Part 184

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 In March, Jiang Mochen's previous film "Transferring Dreams" was officially released in China. Because this film had previously won awards at international film festivals, it had a good reputation and pre-sales continued to rise.

As the leading actor, Jiang Mochen naturally inevitably runs a road show publicity, but he reserved a ticket for the premiere movie for Yan Qingchi, and the two watched the premiere together in the cinema.

"Transferring Flowers and Receiving Dreams" tells that Lin Yunhui, a teacher, wakes up and prepares to go to work as usual, but his wife asks him at the dinner table how he designed the drawings? Lin Yunhui said that he was a teacher, how could he draw design drawings, but his wife said that he was obviously a designer. Lin Yunhui felt that his wife was joking with him, so he didn't take it seriously and left home to go to school. However, the school did not have a teacher like him. Instead, his boss called to ask him why he didn't come to work today and why the design draft was still there. No?

Lin Yunhui was surprised. He didn't understand. He was obviously a teacher. Why did everyone say that he was a designer? He looked for clues in his doubts, and finally discovered the truth of what shocked him.

This movie is superfluous and reversal. Lin Yunhui perfectly and vividly presents a pathetic and sad image that has never given up in the story under Jiang Mochen's interpretation. The audience can't help but follow his emotional changes in the story. The change finally turned into a sigh.

Yan Qingchi still sighed for a long time after reading it, feeling that life is like a dream, dreams are like life, true and false, false and true.

He was sighing for Jiang Mochen, but there was a good news from "Wulin in the Mist" over there, "Wu Lin in the Mist" was successfully nominated for the Jinyan Film Festival.

After the official announcement was released, the oats were all exploded, and they forwarded the lottery on Weibo to pray for good luck for "Wulin in the Mist". Yan Qingchi was also a little surprised. Although he was rushing to win the prize for this film, he was really shortlisted, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

He looked at Jiang Mochen, "Why don't I think this time is not so real?"

Jiang Mochen smiled and put him in his arms. "Normal, when I was nominated for the best male protagonist for the first time, I didn't think it was true. Just a few times."

Yan Qingchi leaned in his arms, but still couldn't believe it.

His excitement arrived a full day later than everyone else. On the next day, Yan Qingchi got up earlier than usual. After running on the treadmill for a long time, he stopped and sat on the ground, feeling his heartbeat speeding up. . He was a little confused as to whether it was a rapid heartbeat after exercise or the joy of knowing that he was shortlisted, or maybe even something else, but when he was so truly aware that he was only one step away from his goal, he was uncomfortable. Ban produced some emotions that resembled homesickness.

Yan Qingchi started to worry seriously for the first time, what if he didn't win this time? If there is no award, then their relationship is public, do they still need to delay?

Yan Qingchi sat quietly on the ground thinking for a while, then went back to the room and took a shower. Jiang Mochen was woken up by him, looked at his watch, and it was time for him to get up. As soon as he sat up, Yan Qingchi walked up to him and sat down.

"Good morning." Yan Qingchi kissed his eyebrow.

Jiang Mochen smiled, gave him a kiss, and asked him, "Why don't you

get up so early today, I can't hug you." He knew that Yan Qingchi got up, and he was holding Yan at five or six o'clock. Qingchi wanted him to sleep longer, but Yan Qingchi didn't promise him as usual, but gave him a kiss to let him continue to sleep.

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