14) Why does every sweet thing happen in lifts

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Drishti *sharpening a knife* - warning reading this you may fall for my to be husband. Just remember that he is mine!

We walked past the hallway towards the lift to go to the 45th floor. The lift was pitch black, actually silver I guess. Lifts make me feel like I am watching 3D horror movies. This time we entered the lift alone. Like usual my mind was occupied with stupid romantic thoughts with my future husband. Actually I am suffering claustrophobia. A bit! I can manage till 5 minutes but after that I start getting breathless.

We got into the left and it started going up. As usual Rakshit sir was busy in his phone. I was really getter pissed. With whom is he chatting? His girlfriend? His fiance? His wife!!! Wait! He ain't married. Stupid Drishti! I tried peeping into his phone from a corner. I raised myself on my toes and looked from over his shoulder.


The lift stopped with a jerk that I feel on his shoulder and his phone fell down. Thr first he did after that was look at me and after that he picked his phone. The lift wasn't opening and I started to panic.

"Sir, why is the lift not opening?"

"Maybe some technical problems. It doesn't happen usually. Let me call and check." He dials a number and inquired about the lift situation. "There's a minor problem. It will take a few minutes to solve this."

"This means that this lift won't open for a few minutes?" I was panicking like hell while he simply nodded a yes. Ok! Calm down Drishti, calm down! Everything's gonna be fine. Take a deep breath and don't panic. 1 minute, 2 minutes and more. Now I couldn't control any more. He seemed to have no problem but I ws beginning to feel breathless!

I rushed in the front and started banging the lift door crying hard. Tear drops continued to trickle down my face and sir looked scared for me. He pulled me back. "What happened choco?"

"I....I....I will die! I...I am..claus.....claus... Claustrophobic. I...I...." My body started shaking badly and I panicked more than before.

"Don't worry. I know what to do? Saying this he pulled me into a warm hug and rubbed my back with one hand and caressed my hair with another asking me to close my eyes and take a deep breath. I did as he told and it was wierd but...but I was feeling good. I shrinked against him more as my hands rested om his chest. He placed a gentle kiss on my hairs. "Don't worry choco. I am always there. I won't anything happen to you my choco pie." I was shaking but soon felt relieved. I opened my eyes and looked at him cutely still sobbing lightly.

I rubbed my eyes but soon they were paining as if I was scratching them. He held my hands and cleaned my tears with his thumb, taking care that I don't get hurt. But they were still paining lightly. He cupped my face and closed my eyes with his thumb. I felt something. Omg! Am I dreaming. He leaned in and pecked below my eyes at the portion which was paining ie below my lower eyelid. He did same with the other. It was soothing the pain. Soon I felt trail of soft pecks along my lower eyelids. I think I am gonna melt like a chocolate in his arms. His choco. Then he held me close in his embrace and kept caressing me. I mean my hairs and back. Soon the lift opened. Wth! I was enjoying it now!

He asked me to get out of the lift with him. I got away and we made our way towards the conference room. He told me to drink me some water and then come. I went and drunk some water, blushing at the same time thinking about what had happened. After that I went to the conference room. The meeting proceeded quite well.

We again entered the lift. I was again afraid but he consoled me saying that he was there. I went into the lift. This time there was a girl with us. Hey you! Don't eye my future hubby! He's mine! I think she will leave at the 42nd floor. I maen anything!! Anything!!! What was that. Can't she use stairs. She's an idiot! She was standing close to me.The moment she walked I realized that he watch was stuck with the knot of my shirt. Remember? The knot is in the front. She left without the realization that as she walked away her watch filp open my knot making it open. I was only wearing my inners underneath it! Man! Are you stupid or what? There is something known as a spaghetti to wear.

I didn't know how to close it at the moment. I was so embarrassed at the moment that again tears flowed down my eyes. My hands shaked as I tried to tie the knot but all my efforts went in vain. The lift would open soon when we reach his cabin floor. I didn't care that sir was standing at my back. All I care was my respect at the moment.

I was crying trying to tie it when two hands went past by my waist, holding my hands. My hands stopped working and his hands gripped the knot from the back. He first held the two sides of my top and brought them close. After that he held the knot and turned me, taking care that my top was in place.

I looked at him. His eyes were closed and his expressions were cold as usual. He tied the knot and then opened his eye. He then set my collar in prefection. I felt sparks as his hands brushed through my neck skin. He turned me and again took out his phone. The lift opened and we went to his cabin. Someone tell me one thing.

Why does every sweet thing happen in lifts?

As we reached his office I turned towards him. "Thank you sir."

"Hm. Take care choco pie."

"If you weren't there then...today I would lose my life or my respect...I" I rubbed my eyes as a kid as tears trickled down. He held my hands and wiped my tears.

"Grow up choco!" He gave me faint smile and we started working again.

Good afternoon!

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Some are having problem at regular updates. Should I decrease the speed of updates?😏😏

Will update hacker by evening or before.

One tree can start a forest
One drop can start an ocean
One smile can start a friendship
So be that one today.
Everything starts from 0. It's just in you hands whether you take it towards positive side or negative one. Be a hero or worse than a zero.

Stay healthy, stay happy, keep smiling. A smile is worth a million tears.

Happy reading 💖💖

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