Part 82

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With the two captains Chen Xuanlang and Sun Xun taking the lead, the rest of the team also stepped down to express their opinions. Yan Qingchi asked Guan Mei what he should do, Guan Mei said he didn't care, and then edited a Weibo and posted it.

Soon, 13 of the 14 people who participated in the recording came off the stage to express their opinions. Even the dance teacher in the dance session posted a special Weibo saying: Wei Lan is very good, serious and smart, and the first to pass The person who also took the initiative to help guide other teammates, is his favorite star among all the stars in this issue.

Seeing this, the people eating melons all @元明煦 and asked him so who are you talking about? How come everyone thinks each other is good, but do you think someone is bad? Who is it? Tell me!

Yuan Mingxu's agent pointed at him angrily and cursed: "Are you a pig brain! You haven't seen anyone with you! You have been in the circle for so many years, don't you know Wei Lan? Don't you know his personality? Can you provoke the little ancestor? You are still scheming under his eyelids. Don't you know that Wei Lan hates people playing yin with him the most, and can't you see these messy things the most? That's a thorn, and the sky is falling down. He is not afraid, and you, are you not afraid?! Look at what you have done now, look at the current trend of public opinion, and you will post on Weibo now, saying that you didn't mean that at the time, and saying that you think everyone's personalities are fun , I'm afraid it's hard to say if I'm wrong, saying that you don't think anyone is bad. The one who was beaten up is also because I played this game for the first time. I asked everyone not to misunderstand. Then I apologize to Wei Lan. I warn you , Words well, apologize seriously, don't provoke this little ancestor anymore, or your star road will end here!"

Yuan Mingxu gritted his teeth and was unwilling, but the agent looked more ugly than his face, "Apologize seriously, if No apology, you should go home and rest first."

Yuan Mingxu was startled, the agent sneered, turned and left, and while walking, he sent a WeChat explanation to the charter, saying that he was not optimistic about the artist, but he was true. I don't know, because Yuan Mingxu is too courageous to play too much, he will take good care of him, let Wei Lan not be angry, and don't let the person behind Wei Lan know that such things will never happen Twice.

On the other side, Jiang Mochen watched this farce and called Wu Yuan and Guan Mei separately, "From today onwards, Yan Qingchi and I will never be on the same stage as Yuan Mingxu. Under any circumstances, in any occasion, absolutely Different stations, remember."

Wuyuan was speechless, his heart said, and he was absolutely different. To put it bluntly, there is you without me, and I without you. That's it for Yanqingchi. Jiang Mochen's status is completely different. This is simply to judge some resources and activities of Yuan Mingxu. Wuyuan couldn't help but shook his head, this is really new love and forget the old love, the emperor's mind is really hard to guess.

At the end of the matter, Yuan Mingxu's public apology ended. Yuan Mingxu said that he did not mean to insinuate others. The recording was very pleasant. Everyone got along well. He himself was because he participated in the "Let's Fight" for the first time. ! friend! "So I was a little nervous, so I was confused, and because I couldn't speak, it caused ambiguity. I hope that netizens will not misunderstand. I also apologize for the trouble caused to Wei Lan by this misunderstanding. Wei Lan is a very good person. I hope everyone will not misunderstand.

Wei Lan forwarded the comment: If you can't speak, talk less, and the province's say something that shouldn't be said.

Yuan Mingxu wanted to repost and sell it miserably, but his agent stared at him and forced him to type out the three words "I'm sorry" letter by letter.

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