2) Interview At The Shergill's

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Drishti's POV:

He got into his cabin and I followed like an obedient child. We entered and he sat at his chair and asked me to have a seat too. I sat down giving him confused looks.

"So, you are the new PA?" He asked arrogantly. A hint of coldness visible in his eyes as he inspected me carefully.

"Actually I was here for robbery. I am a professional thief" I burst out at him, sighing in disbelief at his short term memory "Haven't you heard it beforehand?"

"Lower your voice please" he said. Before I froze again, I looked at him with fake anger.

"Do you know who am I?" He asked me the same question again still in his presumed cold attitude.

How usual a dialogue!

"Oh please, cummon it's an old dialogue. Stop acting like you are the CEO. You told me that you will help me and look now you are wasting my time. In your language, My Boss will throw me out!!!!!" I yelled at him in anger but it didn't affect him. He was still smirking that made him look even more crush-typed.

"Calm down dear," forwarding me a glass of water, he leaned back in his chair. Even if I didn't want to drink it, my throat was facing a major drought so I took it and drank the whole glass in one go.

"So Miss what is your name?" He said inquiring.

"What the hell! Don't you have manners? Directly asking my name..."

He looked at me and sighed. "Stupid" he murmured but his voice wasn't low enough so I could hear him.

Just before before he could say anything, a knock was heard on the door and a man came in without His permission. The man looked cute but not matching my temporary or maybe permanent crush who was just asking me silly questions.

"Romi how many times should I tell you that you have to knock?" He spoke frustratedly to the newcomer.

"Just chill bro. I didn't know you were busy. Sometimes you should avoid your workaholic nature and spend some time with your little brother" Romi said.

"You are my brother, not my girlfriend that I have to spend my time with you," he said. So this man jokes also.

Romi looked at me. "Who are you, Miss Gorgeous?"

"Drishti. I am Drishti" I replied to his question forwarding my hand when he held his hand out for a firm handshake.

"Drishti...?" Romi looked at me while I hesitantly bowed my head which was enough to make him understand that I was alone.

"Don't worry. By the way are you Rakshit's girlfriend?" Romi asked.

My eyes popped out and my mouth was wide open. Firstly his name was Rakshit.

Wait!! Aghh...why was I again drooling over him?

"Behave Romi," Rakshit said "better go back to work.....or should I tell your girlfriend that you were busy flirting"

Secondly I was dancing inside.

"I was just going," Romi said and winked at him. "And please don't tell Divya cuz she will just kill me building her own thoughts" saying this he went outside leaving both of us alone.

"So Miss Drishti. Why do you want a job at our company? Any special reason?" Why was he even inquiring me? Perhaps my boss told him to do so or he wanted to test my abilities.

"Don't tell the CEO that I said this. This company is not so dreamy that I want a job here only. I had filled total of 12 forms and I was only accepted in this company." I said confidently. Within a minute his facial expressions changed. He looked at me with a are you serious look.

"What are your expectations in this company?" He asked.

"Work, salary and yeah a holiday at weekends" I spoke.

"But your boss is strict. You are his PA. When he works his PA works, only 2 holidays in a month. 2 Sunday's you will have off. So a total of 4 holidays. Got it" he said looking at some files.

"Why are you interrogating me?" I asked as he didn't seem to stop. "I am already selected. And the last interview was much more professional"

"Do you want this job or no?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

"Ask what you want to," I said a bit annoyed and folded my hands across my chest looking at the floor.

"Your qualifications?"

"MIT graduate," with Full Form differences.

"So why are you wanting this job? You are eligible enough for more"

"I don't want any sort of attention among people, people take it as a big deal. I am good at what I am" Lie, So what?

"Impressive" I felt butterflies in my stomach as he spoke that word. Drishti stop it but I had never been appreciated before "Any problem working till night?"


"Where do you live?" he asked.

Damn, I just forgot that I had to pay my landlady the rent. She was certain to throw me out. What should I say that right now I live two cities apart and tomorrow I will be homeless if I didn't pay her.

"I live in my home." A sharp and stupid reply

"And I live in a dustbin. Are you supposed to answer this?" He said as he looked angry. I made a fool of myself, again. I was selected so what was the need for this interview.

"I live two cities apart and just this week I will shift here if I got this job" I already have this job.

"Any boyfriends?" What's the need of asking such a question? Was he interested in me?

Shake it off Drishti.

"No, I am single," I said calmly but I am ready to mingle if it's you.

Oh shut up, Drishti.

"So more focus on work. Good. Friend circle?"

"Not too big," I said but I was a bit sad cuz my only friends were the stuffed toys as I kept changing places.

"Any talent?"

"I love to sing and dance" and now you are dancing on my head and heart Rakshit.

"Nice," he said expressionlessly. Nice and still a rude expression.

"Any previous experience?"

"Internship experience at The Khanna's " I replied.

"You left it? It might have offered you a job" This man was too smart for his own good. It was true though. I had got an offer for the job but I denied as I felt uncomfortable around the boss Mr. Vicky Khanna.

"I didn't like doing the job there". Oh, Fish not again.

"How much salary do you expect?"

"That could fill my appetite and be enough for me to lead a happy life"

He gave a faint smile still engrossed with the files. At least he smiled and he looked so cute in it. I just wished I could pull his cheeks and cut of a slice to watch under a microscope. Drishti control yourself. I mentally slapped myself.

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