Part 50

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  Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi went to dinner with chess and chess. Jiang Xingchen didn't come over because he was busy, only saying that he would solve it by himself at the hotel.

Jiang Mochen sent a WeChat to ask Liu Ai whether his sister had dinner?

While helping Jiang Xingchen find the documents, Liu Ai returned to his boss: I just ordered it, but it hasn't been delivered yet. The OSS is really busy, and I'm still calling.

Seeing this, Jiang Mochen sighed and sent Jiang Xingchen a WeChat message, saying that he would go back and help her in a while.

Jiang Xingchen probably did not reply to him because he was on the phone.

When he returned to the hotel after eating, Jiang Mochen went to find Jiang Xingchen, and Yan Qingchi took the chess directly back to his room. As soon as he sat down and turned on his phone, he saw that He Fei sent him a few WeChat messages while they were eating: Brother Yan, are you back?

"Brother Yan, tell me when you come back."

"Brother Yan, are you with Brother Chen?"

He turned on the TV for Chess and replied to He Fei easily: I'm back.

Before long, Yan Qingchi heard a knock on the door.

Qiqi looked up at him, Yan Qingchi touched his head, "It's okay, you continue to watch the animation."

He went out and opened the door, and he saw He Fei standing outside the door.

Yan Qingchi let He Fei enter the door, but didn't take him inside, fearing that he might be disturbed by chess, so he just asked him, "What's wrong?"

Xiao He was aggrieved, "Brother Yan, I know I'm not as good as Brother Wang. , But I am your assistant. Can you take me with you next time you go out, otherwise if you know that I don't follow you every day, you will think I'm lazy."

Yan Qingchi smiled, "Not so Seriously, let me tell Guan Mei, Xiao Wang is going to follow Jiang Mochen's meaning, you see, Liu Ai didn't go with him, don't think too much."

Xiao He heard that Liu Ai didn't go, so he was a little relieved, and felt that he could still be rescued. "By the way, Brother Yan, who is the woman and child who came to see you today? Mr. Jiang and Guan Mei know. Do they?"

"They know."

"You don't know. Even after you left, the group didn't know who started, saying that they were your girlfriend and children, or if Producer Zhang couldn't stand it, and told them not to Nonsense, saying that neither of them has anything to do with you. Advise them to speak carefully, don't mess with people who shouldn't be offended, and then the private rumors will stop."

Yan Qingchi nodded. Not many people know about his marriage with Jiang Mochen. Although Producer Zhang knew Jiang Xingchen, he didn't know that he had this relationship with Jiang Xingchen, so it was normal to say that.

"By the way, Brother Yan," Xiao He looked at him, "Did you go out to the movie with Brother Chen?"


"Do you know that you two were photographed ?" "Yes

." Even if not If people shoot, Jiang Mochen will let Wang Xianghai fire himself.

"Then you know, do you and Brother Chen have CP fans?"

"Ah?" Yan Qingchi really didn't know.

He Fei took out his mobile phone and sent him a few links, "You take a look, understand, and then talk to Brother Chen to see his attitude."

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