45) Mood Swings And Nervousness

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Rakshit's POV:

Over a past few days there has been a massive change in her behavior. She has started taking things in a serious way, like serious serious. Hell serious! Actually serious.

And that is completely undigestable.

Most of her day goes like, screaming my name till she could scream no more. Honestly saying, the girl has got a lot of stamina in her little body.

"Rakshit you are turning extremely lazy now a days. All you do is sit, eat, sleep and repeat! You are like a leech to the couch. Get your fat ass off it now!"

That's what I was talking about.

I mean just look at me, who would want to scold such a handsome lovely husband? Sometimes I wonder if I could charge her with domestic violence or molestation of my poor soul.

"Why don't you count my work? The whole day I do work from home, why? Oh yes! Just because you don't feel like leaving this house. So tell me who is the leech now?" I held the smug look on my face high like a llama but looks like she didn't like the idea of herself being the leech.

"Oh! So I am the leech. Ok fine!" She sighed and smashed the door behind her, leaving the room. "Then this leech won't be cooking anything fpr breakfast tomowrrow and nothing, I repeat nothing from the outside will enter the house. End of conversation"

If it was some other day, I would gladly say that I liked it when it came to her being bossy but that day is definitely not today.

Apart from her behaviour, there is such a massive kaleidoscope of emotions going on my mind that keeps on messing with my inner peace. She told me that she would tell me what it was when the time came, but everytime I tried taking the conversation to that point she would digress the lurking truth behind some stupid theory of how to kidnap your best friend, or how to kill a mosquito in cold blood.

I have been witnessing the sporadic change in her behavior at a large extent. At one instant she is perky, and at the very next, her face seems like next to crying.

I kept my laptop aside and finally got up or as in her language 'got my lazy ass off the couch' It was midnight so basically if I wanted to sleep in my room, I needed to console her.

The small route to my own room was now an enthralling route to some haunted villa today. With each and every step, I could feel my heart pulsating at a relatively faster rate.

When I reached my room the first thing I did was scrutinizing the surroundings for any sort of danger.

Last time she threw the tv remote at me, so I should not be blamed of being scared.

The remote hit somewhere it shouldn't. My poor head. What if I had had a concussion? Or an abrasion?

The moonlight had illuminated the entire room, such that every object inside it had it's own lusture, its own worth that might have gone unnoticed by any normal eye. It seemed like they had no prescence of their own. As the moonlight continued to make the things intangible, my eyes raked up to the figure of my very own and original wife sitting on the bed with her head buried in her legs.

What was wrong with her at that moment?

I made my way towards her at that very moment and sat beside her. "Choco?"

"What?" Came her little sobbing voice.

"Are you crying?" I asked her, concerned at her sudden mood swing. Was she on her periods? Maybe, maybe not.

"No" she wiped her tears and looked up at me, "My eyes were just producing some Limca that I could drink"

Words won't be enough to describe my situation but this thing can '-_-' This was my mood at that time.

"Where did you lose your mind? Did you have an accident some time in the past?"

"You hit me with the freaking remote!"

"It hit your knee dumbhead!"

Realization hit me, I took it wrong. It just skipped my mind that the something to hit my head was a pillow and that remote was aimed to hit my knee. I mixed those two incidents up.

Two minutes silence for me and me insulting my own self.

I moved my tongue over my parched eyebrows, I mean my parched lips and tried to ignore the feevish look that she held on her face at my comment. Her conttinous evasiveness was somehwere making me edgy and now this crying session "Why are you crying?"

"Because I wanted to be a star shining in the sky but I turned out to be a tubelight, and not a normal one, a tubelight that freakin flickers all the time!"

Reaction- '-_-'

"What will you take of giving me a decent pointed answer?"

"Can you bring me the moon? The stars? A boomer bubblegum inside jolly rancher's lollipop? A white tiger in an Armani suit?"

Reactin '-_-×' where × is that angry expression that appears on the head of cartoons, eg Mitzi Nohara, the strongest women alive.

"Choco! Stop it and tell me what is your problem?"

"You are my biggest problem! Happy?!" She yelled at me. Again it was a two minutes silence before I felt her placing her head on my lap, "Tomorrow is the party. And I'm edgy about it. What if I made a fool of myself and you?"

So that was it, she was nervous about the party tomorrow when I would introduce her as my wife. Aw! LOL! CMALAO!

Chuckling My Already Laughing Ass Off!

Copyright claim, all rights reserved. This acronym belongs to Rakshit Shergill.

"Look here choco" I held her face in my lap and kissed her forehead, "If that would happen" her face shone up and her lips stretched to form a wide smile, "then I will cut you up and feed you to the polar beers" And her smile vanished.

Me- [~□-□]

Good afternoon,

So, how was it? It's gonna end soon! Yeah! In 10 to 12 parts.

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