked at the breathtaking morning view. My choco pie looking at me with widened eyes with her hands on my chest.

"Good morning my choco pie." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning sir." I immediately frowned. Sir, like seriously? I killed the vibe.

"Don't call me that. Call me Rakshit." I got up and left to get ready.

Good afternoon!

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Explaining yesterday's one for i-m-secret

A broken vase may brake. But it can be mended. Once it's mended it looks more beautiful.

Same for trust

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Same for trust. It can be mended. In a relationship it adds to the beauty of the relation. There is a technique in Japan to mend broken vases. All we need to do is adopt this technique in our lives. In humanity.

Mending broken relations.💖

Stay happy, stay safe, keep smiling.

Enjoy reading💖

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