Part 181

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Everyone in the special forces unit is excellent and everyone works hard. Yan Ling felt a sense of urgency here. He has always been accustomed to let himself stand on the top, so he started more diligent training, but this time, he failed to get a big distance from everyone. He is still the best, but he may be surpassed at any time.

Yan Ling began to perform tasks with other teammates. Although he was lofty and venomous, besides the captain, he was the person who gave everyone the most sense of security. So everyone tolerated his imperfections, respected his character, and even laughed at him. Yan Ling felt comfortable in this place for a long time, so he didn't mention leaving anymore. It's just that he was about to forget his doubts about whether he should enter the army or not.

When the weather turned colder, Yan Ling received a mission. This mission was different from the past little troubles. This time, arms dealers smuggled across the border. In this team, Yan Ling almost witnessed the death of his teammate. He rescued his teammate and killed the arms dealer. In a panic in his heart, he returned to his other teammates.

He slept for a day and thought for another day. Looking back on his journey, he finally saw the wind and rain clearly.

Before entering the army, although he also felt that everyone was accustomed to many things about him and felt that he was incompatible with other people, but because he was in an open external environment, he did not need attention and recognition from others, because He will always have the care and recognition of his parents, and the affirmation and praise of his teachers. Therefore, his living self is peaceful.

However, in the relatively closed environment of the army, when he immediately sealed himself up, he would have a psychological gap. After comparing Ma Jun, he felt unbalanced.

Later, he entered the special forces unit. Since everyone was of the same level, they would not take special care of someone. Therefore, they received equal treatment and no gap, and his mentality was unbalanced and slowly adjusted.

Yan Ling realized at this time how difficult it is to hope that people who are weaker than you understand that you care about you and even affirm you. Because they may not understand at all, you are so strong, why do you still need their affirmation? But people are social animals, and living in groups requires the attention and affirmation of others. Therefore, only people with the same strength as you will understand you, affirm you, and strive towards new goals with you.

He was finally relieved at this moment, letting go of his care for Ma Jun and the monitor at the time, and turned the breath that had been stuck in his heart into a sigh.

It was also at this moment that Yan Ling finally found the meaning of her coming here, and decided that she would continue to stay here in the future. He thought that, compared to the step-by-step work outside, he still liked the excitement of military competition and the execution of tasks. He enjoyed every victory and was delighted with the success of every task. He has been in the army for such a long time, feeling the difficulty of these soldiers, and he also knows that there are always some things that need someone to do, and they need some capable people to do it.

He has never been a calm person. He is used to being at the top and accepting the envy of others, so what he wants is never ordinary. Yan Ling felt that if he could, at least after his death, someone could remember his name; if not, at least his death would be meaningful. Life is easy for him, so he wants something more valuable. He wants the time he is alive to make a qualitative change to some people, even if these people don't know it, but as long as he knows Will suffice.

In the last scene of the play, Yan Ling opened the curtains of the dormitory, and a piece of sunlight shone on his face. He finally smiled happily. And downstairs, his teammates called him, "Yan Ling, wake up, wake up, all the flowers you raised are blooming." After

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