Part 158

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They soon started to go on the road again. Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen had just eaten a few bites of the grilled fish, so they walked, eating compressed biscuits and the bag of instant noodles that had been opened and the seasoning package was taken away.

The mountain road is very long, and the two girls have walked with weights for a long time, and their physical strength is a little bit unable to keep up. Seeing this, Yan Qingchi talked to Jiang Mochen and wanted to help them lighten the burden.

Jiang Mochen looked at the two girls clearly tired, but tried hard to follow them, nodded, "All right." The

two of them stood there waiting for Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ningwei to come over.

Mo Xiaoxiao walked in front of them and didn't understand why they suddenly

stopped leaving , and asked, "Why didn't they leave?" Yan Qingchi said warmly, "You and Zhang Ningwei will give us the bags, Chen Ge and I will help you hold them. This way you can relax a little bit too."

"How can this work," Mo Xiaoxiao disagreed, "the slowness of the two of us has already dragged you down, so how can we be ashamed to ask you to help us carry the bags?"

"It doesn't matter." Yan Qingchi looked at her, "It's just to help you hold the bag, it's not a big deal, you have the right to give us a chance to embody a gentleman's demeanor, okay?"

Mo Xiaoxiao was not sure what he said. How to refute, turned to look at Zhang Ningwei, Zhang Ningwei didn't know whether she should agree or not, looking at her in confusion. Mo Xiaoxiao had no choice but to look at Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen again. Forget it, she thought, since people have talked to this point, they still hold back and refuse to agree. It is estimated that Yan Qingchi will also feel embarrassed. . Besides, if you give the bag to Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen, they can also walk faster, which is also good for the test results.

Mo Xiaoxiao figured it out and handed it out. Yan Qingchi took her bag and handed it to Jiang Mochen naturally. Seeing that Mo Xiaoxiao had done this, Zhang Ningwei handed her bag out. Yan Qingchi took her in her hand and said to them, "

Stay a little longer. We will rest after walking for another 40 minutes." Zhang Ningwei nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He turned and Jiang Mochen walked ahead again to clear the way for everyone.

A group of people stopped and went, and walked until dark.

Zhang Ningwei and Mo Xiaoxiao were really tired. After setting up the tent, they went to bed without eating.

The director stared at Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi, and explicitly forbid the two of them to go out to explore, otherwise they would have to wait fearfully for their return.

Yan Qingchi looked at the director with a vigilant look, and felt that he and Jiang Mochen were like two disobedient bear children, and the director was heartbroken. So he was very obedient this time and said he couldn't go out anymore, and never go out again.

Jiang Mochen also gave an "um" to agree.

The two had a meal together, and there was nothing else to do. In addition, after a day of hiking, I was a little tired, so I went straight into the tent and started sleeping.

Before the sun came out the next day, Yan Qingchi woke up first. He opened the small window on the tent and looked outside. It was still dark. Yan Qingchi took out his phone and looked at it. It was only after 4 o'clock. He thought about it and shook Jiang Mochen beside him, "Jiang Mochen, wake up, wake up."

Jiang Mochen heard his voice and opened his eyes in a daze. , Habitually stretched out his hand and hugged him into his arms and asked him, "What's wrong?"

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