Part 85

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 When the meeting was about to end, Yan Qingchi sent a WeChat message to Jiang Mochen, saying that he would not go to his place tonight and stay in the room arranged by the program group.

Jiang Mochen knew that he was deliberately avoiding suspicion, so he didn't embarrass him, and replied "um".

The two said goodbye in the corridor. When they were separated, Jiang Mochen took out a handful of candy in his pocket and put it in his hand.

"It saves you a little bit of food and eats so fast. It is the third time even if I send it to you two times before."

Yan Qingchi said, it's not that you only give one handful each time. , You are more generous, give me more every time.

Sun Xun stood beside them, looking at Jiang Mochen's caress, with a helpless expression, "Isn't it just a candy? A 998, it's worth

saving ." He said, reaching out to get one. Before he even touched it, Jiang Mochen raised his hand and knocked.

Sun Xun couldn't believe it, "Fuck, are you? This candy is gold-plated? You won't let me eat one."

Jiang Mochen looked at him speechlessly, "Is it suitable for you to eat candy at your age?

" Why is it inappropriate? The sixty-year-old man still eats candy."

"It's late, Grandpa Sun, you should go back to sleep."

Jiang Mochen finished speaking, and immediately put Yan Qingchi's hand holding the candy together, "Eat it yourself," Don't give it to others."

Yan Qingchi responded with a smile: "Okay."

Sun Xun: ... barking! Barking! This show cannot be recorded!

The next morning, "Come on! friend! "The penultimate issue was officially opened. The program group went through the process as stated yesterday and divided the teams. It is still Sun Xun, the red team, and Chen Xuanlang, the blue team, within the specified time. , The two teams can count the number of people who first find the golden key and call out the timeout. If the two teams fail to find the golden key at the specified time, the number will be counted directly. The team with more people wins, and the person who grabs more wooden cards gets mvp.

With an order, the game officially started.

This time, the recording location was in H City, H City. Sun Xun and Jiang Mochen walked into the teaching building slowly and said, "I thought Yan Qingchi would be with you? In the end, I chose Chen Xuanlang. "

He is so opinionated, he must have his own ideas."

"Then you can't be soft-hearted when you see him later."

Jiang Mochen thought for a while, "maybe I have to count on him to be soft-hearted."

Sun Xun laughed. I got up, "You are right, just his speed, maybe your wooden card will be robbed before you can react. Alas, you are clever, if it doesn't work, you play the emotional card."

"Sun Xun , As the captain, shouldn't you say at this time, "Don't worry, will I protect you then?"

Sun Xun looked at him coldly, "Then you really look up to me. Do you know how Yan Qingchi is called online? The plug-in, the bug-yan, the plug-in Yan, and it is said that Yan Qingchi will win. Our team is already on the verge of failure."

"You should have a little ambition at this time, Captain."

"Farewell soon," Captain here, come on, Team Jiang, lead us to charge." As the

two people were talking, they met Yan Qingchi and Chen Xuanlang head-on.

"Fuck." Sun Xun exclaimed, "Run."

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