57) I'm Lizard Man

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I seriously don't know how to end this story! Damn! But I will. Seriously don't know what I wrote cuz my class started between. I just did.

Drishti's POV:

Could someone tell me from where did he get the idea of the his double meaning talk? He needed another kick for sure.

But that was a good one.

It wasn't

I don't know but I laughed.

You can laugh watching a person yawn on a public bus so your laugh dosen't count.

"Come on! At least change this damn thing gown. Don't you feel a little uncomfortable?" Pulling the rim of my dress he pointed towards the washroom before lying back and going through his phone.

"Ok, I'm just coming" I went in the washroom to change into the oversized clothes that my brother had bought for me. Well I must say his choice was better than that of Rakshit. On coming out of the washroom after changing into comfortable clothes, I saw him clinging to his phone.

Fuck his phone!

That sounds

So Inappropriate

"Rakshit?!" I called him, expecting him to put his phone aside and admire his damn wife for whom he came through the window after opposing my brother's decision. To my bad luck, he simply hummed and continued scrolling through his phone, aware of my presence but unaware of my temper at that time. "Rakshit you're always on that matchbox, it's like you don't even care for me!"

"Hmm" he hummed once again in ignorance before placing his phone on side table and glancing back at me with a smile. From the look he held it was clear that something was terribly wrong.

"Rakshit you okay?" Moving towards him I placed the gown I was holding, on the chair and climbed the bed. "You look pale" I asked, moving next to him and pulling the blanket over us.

"Hmm" he smiled at me once again before pulling me into him and resting his chin on my head. "It's just not as easy as we are trying to make it look like. It's complicated, more than before"

"I know it is"

"No you don't" he sighed, planting a kiss on my forehead before leaving me and lying on his back facing the ceiling.

"Is something wrong?" I rested my head on his chest and looked at his changing expressions juggling between fake smile and thoughtfulness.

"I don't really know"

"Is it something I need to know?"

"Maybe, maybe not" was all he said before changing his position to face me. We were lying on the our respective sides of the bed looking at each other.

It was indeed complicated but there was nothing we could do of the situation. Jason confirmed that it was just a matter of time before everything would go on it's right track and we will be living without any sigh of fear.

"You know I love you right?" Looking at him I just wondered why he was asking that question but I simply nodded in positive and placed my hand on his cheek as a sign of insurance.


"You won't stop loving me, right?" He held my hand and kissed the front of it before holding it near his chest.

"I Never will" At this moment I had no idea why he was behaving like that all of a sudden. On the other hand I did not want him to think of it again and become insecure about us. "Why?"

"Nothing. Just stay with me" He smiled at me and knocked on my forehead twice before laughing it away "Is it empty? It produces some sound when knocked at" Trying to hide his emotions he faked a smile once again and closed his eyes to sleep.

"I will stay with you, even if you want me to go away. You know, I'm Lizard Man! So technically I'm clingy"

He chuckled once again before opening his eyes "Now who is he?"

"From which world have you come from? You don't know him?" He nodded in a no so I had to explain him the whole story of Spiderman and LizardMan. Damn, I loved the Doc!

"Is there any superhero or villian you left?"

"Yup, Iron man and Thanos but I ain't using Thanos as you've used him"

"Stupid" he murmured.

"Same to you"

"Back to you. No return"

Turning away in frustration I pulled the blanket more to cover me, leaving him almost bare blanketed.

Oxford take this!

It's called 'Oxford Kill Me!'

Before I could reply the fiend I felt Rakshit's arm pull me closer by my waist and my soon back was touching his chest. He rested his cheek on mine and moved his hand to intertwin our fingers while kissing my cheek.

"I love you" He whispered nefore nuzzling his nose againt my neck.

And I am Drishti.

"What's with all the mood swings?" The nuzzling stopped once he heard me objectiving to his behavior which made him leave me and turn to the other side pulling the blanket just the way I did.

"Hey that's mean! Pregnant lady!" I jumped on him trying to pull the blanket off him but his hold on it was stronger that what I expected.

"I ain't pregnant!"

"Yes you are! Now give me that" As I continued pulling the blanket there came a moment when he simply let it go making me fall off the bed due to the sudden force. "Ah!" I screamed and looked at ceiling in a typical dead position and tried climbing the bed in the same position. The lower part of my legs was on the bed while my back was touching the ground.

"Get up properly" I saw his head resting on the end of the bed watching me take it as a challenge to climb the bed in the same pose but failed miserably each time I tried. "What will I do of you?"he sighed before getting off and helping me get on the bed in the same way I wanted to.

He later went to his side of the bed and put his arm on my waist pulling me closer. As I was about to speak something once again he lightly pecked my lips and placed his head on the cusion right beside me "Now don't say anything to ruin it"

"Yes sir!" I used my left hand to pull his cheek and attack him like a Komodo Dragon thus sticking to him.

"Good night choco"

"Good night" I smiled.

Bhai is bar bhagwan ne upar se chappal phek ke mari hai to kuch nai mangungi :) is bar khud kar dena ~.~

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