48) Get The Polar Bears Ready

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Rakshit's POV:

"A few instructions,
1 Don't get lost
2 Don't try to test anyone's swimming or flying skills
3 Don't try to insult anyone
And finally" We were sitting in a limousine, already at our destination but she needed to be explained a few important things, I cupped her tiny frame in my hands "You are not Iron Man"

A disappointed frown appeared on her face when her dream of being Iron Man was crushed. It was amazing how she was still in search of a situation in which she could be a superhero. Her obsession was crossing it's line every passing day. It was just two days back when she was searching for a spider in the store room so that it could bite her and would become spiderman. Even if it was a used her in her life she said she could give this second hand hero a chance.

What was she? Five

"You don't need to tell me that. I have been listening this for days now" Her eyes were glued to all thr flashing lights that came with the paparazzi outside. "Oh my Jumbo elephants!"

She draw a deep puff of air before leaning on my lap and glueing her face on the window. At this moment I wanted to thank the almighty that the windows were blackened. Her gown was the thing that was disturbing me even more when she was still ogling at the media as a child with her hands now connected to the window.

"Okay, now get back and behave mature"

"I am mature" she retaliated and got back to her place but once I raised my eyebrow at her, crossing my arms across my chest along with it, she sighed "ish, maturish. Happy?"

"I need to get the polar bears ready choco" her eyes widened in amusement as she rested her right hand on her chest, "You don't trust me?"

"I trust you" The door was opened by one of my bodyguards and the intensity of the lights increased "as much as Thor would trust Loki"

I lost the chance of seeing her oscar losing reaction as I stepped out of the limo and adjusted my coat. The media was busy in asking questions which definitely went unanswered as I extended my hand for my wife who was struggling with her gown.

This much cloth would be enough to make me nine suits!

I could use it as a bedspread and a blanket!

She slid her hand into mine and slowly stepped outside the limo, closing her eyes as a sudden flash of camera click blinded her eyes. At this moment she felt something so delicate, just as she would break if I held her too hard. We smiled at each other and walked towards the main building where several businessmen and a few politicians would be meeting us. The media asked us to pose a few pictures together and we did so. The questions went unanswered which made me want to laugh at them.


"Mrs. Rakshit Shergill where did you meet your husband? Did you marry him because of money?" No doubt the reporter was an Indian.

Anger surged throughout my body but before I could react to the person she intertwined our fingers and gave me an assuring smile. "Let's just go" I glared at the reporter before walking away with her and that was when another voice came.

"Why did you stop him? Is this true then?" They needed to be answered. No one could hurt my choco's feelings!

"He doesn't see me like that and that's what matters. He knows that I didn't marry him for his money, so all you say won't affect us because we are happy. And I hope you would do something to make your ideologies a little better. If you can't handle your married life, please don't interfere in other's" she smiled at them and then at me. "Let's go Mr. Shergill"

I was trying to restrain myself from patting her shoulder and laughing at the reporter's face. "Someone's feisty today" I whispered as we reached inside the main building away from all the media.

"Saving our self respect! I told you,
Your respect = mine
Mine= yours
Even if mine= keeps breaking every second
I would protect yours
Which is in turn equal to protecting mine"

"Why don't you write a book on mathematics?" She would definitely beat mathematicians with those equations.

"Oh thanks! I know I'm awesome"

"No! I am awesome!" Yes

"Then I am awesomer!"

"No such word exists!"

"It's a joke! Someone needs to work on his joking skills" after slapping her head with her hand she glared at me.

"Then I am awesomest!"

"Sometimes I wonder how did you get a wife like me?" She sighed before patting the top of my shoulder "but Nobita also got Shizuka so" she shrugged her shoulders and lead out a chuckle.

So I was Nobita?

"No! Nobita is cute!" She giggled planting a kiss on my cheek while I frowed. "You must be lying in a pool of alcohol when God was distributing Sense of Humor"

"And you must be watching Marvels when he was distributing Maturity and Common sense" she was about to speak something furthur but I started complaining before she could say anything, "I am your husband! At least give me some respect! You only said that my respect is your respect" her lips formed into a thin line and her hand grabbed my arm. Muttering a low curse she passed me a tight lipped smile.

"Now let's go! No more talking" she spoke. We were about to enter the crowd when stopped in her path, "I was just curious" she sighed in anxiety.

"What's it choco?"

"Am I still on the polar bear's menu?" Will see. I might need to arrange something bigger as she was already returning to ber old self.

"Let's introduce you to everyone" She was impossible.

God, please don't make her Iron Man

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