6) I am resigning

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I went back to his cabin trying to talk to him but he was busy on a call. Alas! Omg if Rajesh died I will be behind the bars! No gosh!

Hey Grizzly! What you gonna do?

I am in an episode so kindly bother to drag your ass out of here.

I am also here Drishti.

Why are you here too? What do both of want?

Let it go. No need to tell anyone anything.

You should apologize to Rajesh and also accept your all mistakes.

Fiend can you punch him for me.


Calm down buddy. I was just telling you to do the right.

(Fiend and I looked at each other and completely ignored this over-teacher angel.) What should I do?

Look! Simply ask your boss not fire him. Try some overacting. Obvious it will impress him too. Then he....

Then he will promote me!!

Are you a born fool or what? Your are the CEO's Pa. What promotion would you get? That would also make you stay away from Rakshit. And will he make you the CEO? You don't know who is your boss and here I was trying to say he may fall for your innocence but you are completely an idiot!

It's bad trying to make your boss fall for you.

(Fiend and I looked at the angel for sonic moments as a repeatition to our old scene and started our conversations again) What if he mistakes me?

You are innocent. If something goes wrong make your cute puppy face that melts every heart. Now get lost!

Oh yeah bye. Taking small steps towards his room I tried delaying the moment but it had to come. When I entered his cabin, I knocked at the door to draw his attention. He looked at me with questioning eyes, probably knowing it was something related to Rajesh.

"Sir I want to tell you something."

"Speak dear" Why does this man always look forward to cheese around me like that?

"Sir please don't fire Rajesh" my words managed to get his face out of his phone and finally have a look at me, closing the file he was reading. Folding his hands and placing his elbows on the table he rested his chin on his hands, ready to hear me.

Ok! You can do this Drishti. You will do this. Forget what both idiots said and speak.

"Sir it was all my mistake. You can't fire someone because of my mistake. I know it's all my fault" I narrated him how I crashed into the CEO's car this morning. Wierd as Rakshit sir said the CEO ain't here but leave it for now, I know he will throw me out now but I wasn't ready to live with the guilt of being the reason for someone's suffering.

"I am sorry sir. Here is my resignation. It's better to leave with respect than to be thrown out disrespectfully or being the reason of someone's pain. I would love to be someone's smile but not a single person's tears" placing my resignation letter on his table I walked away. In a corner my eyes fell on Rajesh who was crying and his fiance Asmita consoling him, Asmita who worked in the same office had the post of the receptionist. How did a fool like him got such a piece of gold!

Rajesh looked at me with hurt clearly visible in his eyes. Walking up to him in slight embarrassment I decided to console him too by telling him everything's gonna be okay "Don't worry he won't fire you" I left the place trying to hide my tears for I thought it was once when I could show my mother I was mature enough to stand on my feet but I lost it! I was sad now but happy too.

You are such a pure soul Drishti.

Go away! I don't want to talk anyome anymore.

Just like an understanding friend it respected my wish and vanished. When I returned home after such a tiring day my eyes took notice of the chocolate ice cream my mom had left for me on the kitchen slab. Sadly it was reduced to a pool of syrup spoiling the slab with it. My scooty was broken due to my idiomatic Dhoom machale! Loss over loss. After cleaning the ice cream mess and mourning over the loss of such a good flavor, I had a warm shower and wore some casuals feeling it would be sound if I went out for sometime

On my bed laid a decent white top top along with a sky blue aesthetic skirt. After the shower I jumped into those close and tied my hairs in a high ponytail.

Gosh! I am looking too cute.

How many times should I repeat that you look like a grizzly bear!

My mood is already bad so can your please call me cute too?

I just came to told you that there's someone at your gate!

Who? I will check.

The doorbell rang over and over again till the door was opened. As I opened it my eyes popping out to see Rakshit sir standing in front of my poor house. The man took a few moments to stare at me with his jaw slightly open, continuously without uttering even a word. I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes which brought him back to reality.

"What happened sir? You here?"

"Actually. You didn't take my permission to leave. Your work wasn't over yet"

"But sir I signed my resignation"

"And I didn't accept it. The CEO wants you. I mean needs you. I mean only he can throw you out. I mean take away your job. Rajesh's job is there. So why not yours? I mean.....you are understanding na?" Even if I admit that he was my recent crush that looked like a kid stammering, I thought it wouldn't be accurate to return after I had signed an resignation with full confidence.

"No sir I don't understand" I am so clever, smartness overloaded.

"I know you ain't a kid. Now stop overacting and come back to work. Let's go. I won't like wasting my time pleasing you when you know What all about" His attitude was overloaded too.

Done with your insult! I hope your so called cleverness failed as usual.

Shut up

"Let me change sir" Looking at my clothes and him, I tried going inside but he didn't let me.

"No I don't have time. Come with me. Now!" Was he liking what I was wearing?

Shut up grizzly.

Don't bark in between. Maybe he does.

Amidst my daydream he held me from my wrist and dragged me to his car, opening the door for me he pushed me inside gently. I sat quietly, like an obedient child while he drove to the office. The problem was that I was wearing short clothes. What if someone looks at me with bad intentions!!!!!! It's India bro! There are good people but bad too which made me scared a bit. Clutching my skirt tightly I was constantly pulling it downwards in nervousness.

"Don't worry Miss Sood. No one can even dare too look at you when I am with you" concern clearly visible in his eyes, his words did the soothing work and I was relaxed knowing someone would be there for me.

It was when I remembered-

"Sir, can I ask you something?"


"You said that the CEO ain't here. So what was his car doing here?" He went blank.

Good afternoon,

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N smile☺

Have a happy cheerful day ahead.

Happy reading.

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