54) Very Very Very much

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Drishti's POV:

"Aryan! Ray! What the actual hell!" I yelled at the two of them who had dropped their iron rods and were now staring blankly at Jason and Rakshit.

"We should be asking you that question" Whined Aryan walking towards us followed by Ray. "You texted me saying that you were kidnapped and now we came to know that the person is your own husband! Like wow!"

"Exactly!" Screamed Ray at the top of his lungs. One thing which I knew about Ray was:-
If you wanna get killed, distrib Ray Cameron when he is sleeping.

"Drishti you did what?" Jason looked back at me as I tried to hide behind his back but instead got pulled by him to face my friends. "Did you call them?" I nodded my head in a bright no but Aryan started beating his chest with his hands as if trying to kill himself with the force.

"Don't lie!" And this person Ladies and Gentlemen, people call him Rakshit Shergill who would stand quietly and watch the entire drama but when it came to the part where I would be saying 'I did not do that' he would stuck his ass in the situation without any knowledge.

So thank you God.

Very much.

Very very much.

Very very very much.

Very very very very much.

"I didn't! And you" I glared at Ray and Aryan who were standing in front of us by now. "Both of you first ditched on me!"

"Yeah we did! But later I knocked at your house floor and no one replied. So I checked your location and it was in this lonely hideout. I rang up Ray and woke him up. Do you know this Rapunzel nearly smashed my head with her Frying Pan?" Aryan glared at Ray who opened his mouth in an 'o' shape at the statement.

"You tell me which person comes to meet you when you are sleeping at your parents' through your damn bedroom window and then screams simply looking at you?" Ray and everyone else looked at Aryan for an answer.

"What? He didn't lock the window. Besides have a closer look at him" Aryan looked at Ray with a pang of annoyance for blaming his screams and the rest three of us looked at Ray carefully for sonic moments with amazement in our eyes.

Ray who had his black nighty with blank pathers on it and was wearing a matching benie looked at our faces which couldn't clarify if it was a reality or a dream "What? My mommy bought this for me, not a word against it"

"And he was having a white face mask on! Like why? While sleeping? Where did he get that from? And who the hell won't scream seeing a that face with black pink panter nighty" Aryan added.

"Not my fault if your mommy dosen't buy you night suits and skin cares"

"What about that grey stuffed bunny?"

"Hey! Not a word for Mr. Humpty The Laughing Lamma either!" Ray and Aryan's bickering never ending but it helped us to learn a few things about Ray.

He was a mama's boy, a chilled out person and a child at heart behind all the layers of semi seriousness and talent.

"Cute" I chuckled and looked at Rakshit who glared at me for saying that word. "Maybe not"

"So care to tell us what the heck is going on? Or I am calling the cops" said Ray while settling down on the couch with Aryan and keeping his legs on the table as if he owned that place. "And why is Jason Derulo here?"

"I'm Jason Gray not Derulo!"

"Yeah yeah, now summary of the situation cuz I am still sleepy" Said Ray holding a pillow in his lap.

I just know one thing. If they got to know the secret about my brother

I was dead

I looked over to Rakshit was looking at the broken window and then at Jason who was trying to figure out what was happening. At last Rakshit and Jason went to one side and had a small conversation over the topic and retuned after fixing the window by blocking it with an almira.

All of us settled down properly forming a circle and looked at each other's faces blankly like they were the most interesting things in the whole world. I could feel like I was sitting in an open zoo.

"So, will silence be giving us the answers?" Said Aryan.

"Silence is the best response to a fool" replied Ray, trying to be funny.

"Shut up, pink panther" Aryan glared at Ray for the bizillionth time.

Jason started explaining them how I was his sister and all the other stuff that he told Rakshit today while I was busy with my Maths.

Aryan= Ray= Foolish
Jason= Intelligent
Rakshit aka My husband aka humorless person who used to think he was effortlessly funny= Caring

Intelligent + caring = My safety = sure


My safety - (Foolish×2) = ultra pro max level failure

So, Me = Bye Bye world

My imaginary property could be once again seen going to trust. My Bucket list wasn't even completed yet.

The status of seriousness

Seriousness- Last seen 2 billion years ago

"What?!" Screamed Ray as the two looked at me in pure surprise. "You are his sister?"

"No, who told you? I'm his bloody grandma" Frustration took me over when they kept asking me the same thing over and over again.

Bhagwan ke nam pe vote de do.

I wasn't going to ask for this but LOL I thought of this way and decided to write it.


Serious= Coming soon.

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