Part 4: Jiang Mochen

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Yan Qingchi has always been a person who doesn't like procrastination. Now that he has decided to marry Jiang Mochen, he doesn't want to delay the matter. After eating, Yan Qingchi went to Yanmu and asked her for Jiang Mochen's contact information.

Mother Yan was still a little unacceptable, and tentatively asked, "Xiaochi, you have to think about it again."

Yan Qingchi returned her with a nice smile and said, "No, I'm thinking about it."

He asked for the phone number. Taking the phone, he went back to his room.

When the call was made, Yan Qingchi finally felt a little nervous. He hadn't been in a relationship for more than 20 years, but it turned out to be a good one. Once he crossed over, he skipped the love stage and wanted to get married. Up. Yan Qingchi felt that his mood was still a little bit subtle, and he comforted himself that he would always find someone to settle down anyway. Jiang Mochen was the best choice in any aspect, and he was not wronged, so be it.

He was thinking, when the phone was connected, a cold and magnetic voice came from the phone, "Hey."

Yan Qingchi was taken aback, calmed down quickly, and said: "It's me, Yan Qingchi."

He didn't seem to think that it was him, and he said after a while, "It's you, what's the matter?"

"I agree with you about what you came to my house today and talked about after meeting tomorrow. Is it okay? ? "

"possible. "

"Okay, tell me the time and place for you to have chosen. "

"If you want, you can be set according to your preferences. " considerate road over there.

"No need," Yan Qingchi smiled, "I don't care about these. I haven't had much work these days, so you can arrange it anyway. You can check your time and work schedule, and choose one that is convenient for you. Time and place."

"Okay." The other side said calmly, "Then I will send it to you in a while."

"Well," Yan Qingchi answered, "Then I won't disturb you. I will meet you tomorrow.


Yan Qingchi hung up the phone, sat on the bed, and sighed, "Fortunately, he is a good talker."

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Mochen looked at the photos on the computer with grim eyes. After a long time, he moved the mouse, turned off the photo, leaned on the back of the chair, and slowly lowered his eyes, hiding the complex emotions in those black and white eyes that were as deep as ink.

When he woke up to wash the next day, Yan Qingchi looked at his face that was already a foregone conclusion but still made him always stunned, and he sighed with emotion. He was indeed a star, he looked really good-looking, with picturesque brows and eyes. The lips are red and the teeth are white, and a pair of peach blossom eyes are slightly raised, looking a little arrogant but with a little charm. Yan Qingchi felt that such a face was really too feminine and beautiful, and not handsome enough, but he felt that it was already very dominant when he grew up like this, and he needed any bicycle.

He quickly finished freshening up, and made lunch for everyone in Yan Qingxi's unbelievable eyes, and then went out to prepare for the appointment.

"Are you going to see Jiang Mochen?" Yan Qingxi asked him.


"Are you going to marry him?" Yan Qingxi couldn't believe it in her eyes.


"Are you okay? The other party is a man."

Yan Qingchi tapped her on the forehead. "Now that same-sex marriages are legal, why are you still sexually discriminating?"

"I didn't mean that," Yan Qingxi explained, "I'm just afraid you will regret it in the future."

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing."

Yan Qingxi looked worried.

Yan Qingchi waved at her, "Okay, go to dinner."

"Speaking of which, when did you learn to cook?"

"I went to a variety show two days ago, so I learned a few dishes."

"Brother, did you record a variety show? What's your name, I'll search it."

"It's not broadcast yet." Yan Qingchi smiled, said "I'm leaving", and turned around and went out.

The place he agreed with Jiang Mochen was not far away. Jiang Mochen probably chose a private restaurant very close to their home in order to take care of him. When Yan Qingchi opened the door of the private room and went in, he saw that Jiang Mochen had arrived. He was sitting and flipping through the menu. It seemed that because he heard the sound of opening the door, he raised his head and looked at him.

The eyes met, both of them were a little dazed.

Before Yan Qingchi came here, he thought about what his fiancé would look like. He guessed it should be very good-looking. After all, he is the protagonist of the novel and a star. His appearance is always good, but when he really sees it, Yan Qingchi is still a bit amazing. He has met many people since he was a child, and among them there are some very good-looking people. They are handsome, elegant, approachable, or extraordinary. But the moment he saw Jiang Mochen, Yan Qingchi was still a little surprised.

He seems to be more like a noble son than the young actor mentioned in the book, sitting there proudly, immaculately. He behaves casually, yet there is a kind of elegance. He raises his eyes to look at you, gentle but with unwavering indifference, like the breeze blowing in the dark night, leaving no trace of fragrance on the ground.

Yan Qingchi smiled at him, nodded, and sat down.

Jiang Mochen also nodded slightly. He looked at Yan Qingchi without much emotion in his eyes, but was secretly surprised that this person was even better than the picture.

Jiang Mochen is a typical favored son of heaven, with a superior family environment, and he is outstanding enough, he will inevitably bring some pride of the rich children, and he is a little condescending when looking at people. The biggest reason why he was willing to marry Yan Qingchi was to take care of himself so that he should not put his thoughts on people who shouldn't be, and what is left is that Yan Qingchi just satisfies his right time and place. Just when he wanted to take care of himself, the Yan family he had been married to since childhood returned to X City, and the two brothers and sisters were also good-looking, especially Yan Qingchi, although he was a man, he was even better than his sister. Be delicate and eye-catching.

All Jiang Mochen knew about him came only from the photo and the No.4 Song Ti information in the folder. He didn't mind that this beautiful stupid, who was too exquisite and thoughtful, but self-righteous, was a little bit alive by his side. Jiang Mochen never counts on his vase, anyway, he is just to keep his mind and work upright, to seek true love or something, so he retreats to second place, and only has two requirements for his marriage partner: good control and good-looking.

As long as he is well controlled, he can be obedient and not cause trouble, and since he is no longer true love, he does not seek affection, money, or cultural background. Then, for the sake of pleasing the eyes, find someone who looks good. , This requirement is not too much.

However, Yan Qingchi fully met his two conditions. Although he was a little stupid and did a little bit, this kind of brainless person is easier to control and understand.

Only now, when he looked at the calm and calm person in front of him, he felt that his appearance was brighter than what he saw in the photo. Even if you don't say anything, don't do it, just sit there, but it can make people unable to move their eyes and flashes.

Jiang Mochen was two more satisfied with this marriage at the moment. If he grows up like this, he can be forgiven for being a little stupid.

"See if there is anything you want to eat?" he said warmly.

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