55) Rakshit Shergill and Apology? never

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Drishti's POV:

"Get out of a here! You can't stay here!" Screamed Jason in childishness, trying to push Rakshit out of my room.

Let me give you a quick summary.

After Ray and Aryan were made familiar with the situation we decided to call it a day and get to sleep. Ray and Aryan had to share one room for which Ray was not willing at first but later he accepted when Aryan said he would tell his mom Ray ruined the entire face mask she had applied with so much love and care. But Ray's expressions were still kind of cute. Not every mother has a sun like him.

Now, Rakshit was coming with me in my room while Jason was like- No you can't.

So that's what the fuss was about.

"I can't believe my sister married such an arrogant asshole" Cursed Jason looking at Rakshit who was chewing nothing in his mouth and looking at the ceiling with his hands resting in his pockets and feet stomping the nearby table. "Out of the entire world why he?"

"Because there's no one like me" Smiled Rakshit and looked at me with a flash of hope shining in his eyes asking me to agree to the statement.

"No you are not" Whines Jason who was just about to cry. "Why he?"

"Why do you not like him Jason? He's so- so- so- so- so" I looked at Rakshit who was looking at me with a smirk fixed on his face "He loves me" His smrik instantly dropped down and his style- well that was literally proved to be exaggerated.

"Why do I not like him?" Jason's eyes widened looking at both of us in complete shock "Woah. Rakshit will you please care to explain her how you once left your brother after me and he pulled my pants down in front of a whole crowd gathered at the mall?"




"That was his idea. I did not ask him to do that" Rakshit's eyes were trying to avoid Jason as much as possible but when they met Rakshit jerked from his place and slipped from his place to stand behind me.

"You did what?" My voice echoed due to the sudden burst out of amazement when I got to know why Jason did not like him. "Why would you do that?"

"I didn't. Your brother in law aka my brother Romi did" Complaining silentlt Rakshit held the cloth of my gown and started twirling it around his fingers. "Let's just forget that"

"No! You humiliated me in front of everyone" ouch, that would've hurt.

"What? I didn't know Romi was going to do that"

Jason looked at him with disgust anf grabbed my hand, pulling me away from him. "If you want my sister you have to apologize"

"Hah! Rakshit Shergill and apology? Never happening" This Rakshit Shergill was so dead! I mean, what was the need of this much overacting?

"Ok, then you sleep under the stars. Out of my house! Drish, let's go. I have arranged your wardrobe and now you should have some sleep or you'll grow grumpy like this man standing over there"

"This man is your brother in law by the way" There were times when Rakshit was needed to speak something but he never spoke and then there came time when he was required to stay quiet but his tongue was sharper than Politics and Media.

"Apology or out" If you love me you'll apologize.

"Rakshit Shergill doesn't apologize" He picked up a pillow and a blanket from the table where they were already placed for him and put his hands in his pockets. Again.

I need to check his pockets. Who know why his hands keep going in there?

I agree

Don't take any chance.

But this Rakshit Shergill was so dead I tell you!

"Good night Choco!" He came closer to Jason and I and kissed my lips in front of Jaosn, throwing the blanket over his shoulder and walking away in complete ego and 'self respect'

Jason looked at me and sighed "Till he apologizes for that, you aren't allowed to do all this or else my bat and his ass. Got it?"

"Yes sir!" I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him. "Wish you were there Jason, when I was small"

"I was. Not physically but I never skipped anything Pumpkin" He smiled at me and told me who he would call me Pumpkin when I wasn't given a proper name. "You know, I've always asked Mrs. Deric to record the minute things, those small memories of your childhood of which I only dreamt to be a part of. Our own supposed family tore us apart Drish. But they separated us in distance nothing else" he cupped my face and kissed my forehead as a sign of the longevity of solitude he had after our parents died and I was not there. "Let me show you something"

Taking my hand he lead me towards a room passing through the corridor. When Jason turned on the lights I was galvanized to see the pictures of mine hanging on the walls. As I walked towards them and inspected each one of them I got to know he had the pictures of nearly every day which meant something to me, every picture from me being a baby to me being the grown up kid I was. The pictures of all the cultural events I've been a part of, of award ceremonies, of my trips, like most of the things.

"I've been preparing this room for so long Pumpkin, I told you I wasn't there physically but there was never a day when I didn't remember you. I want to tell you, show you that I was there Pumpkin, I was. I never missed anything. All your childhood I was there, watching my little sister through the video clips and pictures Mrs. Deric would send me. When you were just a baby, I wanted to touch your small cheeks, hold your tiny hands, and play with you until you would sleep in my lap and I would sing a melody lacking song. I remember the days when I first saw you, I was so excited that I was a big brother, and thought that now I will live all the movies where brothers would protecting their little sisters. But those days never came" and it was the first time I watched him cry. "I'm so sorry Pumpkin I tried to be a good brother but-"

Before he could speak anything I hugged him with all my force and tried my best not to cry. "Jason you are the best! Don't cry"

"I'm not crying" he wiped his tears away and looked at me "It's just water coming from my eyes randomly"

"Makes no sense"

"I know" he chuckled wiping my tears and taking me back to my room. "Rest Pumpkin, we will relive every memory once everything gets alright"

"And when will it get alright?" I aksed hin.

"Soon Pumpkin. I promise. Good night" after wishing me a good night and left my room leaving me alone.

You never failed to protect me Jason. I still remember the day at Maldives.

Smiling to myself I locked the door and was about to turn when two hands closed my mouth and pulled me closer by my waist.

Bhagwan ke nam pe phir se vote de do. XD

I'll tell you what This Had me Laughing So Hard

I'll tell you what This Had me Laughing So Hard

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Like lmao! Seriously!

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