4) Dhoom Dhoom

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I like to move it move it.
I like to move it move it.
Yeah like to....

Dancing on this rhythm while brushing, I threw my head back resulting in some toothpaste entering my throat. I heard the song in the movie Penguins of Madagascar. The way I am behaving soon a movie will can be launched on me. "Drishti of........ Shergill Group Of Companies." Idiomatic na? But I couldn't find a nicer name. Day before yesterday I shifted here. Thank god I was able to convince mom to let me stay alone. Yesterday was Sunday so I spent the whole time shopping something professional, and now I just picked my outfit for today. (Picture shown above)

I am looking gorgeous in this. Now when I will enter the office guys will drool over me. When I will enter one guy will fall, another dead. And then many will arrive with flowers saying "Will you marry me?" But I won'tpay any heed. I am looking like a queen , ain't I?

No you ain't. You are looking like a grizzly bear.

So introducing Miss. No one. As people say we have an angel and a fiend in us that stays over our shoulder. It's my fiend. Only this stupid likes to barge in evertime.

What happened grizzly? I hope you are done with your stupid dreams that are pointless. Stop watching Indian Romantic films! One will fall down other will be killed. And if you remember then only one guy proposed you in your lifetime and he was a womanizer.

Can you just leave? Stop it.


I tossed my head and continued to dance on I like to move it move it.

They will move you out.


Cuz you are late dumbhead. Now daydream of you being thrown out by your temporary boss over whom you were drooling like a lunatic.

I wasn't drooling. Bye. I rushed out at a great speed. Thank god I brought my scooty with me. I drove like I was the heroine of Dhoom 4. "Dhoom machale" this song was going on in my mind. When I finally reached my office, my happiness had no limits and Right Now I was Shameless. Wait! That guard!! He saw me and smirked, began closing the gate winking evily.

Guard vs me

Round one

As I was already feeling like Amir Khan I raced my scooty and got in through the very little space left. I looked back and saw him grinning his teeth in anger. Only after smirking at him I looked forward. Goshhh! Why the hell did I look back? Do something Drishti. Show your smartness. Thinking this I jumped from the running scooty and the scooty went straight and crashed into a shining black Bugatti verion. It sounded like an explosion but thank god no one watched except my heart core enemy. Mr Guard Dog who smirked evily.

I immediately hid behind a pillar as I saw employees coming to see what happened while I ran to the guard.

"Hey buddy. You are looking so smart today." I said smiling widely showing my 28 teeth wishing I had 10 more to show, my wisdom teeth didn't appear yet, even now.

"I will look like Mr Universe when you will come to know that you just crashed the CEO's car." He smirked.

What the hell!

Go and see what your dhoom machale did. Next time you ain't watching any movie.

Go now. I looked back at the guard who was continuously looking upward. Attitude!

"I will give you 1000 rupees."

"What can a man buy in it?" Clever. "And yeah even if you give me your salary and your property I am not going to miss this platinum opportunity. " he smirked, again. Is it his mental disorder to smirk?

"Look..." I was just going to speak when I realized that the mess ain't cleaned yet and also I am late. "See you later." I ran away.

I reached my cabin in time and immediately took my files and ran to Rakshit sir's cabin. "May I come in sir?" I asked looking at the clock.

"Come in" he spoke plainly. He looked up from his file and I saw his eyes on me. Oh my god looks like I am gonna hear that Will you marry me? Now only.

He will ask you will you leave this job please.

Shut up. Ops I think I spoke too loud cuz sir raised his eyebrows in amazement at me. Why do I always ridicule myself in front of others?

"Sorry sir. I didn't say this to you." I bit my lower lip.

"Leave that. Where is my schedule for today?" Schedule! Which schedule? "Don't say that you forgot dear Miss Drishti!" What was that! Already I was gonna die of that Dhoom machale I did and now this man is giving me calling with such cheesy nichnames. Gosh! I was gonna die today. Stop it sir, please.

You survived the day when you saw two frogs staring at you from a distance of 10m. So you can't die dear.

Oh here comes the angel. I think I like the fiend as this angel is stupid. But for the first time it was right. I am brave. I ran from those two sticky ones. I wish they reached China somehow and now became someone's meal.
(Not insulting chinese, my best friend being an Indian wants to eat Snake. There is absolutely no restriction on anything you want to eat)

"Are you deaf?"

"Sorry sir. I forgot. I didn't do it intentionally. I was watching Sacred games and forgot to prepare your schedule" I spoke in a rush.

Which sacred games? To tell you, you were watching Shinchan.

So I should tell him this.

Fiend friend let's go. She is already in trouble. If she lost this job she will die of starvation. So we also won't be alive.

Oh yeah. Let's go.

What the hell.

"Are you okay?" He asked me out of concern keeping his hand on my shoulder. My heart was pumping like I just raced 500 km, it's beating speed had beaten bullet train also.

"No...no...nothing sir." I stammered. Stop that! His hand over my shoulder, he calling me dear miss Drishti and he looking at me straight into my eyes. I forgot to tell one thing I have a crazy habit of laughing anytime, anywhere. I laughed in front of him, I tried to supress it but giggled silently. He looked at me as if I was some lunatic. I think he is just going to call the asylum facilities asking if a patient had just ran away.

"I am sorry sir. So sorry I promised I will improve my unprofessional stupid behavior. But please don't fire me. Please please pleaseee...." I spoke as much cutely as possible joining my hands in front of him. I slowly opened my one eye.

"How are you going to become perfect for the CEO?" He sighed.

Hello dearies,

Note the irony in last line.😂

Yes the greatest personality updated😂😎.
Hope you like it.

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