29) Am I wearing A Private Jet?

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Drishti's POV:

We reached our flat which was on the 65th floor. The sight of Jason secretly stalking us and having killed a man was getting all over my mind. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. I was getting suspicious of each and everyone around me but Rakshit.

As we reached there I directly went in search of the bedroom and finally found it. I began unpacking my luggage and settled my clothes and all in the closet and the respective places while ignoring Rakshit sir who was continuously asking me why I was on a mute mode.

After arranging the closet I went towards the washroom grabbing a towel to have a warm shower. There I laid in the bathtub with closed eyes and a not-so-relaxed mind which was thinking about my adoptive mother Mrs. Crimpson Deric. Out of all these years just today I wondered that her name was Crimpson Deric! And looked like an Indo American, her accent, her walking style, almost everything.

I have never pondered over these things with such details. I have always had trusted her, called her my own mother and haven't asked about her past or mine. The only thing she told me was that I was a blessing to her. More than a mother, she was like my best friend. She gave me all the freedom every girl would dream of. She acted as my landlady when I told her I wanted to be independent. She used to braid my hair, sing me a lullaby and tease me a lot.

This very moment I was missing her. I broke her. Her trust. Maybe lost her love too. She didn't even pick my calls. She didn't even check my texts. Was she alright? Oh God, please keep her safe.

I walked out of the bathtub and changed into a normal shirt and pjs.

Lol pj=private jet
Pj=poor joke

Which means,
Private jet is a pyjama!
And pyjama is a poor joke.

Am I wearing a private Jet?

Cummon! Be serious for a second at least!

You're a jerk!

I went outside and found Rakshit sir already changed into his black tee and trousers and going through some files in the bedroom. I went straight and got into the blanket, sobbing a little. Seeing me on mute mode he came and sat near me. He began shaking me and pulling the blanket like an annoying little kid.

"What happened choco? Why are you on mute mode?"


"Tell me choco. Maybe I can help."

"I told,nothing!"

Finally, he managed to pull me into his lap and began examining the tears flowing down. "Why are you crying choco?" His voice showed all the care and concern he had for me. Things would've been perfect if I had the answer.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while he was caressing my hairs. "I am just missing, mom" I sobbed in his embrace while he was still caressing me and assuring me that everything will  be alright. After that I slept without eating anything. I actually didn't realize when I went into such a deep slumber.

Next morning

It was our first day of work in New York. The office was barely a 20 minutes drive from our place. I didn't know that Ray and Aryan too lived here till this morning. It was morning when we met accidentally in the elevator. It was a pleasant meeting for the three of us while someone was not pleased at all.

"Good morning Rakshit. Drishti, you here? In this building?" There was an amusement in their tone as The Great Drishti being here was something they didn't expect. I forgot to tell them about my marriage too. Yikes!

"Actually....." I was going to tell them everything till Rakshit sir decided to speak in between.

"Being my wife she would axiomatically be staying with me."

"Wife? Wait, what? You both!!! Married!" Both of them looked at each other and then the two of us. Rakshit sir gripped my waist and held me close showing them to whom I belonged. Awkward!

"Yeah!" Was my pretty dumb reply.

"Why didn't you tell us? At least you could have told Drishti. We didn't expect you marrying without us!" I was feeling guilty. It was the first time in my life that I had got such true and loyal friends, and didn't tell them about my marriage.

"It all happened in a haste. Even her mother couldn't come." At least Rakshit sir spoke from my side. Hearing this both of them kept mum but cleaning their fake tears.

"At least you could've told after that." Were they really billionaires? Billionaires aren't that sort of egoistic and classy as I used to think. It was just a wrong perspective. Cuz these guys were friendly, pretty civilised and always smiling cheerfully which was radianting positivity everywhere.

"Well. We are throwing a reception party where I we will officially announce that we are married."

And they kept talking about the reception till we got into the car and honestly, I didn't even get a word they were trying to say.

The moment we reached the office I looked here and there at the magnificent building which was worth drooling. Oh wow! I guess I was destined to be here!

This is known as mistake. By mistake God sent you here.

He must be regretting.

Oh shut up!

We walked to his cabin while I was feeling something weird. There were several queries which were unanswered. And only one person could give the answer. And he was...



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Every moment we need someone. Someone near us to love us, console us and tell us that we are unique, we are loved and make us smile everytime. Hope everyone of you is blessed with such a pure soul!🖤🖤

Stay healthy, sray happy and keep smiling.

Enjoy reading.

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