31) I am sorry

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Drishti's POV:

"I am sorry Rakshit sir. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Why are you not talking to me? Why are you ignoring me?"

I kept pulling his shirt harshly while he was sitting on the couch in the living room after coming back. The whole day he didn't talk to me and this was killimg me inside. He was wearing his all black outfit! Aka A black tee and black trousers while I being super cute wore a simple blue denim shorts overall with full sleeved white shirt and my hair in a ponytail.(can see above pic)

He tried getting away but before he could get away I caught him from behind wrapping my hands legs around his torso preventing him from getting up.

I thought I won but how could I forget that he was my husband, physically stronger and smarter. He got up while I was still on his back. I left out a loud shriek when he was walking through the hall without holding me. It was like a roller coaster ride for me but it would have been better if he had supported me with hands.

"Stop! Please please please! I am sorry na? Leave me!" He stopped in the midway while I climed down. He started walking towards his our but I blocked his path. Whenever he tried to go I was continuously blocking his path. It was like something got into me when I said "Before stepping forward you have to cross my corpse!" And trust me, this only worsened the situation.

He gripped my arm and pinned me to the nearby wall digging his fingers in my flesh. "Don't you have any other talk?" I didn't know why the only-for-fun talk of my death angered him.

"Then forgive me, please?" He left my arm and directly went towards the lift. Before I could reach, the lift closed and it went down. I could do nothing but thinking how to convince him.

After thinking for some time I too got into the lift till I reaches the lobby. I ran upto the reception after running into an angry woman. "Have you seen my husband?" The receptionist looked at me and leaned against the counter.


"Oh hello! I am Rakshit Shergill's wife. Who do think will be my husband? Bill Gates? Harry Styles? Mia Khalifa? Burj Khalifa? Binod?!"

"I can understand the rest but...Mia and Burj?"

"Answer me you idiot!" I glared at him and he told me that he was in the garden. I rushed backwards towards the garden. When I reached there it was totally isolated and he was sitting on a bench all alone looking at the sky. It was evening and the place looked so beautiful with lush green trees and variety of flowers.

I was walking towards him without a tinge of guilty or shame. The moment I was standing behind him I noticed that his eyes were closed. He slowly drifted to the front and rested his elbow on his knees and holding his head.

Rakshit's POV:

How could she be so careless? What if she would have fallen? I know I had not told her the truth only because I had planned to surprise her and see her precious reactions. I don't know since when she began such an important part of my life that I feared.

Feared losing her.
Feared losing my choco pie.
Feared that there will be no one whom I would call choco.
Feared that there will be no one whom I can hold.
Feared that there will be no one whose childishness and stupidity makes me smile rather than my usual disliking such character.
Feared that there will be no one who would cuddle into me at night.

I was deep lost in my own world when I felt two soft hands cup my entire face. I opened my eyes only to find her kneeling down and cupping my face. Her shirt that covered half her hands made her look dazzling and ethereal. Moreover the sad pout held something more than just pure innocence.

"I am sorry" Before I could push her hands away she wrapped her hands around my neck and hugged me. For a moment I wished to reciprocate the hug but I didn't. If I forgave her so easily, I bet next time she will think of being THOR and running in lightning.

"I am sorry. So sorry. I won't ever repeat it again" She left me and looked at me. Before I could get up she sat on my lap preventing me to move. I was still adamant on refraining from a talk.

"Plz talk to me. I am sorry" She made me look towards her which was making it more difficult for me not to forgive her. Again her small hands moved to my cheeks. Those half covered hands would be the sole reason of my death today. "Your ignorance is hurting me. Plz. I am sorry" A tear escaped her eyes which I wished to wipe but didn't.

I wished to hug her, console her, talk to her but didn't. After some moments of holding my face she slowly moved towards my face and kept kissing my cheek till I finally decided to speak something.

"Let's go inside"

"Why won't you forgive me?"

"Cuz you were stupid enough! What if something would've happened to you?"

"As long as you are with me. Nothing would ever happen to me. I trust ya"

"Choco! You..." I left out a sigh. What could I say to this girl? Even the most talkative guy would become short of words in front of her so who was I?

"So, you aren't angry anymore?" She showed me her crystal clear teeth. This girl!

"I am mad at you!"

"How can I console you?"

"You can't cuz I won't be consoled anyhow"

"How about.....I take you out tonight?"


"Come on! You and me. Me and you! Us! Please please please, pretty phuese!" Her face brightened with joy as she asked me out tonight. 'Us' what to do now? More than that her way of saying 'please' as 'phuese' ws becoming a weakness day by day. And at last

My anger and determination lost in front of her just one smile.


"Yes!" She hugged me again and then stood up holding or better say pulling my hand and taking me inside. In the lift I wanted to oull her ponytail which was swaying left and right. Oh choco! If you hadn't done such a dumb thing, I would have pulled this thing.

Hola! Good evening!

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Do you want this consolation to go for long or no?

Make your decision as per your choice. Even uf something bad would happen you know it was cuz of you only. And it's far better than sitting and cursing someone else.

Stay healthy, stay happy, spread love.

Enjoy reading.

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