34) I can explain, please

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Drishti's POV:

I woke up in morning fellowing no one beside me. My eyes couldn't locate him. Did he become Mr. India? Yesterday's was the best night I've ever had. And this proved that even I can be romantic.

But where is he?

What happened yesterday?

Yeah! Tell us. We wished but still left you two alone.

Agh! Nothing happened.

Seriously! *smirking*

Oh ho! Why are you blushing then?

I couldn't hide my blush from them so I ran outside to find my husband. I looked around the living room but he wasn't there. Wasn't in the kitchen even  not even in the washroom. Where the heck was he?

"Choco?" To my surprise he came out of nowhere and stepped into the kitchen. Was I blind? Did he give me drugs? What was going on?

"Where were you? From where did you come? I didn't see you"

"I had an important call and you were sleeping so I went outside to pick it. What happened?" Aww! This man will be my death. Before I could say anything I had the perception of the stress on his face. His face intimated that something was bothering him.

"What happened Rakshit? You look not well?" I put my hand around his shoulder and cupped his face with the other.

"Nothing, just some work" my eyes witnessed what his words didn't describe. It wasn't JUST work this time. It was something more, something that he was hiding.

Why did you watch Sherlock Holmes and James Bond?

Angel? We should go. Please. I want to talk to you.

Why? Let's joke around her.



This never happened. Ince my life was going on a perfect track and suddenly it took some weird turns. Everybody around me was like a secret person whom I knew but didn't. Everyone was changing their color like a chameleon. Everyone but two. I needed to talk to them.

"It's not just work, is it?"

I looked at him expecting a proper answer while he simply kissed my forehead and went away without saying a simple word. What made his color fade away so soon? After yesterday night, he should be happy but what was bothering him?

After preparing the breakfast we had it together and left for the office in a proper attire. In the way he simply kept talking about the deals and all in between talking some random things just to show that he cared for me and didn't mean to ignore me.

The weirdest part was that a certain phone call would change his behavior. I have been noticing this since a few days. He would either cut the call when near me or go out as if he didn't want to show. I respect his privacy so I never asked but I do feel weird.

As we reached office I made an excuse and headed towards my only hope. Towards the only ones whom I could trust, who were behaving absolutely normal. I texted them that I needed to have a really urgent conversation and they literally freaked out at the kind of text I sent them.

I was heading towards the terrace when I collided with Jason at the stairs. "I am sorry Drishti. Did you get hurt? Are you okay?" He began inspecting me for any scratch mark. I could see him getting hyper at himself till I held his hand and confirmed that I was alright.

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