Part 98

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 Jiang Mochen smiled, Yan Qingchi smiled better than him, "Go, I will accompany you two up."

He stood up, approached Jiang Mochen, and whispered in his ear: "That's it, you and me Say it's okay."

Jiang Mochen: ... the wife is too smart and sensitive, and sometimes it's not a good thing.

Yan Qingchi thought he was really sick, otherwise Jiang Mochen would not be able to stop working early in the morning, so he drove and told him to accompany him to the hospital for medical examination.

Yan Qingchi was a little helpless, pointing to himself and asking him, "Am I a fool?"

"If you are a fool, most people in the world will be foolish." Jiang Mochen said sincerely.

Yan Qingchi nodded, "So you don't have to ask me to accompany you for the physical examination just to take care of my mood. You tell me directly, what's wrong with me? Don't worry, I can live with it."

"It's not a big deal, you have no problem. "It's

okay to make you think of an excuse to let me go to the hospital?"

Jiang Mochen: "..."

Seeing that he had nothing to say for a while, Yan Qingchi sighed, thinking that he is also for his own good, himself. Just follow him, as if you don't know anything.

He got up and took his coat, "Well, you are thinking about me anyway, just listen to you. Let's go, Mr. Jiang, I will accompany you for the physical examination."

Jiang Mochen rubbed his brow bones, "Qingchi, it's not that I didn't tell You, but I don't know about it myself."


"Doctor Li just suggested that I accompany you to the hospital for an examination, but he didn't say what's wrong with you."

Yan Qingchi only felt the next thing after hearing this. "Hey", the family members who usually carry the sick number and sick number say to take him to a big hospital for an examination. Isn't this all a prelude to a serious illness? Could it be that he also got an incurable disease?

Yan Qingchi carefully recalled the original book. He didn't remember what was wrong with the original owner. Before he was beaten to death by a scumbag, the original owner was a vigorous and energetic man. He didn't even have a sickness. He just wanted to add congestion to people every day. Why did he get to the hospital now?

Yan Qingchi only felt a headache. What was going on? Is it because the original owner in the original book died last, so he must die too, not to be beaten to death by Li Xinran, but also to die of illness? Yan Qingchi only felt that if this were the case, he would really be irritable online, so why? ! He has worked so hard to change the plot, and now the characters in the original book are in such a mess. Why does he have to die? Does the supporting role have no human rights? Can't supporting actors save themselves? Besides, if he is really dead, what will his family do, what will Jiang Mochen do with chess, and what about the little fans who call him every day?

Yan Qingchi only felt that his head was going to be big, "Go, go quickly, go now." He urged.

Extending the head is also a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife. He needs to see if he is really so miserable. It doesn't matter if he inexplicably penetrates into the book, he has to die inexplicably? What did he do in his last life!

"Let's go, I want to see what the hell I'm sick with."

However, the two of them were mentally prepared. The moment they heard the doctor speak, they were shocked, Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mo Chen stared at each other for a long time, and couldn't believe what he had just heard.

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