26) We need to go now!

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Drishti's POV:

"We are going back tomorrow. And you're so mean Mr. Shergill!"

I was continuously quarrelling with him the night before the day we left. In this time we had grown a pretty fair bond. I mean I started to open up with him.

"What did I do?" He frowned looking at me while laying down on the bed munching cookies. He likes chocolates now.

"You didn't let me buy anything for Rashi!"

"Oh come on choco. You had already bought from Maldieves. Then what was the need?"

"But she told me she wanted something's from here. That's bad. She helped me in packing amd you are so mean! I ain't talking to you." I made an angry baby pout and took the blanket on myself.

"Oh ho! Don't be angry choco. You know anger increases temperature and an increase in temperature will melt you. How will I find another choco pie?"

"Try on amazon. Maybe you will find a choco pie. Huh!"

"Aw. Stop yhis childish and let's sleep. It's just a present for Rashi."

"Just a present? How can you say that? I hate you. Don't talk to me. I ain't talking to you"

"Why are you replying?"

"None of your business."

"I know what to do?" I was frowning inside the blanket when I felt two hands grip my waist.

"Rakshit sir this ain't fair. No. You can't do this. You can't."


Andddd he started tickling me till i cried. In between I was trying to scare him that I will kill him if he didn't leave me but he being THE RAKSHIT QUESTION MARK wasn't giving in. "Are you still not gonna talk to me choco?"


He finally stopped and sighed in relief. It felt better. It felt good. Tickling should be declared a heinous crime.

"Sleep choco or I will start again." He stretched out his hand trying to tickle me again but i hugged him immediately screaming a big 'NO'. He silently giggled and lay on his back while at one side he was holding me.

"Good night choco." Zzz......I was already sleeping.

In the morning we got ready for our way back to India. Omg! Next month to New York! I am excited as hell. We checked out of the hotel and headed towards the same place where we had left the private jet.

"I won't leave without buying a present for Rashi. I'll jump from the running car."

"Stubborn choco. Ok. What do you want for her?"

"A polar bear."

"Are you stupid? Nutty choco pie." That was definitely a big insults. He was calling me nuts. That means. Mm..

You are choco. Choco+nuts =nutty choco pie. He is insulting you, you idiot!

Fiend! Where the hell were you? I missed you. Where's the so-called angel.

Here. (He was sitting munching popcorn.)

Where were both of you?

We thought giving you some privacy for some time.

As your homey moon is over we are back. And our trip was fantastic.

You both were with me? All the time?

We are your fiend and angel. So basically we will go where you go.

Yeah that's why are here. We were enjoying ourselves.


"Can we go if you have done staring the air?"

When I meet you both I get insulted in an instant.

Thank you.

Our pleasure.

We finally bought a present for Rashi.
I was also stubborn. I am great what to say. Any doubts? No. Thank you.

After spending a whole magnificent week together we were returning to India. All the memories that we shared, all the moments were just a fresh splendor that I didn't wait to forget. We were heading towards his jet when something really strange happened.

In a corner formed by two gigantic buildings stood a man. He was wearing a black oversized jacket and his face was hidden with a scarf. The keenness on his eyes and the firm look he held made me go panic. For out of the whole mob the man's eyes were glued on me. A feeling of discomfort went past me when he took his heavy strides towards me. He gave me a sinister look.

"When will we reach? Where is your stupid plane?"

"What happened choco?" This man! I was an idiot but he's definitely a bigger one.

"Can we just leave? Please. Soon. Now" seeing me panting so hard he was numb. Was this the time to freeze? Here I was getting strange vibes from the mystery man and he was just standing frozen.

"Ok. Come." We rushed towards his private jet but the pilot wasn't there. "We have to wait choco."

"No. Please." My Anxiety level kept increasing as the mystery man made it's way towards us. There were just a few people now as we had reached the take off sight. "We need to go! Now!"

"Why are you panting? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing. I mean. I am just feeling home sick."

"You spent a full week enjoying and now you are feeling home sick?" Why the hell is this man so intelligent?

I turned to find that guy but he was gone. He wasn't there anymore. His thoughts haunted me as I had seen him holding a gun while heading towards us. What was that gun for? There was definitely something too big going on there.

"Come choco. The pilot's here." Finally a sigh of relief. I immediately took his hand and got inside the jet. We seated ourselves and soon left that place. As the plane was taking off I was gazing outside and there I saw someone. The same man holding a gun and...


Good afternoon

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Don't include yourself in the rat race going on. There's so much more you can do. Don't stress yourself and don't think you are special. Cuz no one is special. It's people who make you special and for that you have to achieve something to hold an eye with them.

Stay healthy, stay happy and keep smiling forever.

Enjoy your life.

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