Part 118

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 Soon, someone replied: "I went to see, the four-frame drawing is the kind of children's picture book story for children. The story is very simple, but the painting is really good, and it feels like it can be written."

From here, The speech began to revolve around mrq, Luo Yanfen saw that the situation was not right, and retorted, but on the contrary, the post became enthusiastic. It didn't take long for the marketing account lurking in the forum to copy the post: Small transparent copying big pink? Reverse! Obviously it's the big pink copying the small transparent! Below is a picture of Jiugongge. In addition to the one copied by Yanqingchi and the one copied by Luoyan, there are also several other paintings from Yanqingchi.

There are not many live fans among Luo Yan's nearly one million followers, and they were quickly defeated by netizens. Other fans who could not understand her also posted on Weibo, saying that Luo Yan is not a copycat? What style of painting imitates? Whose red learns. I was discovered by someone who copied Xiaozhuan before, but it turned black and white by a fan and forced Xiaozhuan to seal the pen. I didn't expect that the same trick would not work this time.

Yan Qingchi watched to mrq's Weibo fans soaring, comment forwarding was also increasing. Many netizens who saw this from Weibo and forums thought that his paintings were pretty good, so they cheered for him and praised him. Uneven.

Soon, Yan Qingchi saw this entry on the hot search. Yan Qingchi knew almost without guessing that Guan Mei bought it for him. After all, he was really familiar with this kind of forum linking Weibo and linking hot searches.

to mrq is so popular, but it is different from most painters who have student fans and office workers. To mrq's fan structure has one more of these two types-young parents who are keen on the Internet.

These parents pay attention to him, really just for his paintings, to print out his paintings and show them to their children. After all, children's stories, apart from the enduring fairy tales, are not bloody, not violent, and promote the correct outlook on life and values, but also interesting works are really too few.

If there is a market, there will be profits, and if there is a profit, there will naturally be publishers who come to ask for cooperation, but the copyright of these paintings has long been signed by Jiang Mochen to a cultural company under the Jiang family. They are ready to wait for to mrq to become popular before printing and publishing. Now is the time.

In addition to the parents who print and paint by themselves, there is another type of parents who pay attention to him. This type of parents are relatively wealthy, so after seeing his paintings, I want to ask him to draw a story specifically for his children. For this, they are willing to pay a high salary.

However, Yan Qingchi refused. He was not short of money. He painted these paintings only for chess viewing, so he didn't want to paint for others.

Most people, if he refuses two or three times, the other party will give up, but the Weibo that he has been sending private messages to him in the past two days is called glutinous rice balls, not a mother of Yuanxiao, Yan Qingchi thinks, this mother , Is really a bit too stubborn!

It's glutinous rice balls, not Yuanxiao: My child really likes your paintings, and his birthday is coming soon. I hope to give him a picture book that you specially created with him as the protagonist as a gift. The price is well negotiated. I hope you can agree. .

to mrq: It's not a question of money. I told you that these paintings of mine are all drawn to one person, even my Weibo name also means this, so I won't draw to anyone other than him .

It's Tangyuan, not Yuanxiao: From your story, it's not difficult to see that you are a gentle person. You must also have children, right? Therefore, you should be able to understand our heart of being a mother. I hope you can reconsider it, can you?

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