8) Like This Only

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Here we come! In the office! I must say that his office I mean my office I mean this office looks as if it's set in some highly developed clean city. You know what I mean. The surroundings were clean, trees decorating the place, silence engulfing the place, well disciplined employees except Rajesh!

We came out his Lamborghini Veneno. This guy is also expensive. I mean rich. But he's still down to earth. That's really difficult to find now a days. I saw Rajesh standing there grinning his teeth seeing me coming out of Rakshit sir's car. I looks around and saw the same Buggati La Voitre Noire which was in a completely ruined as a dilapidated drum because of my dhoom machale. I kept looking at it and put my fingers in my mouth and lowered my head clenching my skirt and peeping forward.

"Don't worry about that. Come. We have work to do Miss Sood." Why the hell he called me Miss Sood. He used to call me with cheesy names and now! I was craving to hear those names again. Call me something cute. Something cute. Like um..

"Choco pie are you coming?" My mouth was wide open and I felt that a big Argentinosaurus could enter it. Did he have powers to know what I am thinking? He was going towards the office and I immediately ran towards him following him with two files in my hand.

We entered the office. The first thing I had to face was some dirty glances of idiot jerks. We entered the lift to reach the floor number..um...say 43. His cabin was on floor number 43 out if 87 floors. The CEO opened an office or a hotel? Anyhow! We stepped into the life and as usual he was busy on his phone. We both were alone in the lift and he was standing in front of me back facing me. He looked back and kneeled down in front of me. "I love you. Will you marry me Miss Sood?"

"Yes" I screamed loudly. He looked back at me making me realize I was daydreaming. I embarrassed myself again. It's like....

A hundredth time a day.

You are an artist Drishti! An artist. Teach this art to everyone. Open THE EMBARRASSMENT ACADEMY.

Out! They obeyed. Why are they becoming so obedient. I looked at sir who was still busy looking at me in amazement.

"Miss Sood you can take a break. I will have no objection." He definitely thinks I am a lunatic. And I myself confirm it every passing second. Even sometimes I feel the same too. I just bowed my head muttering a sorry. He looked forward. The lift opened and an idiot employee entered breaking my romantic daydream and thank god my humiliation record. No. Not record. But still.

He kept gazing me from head to toe. I typically hate such sort of guys. It's India and it's like this only. A girl wearing short clothes is just like a source of entertainment and like a maniqueen for guys. But if there are bad guys then we shouldn't forget that there are humble ones too who won't spare a chance to make you comfortable even if they don't know you. Remember,  everyone's not the same.

I hid more behind sir and he could feel me doing so. He looked back and lightly raised both his brows at me asking me what happened with blank but still caring and soothing Expressions. I nodded my head negatively with a scared annoying pout and hid myself from the man's gaze. The lift stopped Rakshit sir asked me to leave to his cabin and I keft before him. I reached his cabin and kept waiting for him. He returned after ten minutes.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes sir."

"Why did you put your job at sake just for saving Rajesh who was just about to beat you?"

"I don't want to talk about that sir. But I am like this only. You like it or not I am like only. I will remain like this only. Like this only. This only. Lik..." I was bladdering in a childish voice putting my head down when he kept his finger on my lips. I looked up at him.

"Grow up! Choco pie!" He walked away. I am writing a note in which his so cute actions will be clearly pointed as the reason behind my death. He will be soon behind the bars. Choco pie! Awe!

The rest of the day went normal. As usual in meetings and all. Sometimes I think these rich guys aren't too bad as mostly I got glances from normal people. These were accustomed with such sort of wear. Comfort zone! Secondly Rakshit sir was with me so literally I feared nothing.

At the end of the day I found something. The same lift guy was fired! That too after three punches on his face. Does that mean...he likes me? He loves me?

Everyone loves fools.

Yes! Even I too!

Who invited you?

How many times should I tell ya grizzly we don't need an invitation.

But we will leave ya again soon. Cuz your so-cute-handsome-caring-etc etc prince-charming boss is coming.

I looked back. He came near me and snapped his fingers in front of me still maintaining his old usual cold but gold Expressions. Omg! Rhyming! I feel like a poet.

I want to puke hearing this!

''Shall we leave?"

"I will go by my own sir."

"Don't be silly. It's 1am. I can't risk your safety. Come. And it's an order choco pie." I am drooling. 1st - drooling over him. 2nd - drooling listening choco pie as I want to eat it!

We sat in his car and he dropped me home. "Thank you sir. Good night." I wished him and left. I opened my house door and got in. It felt so safe and lovable as he didn't leave till the time  I didn't enter my house.

Hey choco pies!

Good afternoon!

Hope you enjoyed it.

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This time I need review!!!!!!!!!!

Keep smiling, stay happy, spread love.

Happy reading 💖

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