28) I don't get the vibes

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Drishti's pov:

Today was ouf flight for New York. This time I was adamant on traveling by a normal flight rather than a pj! Haha. Ain't that funny? Private jet became a poor joke.

Not funny at all.

Haha! *sarcastic laughs* My stomach is paining.

Ignoring them I continued my fight with my husband. He wanted to travel by his ways!

"We are not going by any normal plane choco. That too in economic class!"

"Why? I won't go in any sort of jet or business class. I don't get the vibes!"

"For your stupid vibe I ain't doing that! No puppy faces choco! I said no puppy faces!" He kept shouting at me to stop while I kept making puppy faces at him like I was the most innocent person born in this entire world. "Fine! But you need to stop that! It's not fair."

"Everything is fair in love and war. And this! Is World War! 3!"

He made the necessary arrangements all of a sudden. It was practically difficult finding a seat a few hours before the flight would take off. But he was Rakshit Question Mark? Damn! I don't know his full name till now!

You are nuts!

Hence proved!

"Rakshit sir?"

"Don't ask any stupid question now. We need to get to the airport. And don't say that you want travel by a cart as it builds your vibe!"

"Where did the cart come from?"

"Where did the plane come from?"

"Airport for sure. Have you ever seen a plane landing in the middle of the road or scuba diving?"

"You are irritating me choco."

"I like it like that." He took a deep sigh before asking the servants to get our luggage to the airport.


Finally, we had arrived in New York City. It was entirely matching my expectations. The city was freaking me out at the airport only. I gaped at the sight of the magnanimous edifices, skyscrapers and other facilities.

"Don't get lost in the mob at the airport choco. Cuz I don't know from where I will get another choco pie."

"I ain't a kid Rakshit sir. You know I am so smart."

"This same smartness was lost when we were in Switzerland. You remember or I should make you?"

"Okay okay! I agree. So what? Now come. Because I think you will lose your choco pie here."


"Because of that girl who is continuously gaping at you like anything!"

"Are you jealous?"

"Jealous my foot. She just reminded of a snake."


"Don't ruin my mood sir!" How could he talk about her in my presence. I was precisely going to lose my composure. If not for the public here, I would have killed her cold blooded.

"Shall we go choco? Or the boxing kangaroo in you ain't satisfied yet?"

"Ok. Fine! But I want to eat choco Lava first"

"Are you kidding me? You ate six in the plane. Everyone was looking at you."

"So, what? It's my life I will make it large."

"Seagram's Royal Stag Imperial Megga Music?"

"You watch tv advertisements? I never knew"

"Neither did I know that you were actually graduated from Manipur Institute of Technology and not Massachusetts Institute Of Technology." He raised his brows at me. I was caught red handed now.

"That's personal."

"Even I was thinking that despite such high qualifications why were you not accepted by other companies."

"It's just one lie. Not even a lie. A half truth. The acronym was right. Just you took the abbrevation so large."

"Oh! Shall I tell you what other lies were written in your bio?"Don't tell me he knew everything. About half my bio was fake.

"Destiny's plan?" I smiled at him and to prevent him from further digging my grave I immediately cut him. "Let's go Rakshit sir! I am feelin tired."

"Don't worry choco. I will see this tiredness tomorrow." Could I have forgetting capsules? Which made people forget everything.

"Fine. I am sorry. Okay?" I looked at him again while he murmured something inaudible. He murmured a lot! More than gossiping aunties.

We drove to Manhattan and finally reached our luxury appartment in the Madison Square. The building we were going to stay in was one of the finest that stood there. Other known successful businessmen and women were also staying there. It was a moment of pride for me. I was actually so proud of my husband. His boss had built his Shergill Empire with such hard work and dedications that today it was one of the world's best. And my husband was a pillar of that very empire.

Sometimes I would sot and wonder why was I even selected? My luck or something that made me marry him. As walked towards the lift I was drooling over the interior designs of the building. These American guys were worth looking at which simply meant ease for me to make my husband jealous. Only and only till he got jealous and not angry.

Starting from the airport I was getting wierd vibes. Something was bothering me too much. I felt some spying on us. We were being watched by someone. Not only watched but also followed as far as I could sense.

We entered the lift. I was a bit worried before that but when you have the person whom you love and trust, it's all easy for you to face any situation. The moment I turned back I could clearly see someone in a black hoody staring ar us from a distance.

Jason! Again?

Hola! Good morning.

Hope you liked this chapter.

From here, the suspense and all starts.

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There is actually happiness to be seated between excess and less. Ie just sufficient. But all we keep is thinking of more and more, forgetting to enjoy what we have with us. The moment we realize it's already gone. Stay happy in what you have.

But remember

If something is better than nothing


Nothing is better than nonsense.

Stay healthy, stay happy, keep smiling, spread hope.

Good bless ya and may you be a smile on some one face.

Good bless ya and may you be a smile on some one face

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How's this cover? -_- I am not able to change.

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