17) A vow to wow!

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Since two days I hadn't been to the office. I mean, how can I? What will he be thinking of me? That I was enjoy the kiss. I mean I was enjoying. But still! I must have kept a hold on myself but ended up moaning 'sir'. Embarrassing. Though I was actual on cloud nine when he kissed me, I was drowning in shame at the same moment.

Lavanya was in the office and I took leave from the office. I wasn't in the state to face him. I was busy cursing myself and Rajesh for spoiling the moment when the doorbell rang. I went to open the door and I was startled to see my mother in law standing there. Mother in law I am here. So basically I wanted the earth to swallow me as I was my living room was adorned with beautiful empty packet of chips and wet tissue. To add to the shame I was watching Shinchan and there were empty chocolate icecream tubs lying over there. I was wearing white shorts and blue Adidas tee.(pic above)

I've always advised you! But no! Who ever listen to me?

"Namaste aunty." I greeted her gently and touched her feet while she blessed me back. "Come inside please." Please tell me a big no. Say you can't come.

"Sure dear." Great. I welcomed her in and as she came she was just looking at the living room which exactly looked like the battlefield of World War. I immediately went and settled the room like a superhero. She smiled at me and sat down.

"What will you have aunty? Tea or coffee?" Short of coffee powder. I have to drink at night too. Plz say a no or I have to flatter Lava to bring coffee.

"Coffee will do great my dear."

By the way, nice in laws. You know your in laws and your husband....overtone literally so so good at insulting you.

"Yes sure aunty. I'll be right back." I went to the kitchen to make coffee while my gaze fell on her and she was having a stroll around the house. Thank god I've cleaned it! Ok. So what should I offer with coffee? Cookies? Handmade choco balls which I really keep to myself? Take those cookies and go.

I arranged them nicely in a tray and walked up to her. We both sat down and had the coffee. I felt her smiling at me. Something's on my face?

Birthmark of being an idiot.

Something's wierd on your face. Dark circles!!!!

Shut up. I was sleeping like a wild cat. I don't sacrifice my sleep for anything.

"So dear, how old are you?"

"I am 25 aunty."

"Single or engaged?" What sort of question as that. Ok. I am single but in my heart and my mind I am already married to your sun.

Grizzly the spelling of son is wrong.

Oh shut up.


"If you don't mind, can I talk to your parents?" I went quiet at the reference to my parents. They are not in this world. And my mom, I ain't talking to her right now. I bowed my head and a tear drop escaped my eyes. "Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you dear..."

"No problem aunty. It's just nothing." I wiped my tears and smiled at her. "I have a really sweet mother. Not by blood but ny heart. It's just I haven't heard from her recently."

"Oh. That's ok. Look dear..." she walked up to my and took my hands into hers and and lifted my chin. "I won't beat about the bush. I am here to ask you a simple question. Will you marry my Son Rakshit?" Wait what?!!!!!!!!!!

I widened my eyes in astonishment and inside I was dancing like a monkey. "But aunty...I how could I? I don't match you all?" This thought existed till long but I always shrugged it off.

"You are perfect my girl. I want such a girl for son. He never talks about girls or show any sort of affection or kindness towards them. You are the first one. I can't believe my son kneeled down in front of a girl and picked her up. More than that, you are innocent and you will love him like no one else ever will. Please don't say a no."

She joined her hands in front of me but I held them. How I let an elder beg me? "But aunty...sir...will he agree? I don't want to be a burden on him."

"He will agree. I know he feels for you. Don't worry dear. I will talk to your mother. She will be there at wedding. Just a minor problem."

"What happened aunty?"

"I want the wedding to be tomorrow." Ok ok hold on hold on ! What!!! I am getting married tomorrow.

"Tomorrow!!! How so soon aunty? What about the preparations and all? I have to shop also. What!!! How???" My fave went pale at the sudden information. She just chuckled and hugged me.

"Firstly call me mom or mama. Then next don't you worry about the preparations. After that, I will ask Divya to accompany you and help you in shopping your wedding dress."

"Ok aunty...I mean mama." It felt so good calling her by that name. This singke word has many emotions attached to it. Feelings of love, warmth and tenderness.

She left and told me that Divya will be here soon. I quickly changed my clothes and when she came we went for shopping. I must say. She has a pretty nice choice and she's a too sweet person.

From now I vow to wow! At every amazingly insane thing. So 1st wow. Wowwwwwww!!!! For my wedding lehnga.

Happy independence day Indians!!!

Hope you liked the chapter.

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Independent? Are we? Not at all. Amidst this racialism, religious discrimination how can we be independent? A country will be independent only if these evils leave those narrow minded minds. For that change yourself first then others.

Ok ok! I can't find a good pic for her lehnga can someone help plz. At last I know no one will. So no thank you.

Keep smiling, stay happy, stay blessed.

Enjoy reading.

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